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The World Veterans Federation (WVF) is an international NGO dedicated to maintaining international peace and security, advocating for the rights and interests of war veterans and victims of war, and promoting the integration and rehabilitation of war veterans in their respective communities. With 91 member countries and special consultative status at the UN, the WVF plays a crucial role in fostering cooperation and understanding among national associations and organizations worldwide.
Presentation to the Joint Standing Committee on Defence 10-11 May 2007 The World Veterans Federation Lt Gen (Rtd) D.P. Knobel Vice-President WVF and Chairman of the Standing Committee of African Affairs
Founding and Organisation of the WVF Founded 29 Nov 1950, Paris, France after the conclusion of WW II. • Consists of: • General Assembly which meets every three years in different host countries. First General Assembly in Africa, 30 Nov - 6 Des 2003, Johannesburg, RSA. • 91 member Countries representing approximately 35 million military veterans from all over the world. • Executive Board President, Deputy-President, Secretary-general, Treasurer-general, Chairpersons of 4 Regional Standing Committees (Africa, Americas, Asia and Pacific Region and Europe) as Vice-Presidents, and The Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Women as Vice-President. • Financial Committee • Has special consultative status at the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the UN, in terms of Article 71 of the Charter of the United Nations. • Administrative Headquarters, Paris, France. • Official Languages French and English. Articles 5 and 6 of Constitution
Credo of WVF Ralph Bunche, Nobel Peace prize, 1950 “None can speak more eloquently for peace than those who have fought in war. The voices of war veterans are a reflection of the longing for peace of people of the world over, who within a generation have twice suffered the unspeakable tragedy of world war”.
Preamble to Constitution of WVF We, the war veterans who have fought for the right of self-determination of peoples and so that men might live in peace, resolve to unite in order to aid in the realization of the aims which the United Nations have formulated in its Charter: • To maintain international peace and security….; • To develop friendly relations among nations, based on the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples….; • To achieve international cooperation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion; and • To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends.
Composition and Aims The WVF is an international NGO grouping national associations or federations and international organisations of war veterans and victims of war, and of persons having served in the UN Peace-Keeping Operations, which, having in full independence of the parties and governments of their respective countries subscribed to the present Constitution, pledge themselves to undertake a course of action consistent with the aims, principles and methods defined in the Constitution, and in the Constitutional Rules of the Federation as well as in the resolutions of the General Assembly. • Aims: • To maintain international peace and security by the application to the letter and in the spirit of the Charter of the UN and by respecting the human rights and fundamental freedoms set forth in the International Bill of Human Rights and in other international instruments; • To defend the spiritual and material interests of war veterans and war victims by all legal and constitutional means; • To promote the full integration of war veterans and victims of war in their respective communities by overcoming the physical and psycho-social consequences of armed conflicts in establishing appropriate rehabilitation and legislation to that effect; • To establish permanent relations among the national associations or federations and international organisations of war veterans and victims of war in all countries and, as appropriate, organisations of persons with disabilities; • To encourage direct cooperation and relations of friendship and understanding among national associations or federations and the exchange of experience in all fields affecting their interests; • To preserve the sacred memory of the war dead. Article 1 and 2 of the Constitution
Admission of Membership to the WVF • Membership of the WVF Membership of the WVF shall be conferred by the GA, on the proposal of the Executive Board. The Executive Board, shall ascertain through previous investigation that the national associations or the international organisations applying for membership fulfil the provisions of Article 1 of the Constitution. Article 3 of Constitution. Note: Under the guidance of the late Maj Gen Neil Norman Webster, a voluntary federal association of the military veteran’s organisations, in existence at the time in South Africa, was established on the 24th August 1976. This federal structure, the Council of Military Veteran’s Organisations (CMVO), was to act as coordinating body to promote mutual cooperation between its members, and would bring to the attention of the Government, the needs and concerns of military veterans in South Africa. Over the following years the membership of the CMVO increased to the 18 organisations that are at present affiliated under this body. In 1993 the CMVO obtained membership of the WVF. The most notable achievement of the CMVO, was the prominent role it played in the formulation and ultimate promulgation of the Military Veteran’s Affairs Act, Act 17 of 1999, in close cooperation with the MOD with special reference to consultations with the Honourable Min and Dep Min of Defence: Mr Joe Modise and Mr Ronnie Kasrils.
