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EFFECTIVE CHRISTIAN PRESENCE IN VILLAGESREFLECTIONS ON PRESENCE (1) • “He made his home among us and we saw His glory” (John 1:14) • “The presence of God is to be realized where we are; in the struggles and joys of our everyday lives” (Revd Will Morrey) • “The challenges facing the rural church are many and varied so are the opportunities” (Rt Rev Michael Langrish) • “We know and affirm that Christian discipleship lived out in the routines and seasons of everyday life is the most powerfuland effective means of witness (Presence: Methodist Church)
EFFECTIVE CHRISTIAN PRESENCE IN VILLAGESRELECTIONS ON PRESENCE (2) • “For some the future lies in maintaining strong centres of Christian worship and witness in towns and larger villages. Those who hold this view argue that we should close small village chapels and churches and concentrate all our energies and resources in larger centres of population” Does this promote presence or absence? • The resolution (Methodist Conference 2001) springs from a deep conviction that every community, if it is to be whole balanced and healthy needs at its heart a committed group of Christians • ‘Often our quiet presence is the most reassuring and effective prayer of all’ (Rev Paul Peverell)
EFFECTIVE CHRISTIAN PRESENCE IN VILLAGESDIVERSITY OF RURAL Various definitions of rural, primarily around levels of population (<10,000!) and levels of sparsity In terms of villages vary in many ways including: • Hamlets (<100?) to several thousands • Sparse populations to proximity to market towns / urban centres • Blend of indigenous/newcomers/visitors—problem or solution? In terms of a church presence in villages: From none to one (often Anglican or Methodist) to two or more
EFFECTIVE CHRISTIAN PRESENCE IN VILLAGESPAUSE FOR THOUGHT • ‘If the church is to share good news it must first be good news’ • ‘The overwhelming expectation of many within our churches is that the primary purpose of worship/fellowship is to bring a sense of personal fulfilment, support and wellbeing to the individual.’ • Perhaps the key question is not ‘what kind of Church Service do I like? But what is right for our mission in this place’? • ‘The belief that worship, prayer and celebration of the sacraments offered faithfully and lovingly in the heart of and on behalf of the community is under developed’ • They devoted themselves to …teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and to prayer (Acts 2: 42) …..church was where they fostered relationships with each other, learnt details of their faith, nurtured their relationship with Jesus and were equipped and resourced to live their lives out in the world
EFFECTIVE CHRISTIAN PRESENCE IN VILLAGESAN UNSUSTAINABLE PRESENCE? “…..we sometimes wonder if it is worth continuing” Christians in some rural areas have to face the uncomfortable truth that ways of being church with which they are familiar may be unsustainable We may need to discover new, effective and sustainable patterns of presence……to sing a new song
EFFECTIVE CHRISTIAN PRESENCE IN VILLAGESAN ECUMENICAL APPROACH IS ESSENTIAL The task of promoting an effective Christian presence across our villages is surely beyond any one of the Christian denominations and therefore an effective Christian presence will always be ecumenical In some communities this will be a: Complementary presence: more than one centre of Christian worship; richer, possibly more effective because there are two or more expressions of spirituality BUT there should be complementary mission strategies. Other people need to see how much these Christians love them, their village and each other Denominational presence: that is open, welcoming and affirming of all. This means not just ‘you are welcome’ but ‘you are welcome and please bring your riches and share them with us’ United presence: bringing together the energies, insights and resources of its various traditions into one church
EFFECTIVE CHRISTIAN PRESENCE IN VILLAGESWILL INCLUDE: Priestly Ministry: • Offering worship, penitence and intercession on behalf of and for the whole community • Celebrating the story of God’s redeeming love in word and sacrament • Demonstrating the reality of God’s love through relationships • Reaching out to community in acts of grace, love, generosity and hospitality
