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  1. Scenario (MND-S): 28 ID & 56 SBCT conducting a Theater Security Cooperation training mission. Scenario (EN): Relations between Vironia and Southland (SL) have deteriorated to the point of imminent military hostilities. SL government has pledged support to SIMM separatists. The SL government has announced it will take all available measures to protect ethnic relatives and SIMM elements in Vironia to include military action. • 3/33 (DIV DO) • T: W/i the next 24-48 hours SL military forces will attack to secure territory in southern VIRONIA. • P: IOT establish an independent SIMM dominated state. • 1/3 CAB (DO) • T: W/i the next 24-48 hours, attack northward, along Rts 54 & 49 to seize OBJ 6 (Vohma) • P: IOT establish an independent SIMM dominated State. • 4/3 (SO1) • T: W/i 24-48 hours, follow in support of 1/3 CAB attack to seize OBJ 6 (Vohma) • P:IOT support DO attack to seize OBJ 6 (Vohma). • 6/3 (SO2) • T: W/i 24-48 hours, provide DS fires to 1/3 and 4/3 • P: IOT support DO attack to seize OBJ 6 (Vohma). • 5/3 (SO3) • T: W/i 24-48 hours, provide DS fires ISO SO4 and SO5 • P: IOT support SO attack to seize OBJ s6 (Vohma) • 3/3 (SO4) • T: W/i the next 24-48 hours, attack northwest, along Rt 6 IOT to destroy enemy forces south of Parnu • P: IOT deceive enemy forces from focus of main effort OBJ 6 (Vohma) • 2/3 (SO5) • T: W/i the next 24-48 hours, attack northward along Rt 4 to fix enemy forces in vicHaademeeste • P: IOT deceive enemy forces from focus of main effort OBJ 6 (Vohma) ENEMY MOST LIKELY COA & END GOALS (PRE-STARTEX) POLTSAMAA VANDRA VOHMA SUURE-JAANI TARTU PARNU VILJANDI KILINGINOMME ABJAPALUOJA HAADEMEESTE KARKSI-NUIA TORVA 3 2 5 6 4 1 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 VALGA

  2. Phase 1a – Setup for STARTEX – PRE CPX Move Into AO 141600CJUN12-151600CJUN12 • Scenario (MND-S): MND transitions to combat operations (Ph I). MNB-V establishes hasty defense between PL RED and PL WHITE. 56thSBCT guard to the East. Scenario (EN): SL supports SIMM asymmetric attack IOT disrupt MND transition to combat operations. SL begins recce IOT provide early warning, intel and targeting to destroy Coalition Forces (CF). • 3/33 Motorized Rifle Brigade (MRB) (DIV DO) • T: W/i the next 24-48 hours SOUTHLAND military forces will attacks to secure territory in south VIRONIA. • P: IOT establish an independent SIMM dominated state. • 1/3 Mechanized Rifle Battalion (MechBn) (DO) • T: Begin recce northward, provide early warning, intel and targeting to destroy Coalition Forces (CF). • P: IOT to facilitate main body movement to seize OBJ 6 (Vohma). • Unidentified Artillery (U/I) Tank Battalion (SO1) • T: Begin recce northward, provide early warning, intel and targeting to destroy Coalition Forces (CF) • P: IOT to facilitate main body follow and support of DO. • U/I Battalion (SO2) • T: W/i 24-48 hours, provide DS fires to 1/3 and 4/3 • P: IOT support DO attack to seize OBJ 6 (Vohma). • 5/3 Artillery Battaion (SO3) • T: W/i 24-48 hours, provide DS fires in support of the SO4 and SO5 • P: IOT support DO attack to seize OBJ 6 (Vohma). • 3/3 Motorized Rifle Battalion (MR Bn) (SO4) • T: Begin recce northward, provide early warning, intel and targeting to destroy Coalition Forces (CF) • P: IOT deceive enemy forces from friendly focus of main effort OBJ 6 (Vohma). • U/I MR Bn(SO5) • T: Begin recce northward, provide early warning, intel and targeting to destroy Coalition Forces (CF) • P: IOT deceive enemy forces from friendly focus of main effort OBJ 6 (Vohma). POLTSAMAA VANDRA VOHMA DO = Decisive Operation SO = Shaping Operation BDE (MN) SUURE-JAANI 56 SBCT BDE (MN) TARTU PARNU PLRED VILJANDI VILJANDI PLRED PLWHITE PLWHITE PLBLUE KILINGINOMME KILINGINOMME ABJAPALUOJA ABJAPALUOJA PLBLUE HAADEMEESTE HAADEMEESTE KARKSI-NUIA KARKSI-NUIA PLGREEN TORVA TORVA PLGREEN 56 SBCT BDE (MN) U/I U/I U/I 3 3 1 5 U/I U/I 3 3 33 U/I 3 VALGA

