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Business Quiz

Business Quiz. Lim Sei Kee @ cK. SECTION A. FILL IN THE BLANKS. Q: What M is a place where buyers and sellers meet?. M _ _ _ _ _. Q: What S is provided by businesses and is intangible?. S _ _ _ _ _ _. Q: What T is the sector of industry dealing with selling or providing services?.

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Business Quiz

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  1. Business Quiz Lim SeiKee @ cK


  3. Q: What M is a place where buyers and sellers meet? • M _ _ _ _ _

  4. Q: What S is provided by businesses and is intangible? • S _ _ _ _ _ _

  5. Q: What T is the sector of industry dealing with selling or providing services? • T _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  6. Q: What P is a tangible good sold by a business? • P _ _ _ _ _ _

  7. Q: What L refers to the workers or human resources of a business? • L _ _ _ _ _

  8. Q: What R could include wood for making furniture or steel for making machinery? • R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  9. Q: What E is a factor of production that includes the ideas and drive behind the business? • E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  10. Q: What B is an organization that produces goods and services? • B _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  11. SECTION B • Multiple Choice Questions

  12. 1. Money that is received for work or services is called ___________. • Profit • Income • Expense

  13. 2. A person who hires someone else is an _________. • Employee • Employer

  14. 3. What is the objective of a business? A To make a profit B To beat the competition C To provide work for people

  15. 4. How is a supplier important to your business? A) A supplier provides little value to the company B)Suppliers buy many of our goods C) You cannot produce goods or services without supplied material

  16. 5. One of the following is an Enterprise Skill in BusinessA CyclingB LeadershipC Sewing

  17. 6. One of the following is a Management ActivityA PlanningB MotivatingC Communicating

  18. 7. One of the following is a Management SkillA OrganisingB MotivatingC Controlling

  19. 8. HRM stands for A Honorary Regional ManagerB Hands on ManufacturingC Human Resource Manager

  20. 9. Strategic Planning in Business meansA Long Term PlansB Short Terms PlansC Planning your timetable

  21. 10. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs include A Managers believe that employees are lazyB Managers believe that workers must be closely supervisedC Physiological Needs

  22. 11. A Chairperson ensures thatA Minutes are recorded at meetingsB Ensures that Subscriptions are collected from members of a clubC Ensures that all agenda items are discussed

  23. 12. Who is your lecturer? A cK B LV C Gucci D Burberry E Hermes


  25. Q: What M is a place where buyers and sellers meet? • M A R K E T

  26. Q: What S is provided by businesses and is intangible? • S E R V I C E

  27. Q: What T is the sector of industry dealing with selling or providing services? • T E R T I A R Y

  28. Q: What P is a tangible good sold by a business? • P R O D U C T

  29. Q: What L refers to the workers or human resources of a business? • L A B O U R

  30. Q: What R could include wood for making furniture or steel for making machinery? • R A W M A T E R I A L S

  31. Q: What E is a factor of production that includes the ideas and drive behind the business? • E N T E R P R I S E

  32. Q: What B is an organization that produces goods and services? • B U S I N E S S

  33. SECTION B • Multiple Choice Questions

  34. 1. Money that is received for work or services is called ___________. • Profit • Income • Expense

  35. 2. A person who hires someone else is an _________. • Employee • Employer

  36. 3. What is the objective of a business? A To make a profit B To beat the competition C To provide work for people

  37. 4. How is a supplier important to your business? A) A supplier provides little value to the company B)Suppliers buy many of our goods C) You cannot produce goods or services without supplied material

  38. 5. One of the following is an Enterprise Skill in BusinessA CyclingB LeadershipC Sewing

  39. 6. One of the following is a Management ActivityA PlanningB MotivatingC Communicating

  40. 7. One of the following is a Management SkillA OrganisingB MotivatingC Controlling

  41. 8. HRM stands for A Honorary Regional ManagerB Hands on ManufacturingC Human Resource Manager

  42. 9. Strategic Planning in Business meansA Long Term PlansB Short Terms PlansC Planning your timetable

  43. 10. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs include A Managers believe that employees are lazyB Managers believe that workers must be closely supervisedC Physiological Needs

  44. 11. A Chairperson ensures thatA Minutes are recorded at meetingsB Ensures that Subscriptions are collected from members of a clubC Ensures that all agenda items are discussed

  45. 12. Who is your lecturer? A cK B LV C Gucci D Burberry E Hermes

  46. END OF QUIZ YOUR SCORE (OF 20) x 5 = DISTINCTION: 85 – 100 MERIT: 65 – 84 PASS: 50 - 64

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