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Duties and Responsibilities of Citizenship. Chapter 5 Section 1. Responsibilities v. Duties. Each of us belongs to many communities. As community members, we have responsibilities –things we should do or obligations that we fulfill voluntarily.
Duties and Responsibilities of Citizenship Chapter 5 Section 1
Responsibilities v. Duties • Each of us belongs to many communities. As community members, we have responsibilities–things we should do or obligations that we fulfill voluntarily. • We also have duties–things we are required to do.
Legal Duties • We must fulfill duties required by national, state, and local governments or face fines or imprisonment. • 5 Legal Duties
Duty #1: Obey the Law • Laws serve specific purposes, such as to help people get along, prevent accidents, and see that resources are used fairly.
Duty #2: Pay Taxes • Government uses tax money to pay police, pave roads, maintain armed forces, and other activities. • Income taxes are a percentage of what people earn • People also pay taxes on the sale of goods and services and on property.
Duty #3: Defend the Nation • In the United States, all men aged 18–25 must register with the government in case the country needs to draft, or call up, men for military service. • 30 days before or after your 18th birthday. • Service is currently voluntary. • Selective Service Website
Duty #4: Serve in Court • Every adult citizen must be prepared to serve on a jury or as a witness at a trial if called to do so. • Anyone who holds a drivers license or who is registered to vote can be randomly selected.
Duty #5: Attend School • Most states require young people to attend school until age 16. • How does staying in school benefit you and the government?
Civic Responsibilities:Be Informed • Know what the government is doing so that you can voice your opinion. • You can learn about issues and leaders by reading print publications, listening to news on the radio or TV, talking to people, and searching the Internet. • Fox News or CNN
Civic Responsibilities:Speak up and Vote • Government exists to serve you, but you must make your concerns known. • Call, write, or send e-mail to your elected representatives. Sen. Burr • Join a political party or work for a cause. • Above all, vote. Give consent to government. • Study candidates and issues before marking your ballot
Civic Responsibilities:Respect Others’ Rights • Respect public property and the property of others. • Vandalism and littering are not only disrespectful, but are also crimes.
Civic Responsibilities:Respect Diversity • Although you may disagree with people or disapprove of their lifestyles, they have an equal right to their beliefs and practices. • Tolerancemeans respecting and accepting others, regardless of their beliefs, practices, or differences. • All citizens are equal and entitled to be treated the same.
Civic Responsibilities:Contribute to the Common Good • Contribute time, effort, and money to help others and to improve community life. • Be an active participant in your community.
Discussion Question What do you think is the most important responsibility of citizens? Explain.
Review Which of the following is NOT a voluntary obligation of citizenship? • A. respect others’ rights • B. attend school • C. be informed • D. speak up and vote
Review Which of the following is NOT a legal duty of citizenship? • A. contribute to the common good • B. serve in court • C. defend the nation • D. pay taxes
Review Since the end of the Vietnam War, there has been no • A. standing army. • B. draft. • C. volunteer navy. • D. war tax.
Review Good citizens are concerned about the _________of the community. • A. status • B. welfare • C. opinion • D. wealth
Review How do Americans give their consent to the government? • A. obeying laws • B. volunteerism • C. jury duty • D. voting
Citizens and the community Section 2
Citizens Involvement • More than half a million Americans do volunteer work to help better their community • Federal, state, and local government provide many different services. Therefore we rely on government for a lot of things
Citizens Involvement • Citizens also share a role in meeting community needs. • The governments are bureaucracies= Complex systems with many departments, many rules, and many people in the chain of command.
Citizen Involvement • Good citizens are concerned about the Welfare of all members of the community • Welfare= The health, prosperity, and happiness of all members of a community. • JFK: “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country”
Donating Time and money • In what ways do you volunteer? • Volunteerism= the practice of offering your time and services to others without payment. • Americans gave more than $250 billion dollars to charity. 2% of their salary.
Community Involvement • Joining a community watch program. • Become active in their child’s school • Lions and Kiwanis clubs • Religious communities
Charitable Organizations • More than 1 million charities are officially registered with the federal government
School-based Programs • High school and middle school offers opportunities for community service. • Some states require that students do so many hours of community service in order to graduate.
National Service Programs • AmeriCorps= members help meet the nation’s needs in education, public safety, health, and the environment. • Senior Corps= Provides volunteer opportunities to Americans aged 55 or older • USA Freedom Corps= Responds to national emergencies, rebuilding our communities, and extending American compassion throughout the world.