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LSP_MAIN. Language Structure. Introduction Activity. Main Teaching Points. Practice. Practice I. Practice II. Practice III. Practice IV. Practice V. LSP1_1. Language Structures Introduction Activity.

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  1. LSP_MAIN Language Structure Introduction Activity Main Teaching Points Practice Practice I Practice II Practice III Practice IV Practice V

  2. LSP1_1 Language Structures Introduction Activity Read a short dialogue to the students two or three times and ask them to tell the sentences containing was going to, was about to and had hoped to.

  3. LSP1_2 Language Structures Introduction Activity 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I didn’t think it was going tobe so hot today. Are you going toswim? Iwas going to do so but I couldn’t find my bathing-suit. I was just about to tellyou when you started talking about it. I had hoped to buy a new one actually. She said she was going to ask your mother what she thought. My guess is that she was going tocome out against it.

  4. LSP2_1 Language Structures Main Teaching Points 1. The future expressed by be about to The concert is just about to start. 2. be going to in the past expressing “unfulfilled intention” I was going to take swimming lessons, but I was so busy preparing for the exams that I had no time for the lessons. 3. The past perfect used in the hardly…when… pattern They had hardly begun eating when the rain poured down.

  5. LSP2_2 Language Structures Main Teaching Points 4. The past perfect of hope + infinitive expressing “an unfulfilled wish” John had hoped to study in a medical school, but his color-blindness prevented him from doing so. 5. The simple past in the It’s time (subject +past-tense verb) It’s time he worked on his own.

  6. LSP I_1 Practice Practice I Directions: Listen to the recording and complete the dialogues. Then make similar dialogues with your partner by using the cues. A: How much longer do I have to wait before the concert starts? B: What time is it now? A:Twenty-eight minutes past seven by my watch? B: Don’t worry. The concert’s just about to start.

  7. LSP I_2 Practice Practice I 【Cues of Practice I】

  8. LSP II_1 Practice Practice II A: Did you take swimming lessons during the summer holiday, Betty? No, I didn’t. B: A: Why didn’t you? // Why not? // You said you were going to do that? Yes, I was going to take swimming lessons, but I was so busy preparing for my exams that I had no time for the lessons. B:

  9. LSP II_2 Practice Practice II 【Cues of Practice II】

  10. LSP II_3 Practice Practice II 【Cues of Practice II】

  11. LSP III_1 Practice Practice III A: Jane and her friends went picnicking on Sunday, I heard. B: Yes, they did. A: Did they have a good time? / Did they enjoy themselves? B:No. They’d hardly begun eating when the rain poured down.

  12. LSP III_2 Practice Practice III 【Cues of Practice III】

  13. LSP IV_1 Practice Practice IV A: Liu must be enjoying his life at the medical school. B: But he never went there. A: No? He had hoped to study there, hadn’t he? B: Yes. But his color-blindness prevented him from doing so.

  14. LSP IV_2 Practice Practice IV 【Cues of Practice IV】

  15. LSPV _1 Practice Practice V A: Has Gerald learned how to operate this machine on his own? B: No, not yet. A: But it’s a month since he started doing it. It’s time he worked on his own.

  16. LSPV _2 Practice Practice V 【Cues of Practice V】

  17. LSP _Word_ conducted tour conducted tour: a tour of a building, city, or area with someone who tells you about that place

  18. LSP _Word_ rain cats and dogs rain cats and dogs: rain very hard

  19. LSP _Word_ sprain sprain:v. to damage a joint in your body by suddenly twisting it

  20. LSP _Word_ ankle ankle:n. the joint between your foot and your leg

  21. LSP _Word_ detain detain:v. to officially prevent someone from leaving a place e.g.: Two suspects have been detained by the police for questioning.

  22. Dialogue_MAIN Dialogue I Dialogue Comprehension Questions Conversational Strategy Role Play Dialogue II Phrases, Sentences and Expressions Dialogue Oral Practice

  23. Dialogues1_1.1 Dialogue I Dialogue Lost and Found Hi, Ben. Hi, Tony. I haven’t seen you for ages. Where have you been? My wife and I traveled around the world for most of the past year. What a terrific experience! Did you have a good time? Sure. Most of the time, I mean. Did you come upon anything unpleasant? A: B: A: B: A: B:

  24. Dialogues1_1.2 Dialogue I Dialogue A: Well, when we first started on our sabbatical trip, I’d hoped to fully relax after five years of strenuous work at the university. You deserve it. Yeah, but we only relaxed for two days, then... What happened? On the third day, Fanny and I were walking along an avenue in a Mediterranean metropolis looking at the window display when three young men came sauntering towards us. Suddenly one bumped into me B: A: B: A:

  25. Dialogues1_1.3 Dialogue I Dialogue and another tripped on something beside me. And the third stepped on Fanny’s toes. Later that day, just when we were about to pay for a set of glassware at a souvenir shop, I found my wallet was gone! Oh, no. The pickpocketsgot you, to say the least. Believe it or not, we experienced similar tricks in some big cities in other countries, too. I’m sorry to hear that. So when we arrived in China, which was our last stop, we had become extra careful with our possessions. B: A: B: A:

