Indepenence Jordan In the twenty-fifth of May of each year is celebrated Jordan's Independence Day, this anniversary is dear to every citizen and that he succeeded in Jordanian-led Hashemite of establishing the foundations of modern state of Jordan and the consolidation of the parameters of institutional and freedom and democracy to boasting and proud of the sons of Jordan's achievements of this great country its people, small powerful and to achieve the goals desired and the desired expectations.It has become Jordan under King Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein, a model of hard work towards resolving the issues facing the Arab nation as well as on the work of His Majesty's tireless efforts to develop various aspects of political, cultural, economic, security and Binaural armed on the basis of a modern, where he served His Majesty on the rooting of democracy, freedom, security and safety all citizens.
The role great for the King Abdullah II since he assumed power, was assessing the political circles of Arab and international, because the King work and dedication activities and visible contributed to the support of Arab cooperation and the removal of differences between the brotherly countries to reach a strategy to ensure the nation Arab cooperation and solidarity and achieve its national goals are the policy of His Majesty King Abdullah II external openness and clarity and diplomacy works to promote constructive engagement with all countries, on the basis of mutual respect, equality and non-interference in internal affairs, peaceful settlement of disputes, and maintain the independence of Jordan's sovereignty over its territory and wealth, and freedom of political decision.
On the Arab level, he sought His Majesty King Abdullah II to develop relations in all fields with the Arab countries, on the basis of his faith in destiny of the Arab common, and laid confirmed Jordan's commitment to achieve Arab solidarity and unifying the ranks of Arab and non-interference in the internal affairs of others and was keen to support and develop the Arab League and its organs and its specialized organizations and actively interacts with all Arab issues. But at the Islamic level, the King Abdullah II believes that progress is linked to their cooperation with Muslims and coexistence, in the light of tolerance and fraternity,And calls for international cooperation to secure human individuals and groups from the dangers of terrorism in all its forms.
And this day the beginning of a new and glorious in the history of Jordan to achieve many of the gains and achievements that were the subject of pride and praise ... Especially this national occasion, which represents the aspirations of the Jordanian family in the Renaissance to promote confidence in the future as well as building the King of the youth and the nation through informed participation in walks of life ....
Congratulations to the royal family of Jordan's Independence Day sixty-five and more significant achievements on the path of goodness and generosity and prosperity under the leadership of His Majesty King Abdullah II, may God protect him.
By: Al-fdaeen Teacher: -Sana’a Harahsha -Nawal Zanouny Student : Yara Al-harahsha School