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PROBLEM!!!. Typical Rare Staff. QUANTITATIVE and QUALITATIVE DATA. Know that there is a link between taking short breaks during the work day and improved mental and physical health Don’t feel like they are supported by Rare to take breaks

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PROBLEM!!!

  2. Typical Rare Staff QUANTITATIVE and QUALITATIVE DATA • Know that there is a link between taking short breaks during the work day and improved mental and physical health • Don’t feel like they are supported by Rare to take breaks • Are willing to take two short-breaks during the work day but 20% or less are doing it! …. Perceive they don’t have time, and are consumed with their work

  3. A Compelling and Impactful Campaign K A IC BR BC TR SR + + + Knowledge about benefits and support Willingness to take breaks Conversations and support Remove barriers Take short breaks Reduce stress Improve mood!

  4. Brand and Messaging Stand up …. twice for your Life • Campaign launch in every region with family , friends and experts • Planned activities twice daily tailored to each region • Radio spot to encourage conversations

  5. Get up, Stand Up !Angela stands up! (radio)

  6. Get up, Stand Up !Twice For Your Life (songs)

  7. Get up, Stand Up !Twice For Your Life (songs)

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