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Function#1 Function#2 Structure Structure Weights Weights Dx pedophilia .458 .438 Dx psychosis .428 -.271 Dx substance -.099 .117 abuse/dep Dx antisocial .431 -.696 Dx other pers .611 .748. Hi Dx Pedophilia

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  1. Function#1 Function#2 Structure Structure Weights Weights Dx pedophilia .458 .438 Dx psychosis .428 -.271 Dx substance -.099 .117 abuse/dep Dx antisocial .431 -.696 Dx other pers .611 .748 Hi Dx Pedophilia Lo Dx Antisocial PD Hi Dx Other PD 1 Lo Dx Pedophilia Lo Dx Psychosis Lo Dx Antisocial PD Lo Dx Other PD Hi Dx Pedophilia Hi Dx Psychosis Hi Dx Antisocial PD Hi Dx Other PD White 1 1 Other Black 1 Lo Dx Pedophilia Hi Dx Antisocial PD Lo Dx Other PD Psychological Disorder Diagnoses Across Ethnicities Kathleen L. Meranda University of Nebraska-Lincoln Introduction Results Discriminant analysis was used to determine if participants labeled as Caucasian, Black, or other differed in terms of diagnoses of pedophilia, psychosis, substance abuse/dependence, antisocial personality disorder, or other personality disorders. Table 1 shows the Means and standard deviations for each group and related F-tests. LSD minimum mean differences were used to determine the pattern of mean differences between each racial category for each of the various predictors. For pedophilia, Caucasians were found to have significantly higher scores than those who are classified as other. There was not a significant difference between Black and other. For psychosis, there was a mean difference between Black and other, but no mean difference for any other group. For substance abuse/dependence, there was no mean difference between any of the groups. For antisocial personality disorder, Caucasians were found to have significantly higher scores than Blacks, while there was no mean difference between Caucasian and other. Blacks were found to have a higher mean difference than other. For other personality disorders, Caucasians were found to have a higher mean difference than other, but not Black. There was not a significant mean difference between Black and other. Multivariate analysis revealed that both discriminant functions reliably differentiated between the groups. The first function produced X² (10)=34.840, p<.001, R² -cannonical: .09. The second function produced X² (4)=16.701, p=.002, R² -cannonical: .09. Table 2 shows the structure weights for these two models. For the first function, diagnosis of pedophilia, psychosis, antisocial personality disorder, and other personality disorder effectively discriminated between the groups. The second function was found to have diagnosis of pedophilia, antisocial personality disorder, and other personality disorder contributing to the discrimination among the groups. ANOVA analyses with LSD minimum mean difference comparisons were performed to determine which groups were significantly discriminated between by each discriminant function. Figure 1 (LDF plot) gives a graphical depiction of the multivariate results and Table 3 shows the re-classification results from the LDF model. For the first function, Blacks were found to be discriminated from both Caucasian and other F(4,184)=4.467, p=.002. For the second function, other was found to be discriminated from both Blacks and Caucasians F(4,184)=3.359, p=.011. Many people during their lifetime are diagnosed with a psychological disorder. This study investigates whether or not certain races are more susceptible to disorders. Costello, Keeler, and Angold (2001) found that Blacks are less likely to have a psychological disorder than Caucasians. This is because Caucasians have more risk factors, such as harsh discipline, parental violence, etc. than Caucasians. Gilvarry, Walsh, and Samele (1999) found in their study that Blacks were less likely to be diagnosed with Schizophrenia than Caucasians. However, they found that Caucasians were less likely to be diagnosed with affective psychosis than Blacks. These studies have started to look at how diagnoses differ across ethnicities; however, they only look at the differences between Caucasians and Blacks. The purpose of this study is to look at how diagnoses of pedophilia, psychosis, substance abuse/dependence, antisocial personality disorder, or other personality disorders differ across Caucasians, Blacks, and other races. Table 1. Means (standard deviations) and ANOVA results. Dx pedophilia Dx psychosis Dx substance Dx antisocial Dx other pers Group Mean(std) Mean(std) Mean(std) Mean(std) Mean(std) Caucasian .4726(.501) .0411(.199) .1301(.338) .1096(.313) .5205(.501) Black .3571(.497) .1429(.363) .0714(.267) .4286(.514) .2857(.469) Other .2069(.412) .0000(.000) .1379(.350) .1034(.301) .1379(.351) F(2,186) 3.719 2.412 .214 6.066 8.535 P .026 .092 .807 .003 <.001 Table 2. Structure weights from the discriminant function Table 3. Results from re-classifying into groups. Method Original Predicted group membership group Caucasian Black Other membership Caucasian 50.7%(74) 11.6%(17) 37.7%(55) Black 14.3%(2) 42.9%(6) 42.9%(6) Other 13.8%(4) 10.3%(3) 75.9%(22) *54% correctly re-classified Participants The records of 226 convicted child molesters (offending against victims 18 and younger) who were released from either a correctional or an inpatient treatment facility from a Midwestern state between 1991 and 1997 were reviewed. Those offenders receiving treatment were housed in a secure inpatient treatment facility. The treated sample (n = 105) was housed within a 40 bed unit providing intensive cognitive-behavioral services to convicted child molesters and pedophiles who have either volunteered for treatment (n = 70) or have been civilly committed by the courts subsequent to completion of a correctional sentence (n = 35). Measures Demographic characteristics, offender age, marital status, and employment status were based upon the offender’s condition at the time of arrest for the index offense resulting in incarceration. Substance abuse was determined if the offender had consumed alcohol or controlled substances as early as two hours prior to the offense or during the course of the index offense. Deviant sexual activity was coded from the presentence investigations, and when available, prior mental health evaluations and treatment intake reports. Trained raters coded offender legal, correctional, and treatment records including pre-sentence reports compiled by probation officers, treatment discharge, summaries, police reports of the alleged offenses, as well as correctional classification studies to obtain relevant information. Offender criminal history was drawn from the classification studies and the pre-sentence investigations. Both sources utilize the national NCIC database for interstate records of offenses as well as local law enforcement contact information. Such cross validation is necessary for criminal history as some local law enforcement contacts and pending legal activity are often not found within the NCIC database. Procedures This study used archival data. The treatment sample received similar programming within a self-contained treatment program housed within a secure forensic hospital. Treatment activities were provided through a multidisciplinary treatment team. Programming was primarily cognitive-behavioral in orientation with a majority of interventions provided via a group therapy format addressing accountability for the offense, victim empathy, human sexuality, psychosocial skills (e.g., anger management, assertiveness training), and relapse prevention. Offenders also received individual therapy related to arousal reconditioning as well as psychiatric supervision of pharmacological treatment of co-morbid psychiatric issues. Figure 1. Graphical depiction of the discriminant function results. Discussion The results from these analyses found that Caucasians were more likely to be diagnosed with pedophilia, antisocial, and other personality disorders. This finding that Caucasians are more likely to have these disorders than other races supports the findings by Costello, Keeler, and Angold (2001). The study also found that Blacks were more likely diagnosed with psychosis, which supports the findings by Gilvarry, Walsh, and Samele (1999). There were no differences between the ethnicities when it came to substance abuse/dependence. Limitations of the study include the small sample size of other ethnicities. The majority of the participants were Caucasian or African American, which didn’t allow an accurate portrayal of other races in the study. Another limitation would be that the study only used convicted child molesters as participants. Future research could look at a bigger sample size, making sure that all ethnicities are properly represented. Future research could also include in their sample people that are not incarcerated or use more than just child molesters in the sample.

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