  3. Phase 1b – Setup for STARTEX – PRE CPX Set / Establish Hasty Defense 160800BJUN12 – 162000BJUN12 • Scenario (MND-S): MND transitions to combat operations (Ph I). 1stBDE (MN) establishes hasty defense along PL WHITE. 56thSBCT screens to the East. Scenario (EN): SL supports SIMM asymmetric attack IOT disrupt MND transition to combat operations. SL begins recce IOT provide early warning, intel and targeting to destroy Coalition Forces (CF). • 3/33 (DIV DO) • T: W/i the next 24-48 hours SOUTHLAND military forces will attacks to secure territory in south VIRONIA. • P: IOT establish an independent SIMM dominated state. • 1/3 CAB (DO) • T: Begin recce northward, provide early warning, intel and targeting to destroy Coalition Forces (CF). • P: IOT to facilitate main body movement to seize OBJ 6 (Vohma). • 4/3 (SO1) • T: Begin recce northward, provide early warning, intel and targeting to destroy Coalition Forces (CF) • P: IOT to facilitate main body follow and support of DO. • 6/3 (SO2) • T: W/i 24-48 hours, provide DS fires to 1/3 and 4/3 • P: IOT support DO attack to seize OBJ 6 (Vohma). • 5/3 (SO3) • T: W/i 24-48 hours, provide DS fires in support of the SO4 and SO5 • P: IOT support DO attack to seize OBJ 6 (Vohma). • 3/3 (SO4) • T: Begin recce northward, provide early warning, intel and targeting to destroy Coalition Forces (CF) • P: IOT deceive enemy forces from friendly focus of main effort OBJ 6 (Vohma). • 2/3 (SO5) • T: Begin recce northward, provide early warning, intel and targeting to destroy Coalition Forces (CF) • P: IOT deceive enemy forces from friendly focus of main effort OBJ 6 (Vohma). POLTSAMAA VANDRA VOHMA BDE (MN) SUURE-JAANI 56 SBCT BDE (MN) TARTU PARNU PLRED VILJANDI VILJANDI PLRED PLWHITE PLWHITE PLBLUE KILINGINOMME KILINGINOMME ABJAPALUOJA ABJAPALUOJA PLBLUE HAADEMEESTE HAADEMEESTE KARKSI-NUIA KARKSI-NUIA PLGREEN TORVA TORVA PLGREEN 56 SBCT BDE (MN) 3 5 2 3 4 1 3 6 1 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 VALGA

  4. Phase 2a – STARTEX / Conduct Hasty Defense 170800BJUN12 – 172000BJUN12 • Scenario (MND-S): MND conducts Hasty Defense (Ph II). 1st BDE (MN) establishes Hasty Defense along PL WHITE. 56th SBCT screens to the East. Scenario (EN): Southlandia (SL) supports SIMM asymmetric attack IOT disrupt MND-S Defense and facilitate SL attack. • 3/33 (DIV DO) • T: Within the next 24-48 hours SL military forces will attacks to secure territory in southern VIRONIA. • P: IOT establish an independent SIMM dominated state. • 1/3 CAB (DO) • T: Attack northward, along Routes 54 & 49 to seize OBJ 3, Karks-Nuia. • P: IOT set the conditions for establishment of an independent SIMM dominated State. • 4/3 (SO1) • T: Follow and support 1/3 CAB (DO) attack to seize OBJ 3 , Karks-Nuia. • P: IOT support DO attack to seize OBJ 6 (Vohma). • 6/3 (SO2) • T: W/i 24-48 hours, provide DS fires to 1/3 and 4/3 • P: IOT support DO attack to seize OBJ 6 (Vohma). • 5/3 (SO3) • T:Within 24-48 hours, provide DS fires to 1/3 and 4/3 • P: IOT support 1/3 CAB attack to seize OBJ 6. • 3/3 (SO4) • T:Atk northwest, along Route 6 IOT to seize OBJ 2, Kilingi-Nomme. • P: IOT deceive enemy forces from friendly focus of main effort OBJ 6. • 2/3 (SO5) • T:Atk northward along Rt 4 to fix enemy forces and seize OBJ 1 in vicHaademeeste • P: IOT deceive enemy forces from friendly focus of main effort OBJ 6. POLTSAMAA VANDRA VOHMA BDE (MN) SUURE-JAANI 56 SBCT BDE (MN) TARTU PARNU PLRED VILJANDI VILJANDI PLRED PLWHITE PLWHITE PLBLUE KILINGINOMME KILINGINOMME ABJAPALUOJA ABJAPALUOJA PLBLUE HAADEMEESTE HAADEMEESTE KARKSI-NUIA KARKSI-NUIA PLGREEN TORVA TORVA PLGREEN 56 SBCT BDE (MN) 3 3 5 3 2 3 2 1 4 6 4 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 33 3 3 3 3 VALGA