Functions of the General Assembly • General Assembly (GA) • Composed of representatives from member associations/federations, with a maximum of 12 delegates and 12 alternate delegates per country. • Supreme authority of WVF that meets once every 3 years, to deal with all matters that would contribute to the achievement of the aims of the WVF, and to elect its Executive Board and Financial Committee. • Adopts appropriate resolutions for referral to the United Nations. Articles 8,9 and10 of Constitution
The Standing Committees of the WVF • At present the following Standing Committees have been established: • Standing Committees are established by the Council on the basis of the four world regions or to deal with specific issues, and composed of representatives from the member associations concerned. • Standing Committee on African Affairs (SCAA) • Standing Committee on Asia and Pacific (SCAP) • Standing Committee on European Affairs (SCEA) • Standing Committee on Women (SCW) • A Standing Committee for the Americas is in the process of being established • The Standing Committees carry out their activities in their respective regions or fields of competence, in the framework of the Constitutional aims of the WVF and the resolutions and decisions of the GA and the Council. • The Chairpersons of the Standing Committees also serve as Vice-Presidents of the WVF on the Executive Board of the WVF. • Recommendations adopted by the Standing Committees are referred to the Executive Board for further action. Articles 30- 32 of Constitution
The Role of the Vice-Presidents of the WVF • Vice-Presidents of the WVF • One Vice-President per world region. • Ratified by the GA for a period of 3 years • Members of the Executive Board • Note: The present Vice-President from Africa was elected at the 24th General Assembly of the WVF, held in Johannesburg (South Africa) on 1-5 December 2003. His appointment was reconfirmed by the SCAA and ratified by the GA in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in Dec 2006 for a further period of three years. • Role and Functions. • Each Vice-President, shall convey to the Executive Board the points of view , concerns, needs and wishes of the regional Standing Committee, and shall ensure their follow-up. • The Vice-Presidents, may represent the WVF, as appropriate, and may be given specific tasks by the Executive Board namely: • To develop membership of the WVF in their region. • To propagate the Principles, Aims and Objectives of the WVF, in their region through appropriate projects and initiatives. • To carry out Fund-raising for the WVF in their region. Articles 19 and 24 of the Constitution
Military Veterans in South Africa CMVOMKMVAAPLAMVAAZANLAOTHERS Federal TBVC Structure C Corp 32 Bn Bushman Bn Koevoet and NSM, CFM, Comdo’s and NRF 18 Associations 1 Associations 1 Association 1 Association 9+ Associations 30 ASSOCIATIONS APPROXIMATELLY – 600,000 MILITARY VETERANS VULNERABLES APPROXIMATELY– 20,000 MILITARY VETERANS
Lessons and Guidelines from the WVF • Encourage the establishment of associations/ federations for all military/war veterans in each country in the region, which will strive to achieve all the aims of the WVF as outlined in Article 2 of its Constitution. • Encourage fully representative membership of the WVF by the country concerned with full participation in all its activities. • Encourage the promulgation of appropriate Legislation and Regulations to address all the physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs of war veterans and victims of war, with special reference to the disabled.