  26. Dialogues1_1.4 Dialogue I Dialogue Naturally. I would, too. Did you have any unpleasant experience in China? No, no more of these. On the contrary, things lost were recovered, sort of automatically, too. Tell me about it. The minute we landed in Beijing, we got really excited. We had at last come to the site of the renowned Oriental Dragon, a country with five thousand years of history behind her! In our great excitement, we left a small suitcase in the taxi, but we didn’t realize that B: A: B: A:

  27. Dialogues1_1.5 Dialogue I Dialogue until we were in our hotel room. My wife was just about to call the receptionist when we heard a knock on the door. It was a travel service man with our precious suitcase in his hand. You were lucky. These days there aren’t very many big cities where you can wander about in the streets without worrying about your personal security or possessions. Beijing is perhaps among the few cities where you needn’t worry. But we were still a bit on the lookout. It was only after Fanny’s purse was returned that we became fully relaxed. B: A:

  28. Dialogues1_1.6 Dialogue I Dialogue B: What happened this time? We were in the crowded Wangfujing Department Store. Fanny was very happy with three lovely stuffed pandas she’d bought, so happy that she left the cash register without her purse. It had our passports, credit cards and a fairly large sum of cash. What a shame! But the purse was sent to our hotel in almost no time. I mean we got it even before we went back to the hotel. A: B: A:

  29. Dialogues1_1.7 Dialogue I Dialogue Nothing in it was touched. We learned that a customer found the purse and handed it to the security guard, who in turn gave it to the manager on duty. They found our hotel check-in slip and sent it there through express mail service. You were lucky once again. Yes, we were lucky in a city and a country where the government and the people care about overseas tourists. B: A:

  30. Dialogue_ Note _ sabbatical trip sabbatical trip: A sabbatical is, in a school, college, or university in a Western country, a year of release from normal teaching duties. A sabbatical trip is a trip taken during the sabbatical.

  31. Dialogue_ Note _ The pickpockets The pickpockets got you, to say the least. — The pickpockets succeeded in stealing your wallet from you, that is the least I can say. The phrase to say the least suggests that a situation is actually much more serious than it seems.

  32. Dialogue_ Note _sort of sort of automatically: in a way / rather automatically; (things lost came back) by themselves in some way

  33. Dialogue_ Note _behind her behind her: in the past. Her is used to refer to “a country…” The third person singular pronoun she / her is often used as a pronoun for a country, as in this case, for China.

  34. Dialogue_ Note_ a bit on the lookout a bit on the lookout: somewhat paying attention to things around us

  35. Dialogue_ Note_ Wangfujing Wangfujing Department Store:王府井百货公司

  36. Dialogue_ Note_ check-in check-in slip: a slip of paper to show that one has arranged to stay in a hotel 旅客住宿证

  37. Dialogue_ Note_ express mail service express mail service:邮政特快专递

  38. Dialogue_ Word _ strenuous strenuous:adj.needing a lot of effort or strength

  39. Dialogue_ Word _ metropolis metropolis:n.a very large city that is the most important city in a country or in an area

  40. Dialogue_ Word_ saunter saunter:v.to walk in a slow relaxed way, especially so that you look confident or proud e.g.: He came sauntering down the road with his hands in his pockets.

  41. Dialogue_ Word_ bump bump:v.hit or knock against something e.g.: The roof was so low he bumped his head (=his head hit the roof).

  42. Dialogue_ Word_ trip trip:v.to hit something with your foot by accident so that you fall or almost fall e.g.: That cable is dangerous. Someone might trip over it.

  43. Dialogue_ Word_ souvenir souvenir:n.something you buy or keep to help you remember a holiday or special event

  44. Dialogue_ Word_ wallet wallet:n.a small flat case for holding paper money, carried especially by a man purse:n.a small bag used especially by a woman for carrying money

  45. Dialogue_ Word_ pickpocket pickpocket:n.someone who steals things from people’s pockets, especially in a crowd

  46. Dialogue_ Word_ possession possession:n.something that you own or have with you at a particular time

  47. Dialogue_ Word_ receptionist receptionist:n.someone whose job is to welcome and deal with people arriving in a hotel or office building, visiting a doctor, etc.

  48. Dialogue_ Word_ stuffed stuffed:adj.covered and filled with soft material

  49. Dialogue_ Word_ cash register cash register:a machine used in shops to keep the money in and record the amount of money received from each sale

  50. Comprehension questions1 Dialogue I Comprehension Questions • Why did Tony and his wife grow more and more worried by • people’s dishonesty when they were traveling? Tony’s wallet was stolen as he and his wife were traveling in a Mediterranean metropolis. What’s more, they had similar experience in some big cities in other countries. So they grew more and more worried by people’s dishonesty. 2. When and where did they change their view? What made them do so? They changed their view in Beijing, China when their lost suitcase was found and sent back to them.

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