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Les verbes irréguliers

Les verbes irréguliers. Avoir , Etre , Faire, Aller et Venir. There are some irregular verbs…. That means that they don’t follow a certain pattern…. Avoir Etre Faire Aller Venir What do they mean? When do you use them?. Avoir (to have).

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Les verbes irréguliers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Les verbesirréguliers Avoir, Etre, Faire, Aller et Venir

  2. There are some irregular verbs… • That means that they don’t follow a certain pattern…. • Avoir • Etre • Faire • Aller • Venir • What do they mean? When do you use them?

  3. Avoir (to have) Used with age and expressions such as: avoirfaim, avoirsoif, avoirfroid, avoirchaud, avoirpeur….avoirbesoin de…

  4. Etre (to be) Used with expressions such as: être en retard, être a l’heure, être en avance.

  5. Faire (to do/to make) Used with weather expressions (Il fait…), with some sports, music, and other activities such as faire du tennis, faire du piano, faire des achats….

  6. Aller (to go) Used to express the immediate FUTURE with GOING to…FUTURE PROCHE Ex: Je vais chanter dansuneheure ( I am going to sing in an hour)

  7. Venir (to come) Used to express the immediate PAST….When you have JUST done something! Le Passé Récent Ex: Je viens de finirmes devoirs (I have just finished my HW)

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