The General Assembly South Africa Dec 2006 • Attended by: A delegation of representatives of the CMVO, MKMVA and APLAMVA and a fully representative group of 200 military veteran observers from South Africa. • Official opening by Pres. Thabo Mbeki. In his opening, Pres Mbeki expressed his conviction that the WVF was amongst the foremost advocates of peace in the world and that the Government was very interested in the outcome of its deliberations that would help the authorities to improve their performance with regard to the welfare of military veterans in South Africa. In particular he said the following: “our country and continent have not been spared the trauma of war. Even as we speak there are a number of African Countries that are not at peace. As with all military conflicts, those on our continent leave behind a haunting legacy not only of death but of war veterans who need the closest attention and support by their societies…” He concluded his opening by expressing his pleasure with the fact that the GA would discuss many of those questions that would ensure that all countries and the international community as a whole would respond to the consequences of war and military conflict in a way that reaffirmed the respect for human life and the dignity of all persons. (Military Veterans News Volume 1/2004) • Declaration on Rights of War Veterans and Victims of War. The World Veterans Federation, Recalling its noble aims to defend the spiritual and material interests of war veterans and victims of war, and to promote the full integration of war veterans and victims of war in their respective communities by overcoming the physical and psycho-social consequences of war;
Observes that the limiting of social and other rights of war veterans and victims of war has become a practice in many countries and that quite often the actual protection of these rights is at minimum level; Points out, that the victims from WWII are of an advanced age and that greater effort is necessary to facilitate material assistance and social healthcare; Indicates also that participants in later conflicts in different parts of the world, after demobilisation, need greater support in solving many subsistence problems: medical care and rehabilitation, employment, housing and full return to civilian life; Recalling Commitment 4 par g, adopted by the World Summit for Social Development (Copenhagen March 1995), which commits the participants of the summit to “Foster the social protection and full integration into the economy and society of veterans, including veterans and victims of the Second World War and other wars”; And therefore, Calls upon the United Nation Member States to undertake urgent measures providing for improvement and updating of legislation concerning war veterans and victims of war, social security, medical care and other relevant benefits; alleviation of hardships of psycho-social consequences of war and integration of war veterans and victims of war into society; adequate care for former personnel of peace-keeping and similar operations, before, during and after the mission. Declares its readiness to continue to cooperate in this respect with the United Nations Member States on International and National Levels. • Adopted by the GA and received by the SG of the UN, and circulated in accordance with the ECOSOC Resolution 1996/31
Conclusion and Recommendation • Well managed health care is one of the most urgent needs of the Military veterans in South Africa and the rest of the African Continent • Health care for military veterans was the first item put on the Agenda of the newly established ABMVA in 2003 by the then DMOD • All the veterans present as observers at the GA in 2006 are expecting the authorities to provide in this urgent need. • The VETHEALTH managed health care model powered by GETMED satisfies all the recommendations wrt health care, as contained in the Declaration of the Rights of War Veterans and Victims of War adopted by the GA in 2003 and distributed by the ECOSOC of the UN. • The ABMVA recommended that the VETHEALTH managed health care model be approved by the MOD as a development program ito the MVA Act of 1999, at its meeting in November 2006. • The military veterans of the other member countries of the WVF in Africa are looking towards the RSA to take the lead and will propagate the proposed VETHEALTH managed health care program as presented to them at the SCAA in KL in Dec 2006, also in their respective countries. It is recommended that the JSCOD approves the development of the VETHEALTH managed Health Care program as powered by GETMED.
Important References • WVF • Guidelines to basic rights for war veterans and victims of war. Adopted by the 21st GA of the WVF 1993. • 50 years of action for peace and freedom – Serge Wourgaft, Président D’Honneur, WVF, 2000. • Declaration on Rights of War Veterans and Victims of War. Adopted by the 24th GA of the WVF 2003. • Legislation regarding Rights of War Veterans and Victims of war in Central and Eastern European Countries –Working group SCEA 2004 • Veterans health and welfare co-operation international steering group SCEA 2006 • MOD Military Veterans Affairs Act No 17 of 1999 • DMVA: Presentation on Mil Vet affairs, DDSC, 29 Nov 2004. • ABMVA: Recommendations for Mil Vet Cab Com, and IDC on Mil Vet Affairs March 2005. • DMVA: Mil Vet issues, strengthening the DMVA, Jul 2006. • DMVA: Presentation to PCOD on Mil Vets 29 Aug 2006.