  5. Phase 2b – Day 2 / Conduct Hasty Defense 180800BJUN12 – 182000BJUN12 • 1stBDE (MN) conducts Hasty Defense along PL RED • 18this main defense • Prepare BDE for AASLT & CATK after defense evening 17th • 56thSBCT screens to the East • Lead echelons attack along multiple avenues and attempt to secure Key Objectives • OBJs 1&2 are secured prior to end of defense POLTSAMAA VANDRA VOHMA BDE (MN) SUURE-JAANI 56 SBCT BDE (MN) TARTU PARNU PLRED VILJANDI VILJANDI PLRED PLWHITE PLWHITE PLBLUE KILINGINOMME KILINGINOMME ABJAPALUOJA ABJAPALUOJA PLBLUE HAADEMEESTE HAADEMEESTE KARKSI-NUIA KARKSI-NUIA PLGREEN TORVA TORVA PLGREEN 56 SBCT BDE (MN) 3 4 2 3 1 3 3 33 3 3 VALGA

  6. Phase 3a – Conduct AASLT, FPOL, C-Attack 190800BJUN12 – 192000BJUN12 • Conducts internal FPOL • Conduct C-ATK to restore IBL • 1stBDE (MN) AASLT to secure key terrain • 56thSBCT screens to the East • Attempt to consolidate gains vic PL GREEN, delay VIRONIAN forces to establish Defense and gain international support for new IBL POLTSAMAA VANDRA VOHMA BDE (MN) SUURE-JAANI 56 SBCT BDE (MN) TARTU PARNU PLRED VILJANDI VILJANDI PLRED D D PLWHITE PLWHITE PLBLUE KILINGINOMME KILINGINOMME ABJAPALUOJA ABJAPALUOJA PLBLUE HAADEMEESTE HAADEMEESTE KARKSI-NUIA KARKSI-NUIA PLGREEN TORVA TORVA PLGREEN 56 SBCT BDE (MN) 3 33 VALGA

  7. Phase 3b – Continue C-Attack 200800BJUN12 – 202000BJUN12 • 1stBDE (MN) continues C-ATK to restore the IBL • Receive MND FRAGO for Stability Operations and AASLT to secure key infrastrure near IBL • 56thSBCT screens to the East • Attempt to defend vic PL GREEN and gain international support for new IBL • Use irregular forces to support defense POLTSAMAA VANDRA VOHMA BDE (MN) SUURE-JAANI 56 SBCT BDE (MN) TARTU PARNU PLRED VILJANDI VILJANDI PLRED PLWHITE PLWHITE PLBLUE KILINGINOMME KILINGINOMME ABJAPALUOJA ABJAPALUOJA PLBLUE • Conducts internal FPOL • Conduct C-ATK to restore IBL • 1stBDE (MN) AASLT to secure key terrain • 56thSBCT screens to the East • Attempt to consolidate gains vic PL GREEN, delay VIRONIAN forces to establish Defense and gain international support for new IBL HAADEMEESTE KARKSI-NUIA KARKSI-NUIA HAADEMEESTE PLGREEN TORVA TORVA R R R R R PLGREEN 56 SBCT BDE (MN) 3 33 VALGA

  8. Phase 4 – Stability Operations 210800BJUN12 – 212000BJUN12 • 1stBDE (MN) conducts Stability Operations to secure the IBL and prepare to turn the security back over to National Security Forces • 56thSBCT continues operations, moves south to secure IBL and reinforce local security forces • Use irregular forces and media to support claims of Vironian abuses of Southlandian supporters POLTSAMAA VANDRA VOHMA BDE (MN) SUURE-JAANI 56 SBCT BDE (MN) TARTU PARNU PLRED VILJANDI VILJANDI PLRED PLWHITE PLWHITE PLBLUE KILINGINOMME KILINGINOMME ABJAPALUOJA ABJAPALUOJA PLBLUE HAADEMEESTE HAADEMEESTE KARKSI-NUIA KARKSI-NUIA PLGREEN TORVA TORVA PLGREEN 56 SBCT BDE (MN) 3 33 VALGA

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