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Southern United States Trade Association

SUSTA offers market access programs to help small Southern U.S. agricultural companies expand internationally. Eligibility requirements and details on reimbursement provided.

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Southern United States Trade Association

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Southern United States Trade Association

  2. Total U.S. Exports and Imports of Food and Agriculture Value in Millions Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau Trade Data, U.S. State Export Data

  3. US Exports 2009-2013 Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau Trade Data, U.S. State Export Data

  4. U.S. Exports 2010-2014 Value in Thousands Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau Trade Data, U.S. State Export Data

  5. Global market trends and forecasts • Total U.S. ag exports up 50% since 2009 • Long term: World population is projected to increase 32% to 9.1 billion by 2050 • Global demand for food and agriculture is the expected to increase 70% – 100%

  6. “Middle Class” Outside the U.S. Expected to Double by 2020 – To 1 Billion HouseholdsWorldwide food consumption will be impacted Foreign households w/real PPP incomes greater than $20,000 a year Middle class in developing countries projected to increase 104% by 2020 vs. just 9% in developed countries in 2009 Developing countries Developed countries (ex US) Source: Global Insight’s Global Consumer Markets data as analyzed by OGA

  7. … so why think internationally? • U.S. agriculture industry entering a “golden age” with all indicators showing strong demand and profits over the coming decade • As global demand for agriculture products soars, the U.S. is well equipped to meet the demand and aided by the U.S. dollar • Because 95% of the World’s consumers are outside of the U.S., yet only one in 100 companies export Let SUSTA help you!

  8. Eligibility Requirements: • Headquartered in SUSTA region • Small by SBA standards • Origin statement on product. Ex: “Made in USA” • Product at least 50% U.S. agriculture content www.susta.org

  9. Market Access Programs: • International Marketing Program • Trade Shows & Trade Missions • Brand Promotion • 50% Reimbursement www.susta.org

  10. International Marketing Program International Trade Shows *Some U.S. Trade Shows Ex: Seoul Food & Hotel www.susta.org

  11. International Marketing Program Inbound & Outbound Trade Missions Ex: Caribbean-CentralAmerican Inbound Trade Mission to Miami www.susta.org

  12. International Marketing Program www.susta.org/events www.susta.org

  13. Getting started www.susta.org1) Sign into MySUSTA to access 2016 Pre-qualification 2) Complete 2 page Pre-qualification form 3) Once determined eligible, you can register for 2016 events on a per event basis . www.susta.org

  14. Brand Promotion 50% reimbursement marketing expenses togrow your brand internationally www.susta.org

  15. Brand PromotionEligible Expenses • Advertising • Printed Sales Materials • Direct Mailing to Foreign Buyers • Public Relations- Press Kits • Website development • Freight • Packaging/Label Changes • In Store Demonstrations and Food Service Promotions • In Store Displays • Exhibition at International Trade Shows & Approved U.S. Trade Shows • International Trade Seminars Sponsored by Company • International Trade Missions • Travel Expenses • Part-Time Contractors for trade seminars and trade shows • Promotional Give Away Items www.susta.org

  16. Brand Promotion First step: • Company develops international marketing strategy www.susta.org

  17. Apply Annually for Brand Promotion* Application includes a marketing plan per country. (limit 10 countries)* 5 year graduation rule per country

  18. Brand Promotion Maximum reimbursement: $300,000Minimum reimbursement: $2,500 *Company pays SUSTA 6% administrative fee on reimbursement amount.Ex: If a company requests $2,500 from SUSTA, they will pay a $150 fee www.susta.org

  19. Next steps: Conduct marketing activity & collect required documntation Submit expenses Receive reimbursement www.susta.org

  20. SUSTA Helping small Southern food/ag companies promote products in foreign markets Fill out the 2016 Pre-Qualification at www.susta.org If approved for Brand Promotion International Marketing Program Complete 2016 Application Start signing up for 2016 events at: If approved www.susta.org/events -Trade shows Receive 50% reimbursement of -Trade Missions 2015 international marketing expenses www.susta.org

  21. Contact: Southern U.S. Trade Association 701 Poydras Street Suite 3845 New Orleans, LA 70139 Tel: (504) 568-5986 www.susta.org Like us on . www.susta.org

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