EFFECTIVE CHRISTIAN PRESENCE IN VILLAGESWILL INCLUDE: Prophetic Ministry: • Accepting and challenging others to obey call to Christian living • Setting before the church/world values of Kingdom of God • Interpreting those values into every day living ‘…Church must cast off its “institutional deafness” to hear what people are saying and to help articulate a vision for society as a whole’ (Archbishop of Canterbury—this week) • Recognizing and challenging injustice; seeking to make a difference & encourage transformation • Challenging people to recognize responsibilities to world community
EFFECTIVE CHRISTIAN PRESENCE IN VILLAGESWILL INCLUDE: • Evangelising Ministry • Interpreting story of God’s love • Witnessing to what God can do in lives of individuals • Setting claims of Jesus before people and inviting response • Creating and maintain welcoming communities where people can be nurtured in discipleship
EFFECTIVE CHRISTIAN PRESENCE IN VILLAGESPRESENCE IN PRACTICE (1) • LEADERSHIP/MINISTRY---lay participation/ teams/volunteers; ’ministers/vicars expect to do too much’….. ’we expect more of our vicars/ministers then ever we used to. Creative Leadership in the Rural Church (CLIRC) • APPROACHES TO LEADERSHIP: Strategic (vision/how) Team (trust/servanthood) Pioneering (discernment/ risks) Will need more flexible church structures • WHERE/WHEN?--May or may not be building centred may or may not be a Sunday presence • WORSHIP—range of worship styles:reflect the Christians in community ….’we are all challenged to ensure our worship is relevant, authentic and worthy’… Special services (bereavement/baptismal/marriage/school etc)
EFFECTIVE CHRISTIAN PRESENCE IN VILLAGESPRESENCE IN PRACTICE (2) • ‘A communion service as the main service every week is a no-no…the well meaning but mistaken way that some village clergy run their churches is to organize a rota in such a way that when they appear it’s Communion’(Bishop Of Peterborough) • CHURCH BUILDINGS: Open church/wider use of buildings; support from wider community • RELATIONSHIPS: Know the community and it’s needs; ‘Double listening;’ Raise profile of rural concerns; Bridging indigenous/incomers • SOCIAL CAPITAL-engagement of church in socio-economic activity at the heart of community: Faithworks Report: Note the critical success factors. FCN; Yorkshire Churches Rural Business Support; Fairtrade; Local Produce etc: Individual inputs
EFFECTIVE CHRISTIAN PRESENCE IN VILLAGESPRESENCE IN PRACTICE (3) • PARTNERSHIPS/INTEGRATION—church as a catalyst in community--village shows, Jubilee; Local produce; Local issues/ Parish Council/shop/pub/post office/ sign posting; CAB etc • CHILDREN/YOUNG PEOPLE—Engagement is challenging but essential—easier with a (church) school • PASTORAL EFFECTIVENESS;--formal and informal approaches • HOSPITALITY---build up Christian family • OUTREACH & FELLOWSHIP; Men’s Group/Breakfast; Food for Thought; Alpha etc
EFFECTIVE CHRISTIAN PRESENCE IN VILLAGESPRESENCE IN PRACTICE (4) • MISSION-Important to look outwards; Support Christians elsewhere; Tear Fund; Christian Aid; Compassion etc • RURAL/URBAN DIVIDE—Seek opportunities to build bridges & learn from each other • HOUSE/CELL GROUPS; prayer, teaching and pastoral needs • CHURCH PARTNERSHIPS—much may be beyond capacity of individual church fellowships—join together
EFFECTIVE CHRISTIAN PRESENCE IN VILLAGESCHRISTIAN PRESENCE & ENTERPRISECRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS • LEADERSHIP—encourage entrepreneurial leadership style to flourish within ordained ministry and lay leadership: Commit to life-long learning including personal development & mentoring (CLIRC) • PARTNERSHIPS/collaborative working • VOLUNTEERS: Training • EFFECTIVE TEAMS that are empowered • PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS • FLEXIBLE CHURCH STRUCTURES • SUSTAINABILITY-Prayer: Encouragement: Mentoring
EFFECTIVE CHRISTIAN PRESENCE IN VILLAGESKEY ELEMENTS • Prayer • Worship/preaching/teaching • Pastoral care • Outreach/Social/Evangelism • Children/school • Youth work/school • Mission—the wider church • Home/Cell Groups • Administration/Communication
EFFECTIVE CHRISTIAN PRESENCE IN VILLAGESIT IS MUCH EASIER…… It is much easier to be anonymous Christians, getting into our cars on Sunday mornings and worshipping in the town church ten miles away. It is much more difficult being identified as gospel people in our own village. If we are to follow the patterns of Jesus we must live out our discipleship where we are known and where we can be held accountable to each other and our neighbours for our discipleship.