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Joel. Rebellion & Return. The Day of the L ORD. Joel. Reminder & Warning Devastation & Healing Rebellion & Return Question & Answer. Joel 1:1-2:17. Joel 2:18-3:21. Mt Ebal Disobedience = Curses Mt Gerizim Obedience = Blessings. Deuteronomy 27-28. Joel. The day of the L ORD HWHY

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Joel Rebellion & Return The Day of the LORD

  2. Joel Reminder & Warning Devastation & Healing Rebellion & Return Question & Answer Joel 1:1-2:17 Joel 2:18-3:21

  3. Mt Ebal Disobedience = Curses Mt Gerizim Obedience = Blessings Deuteronomy 27-28

  4. Joel The day of the LORD HWHY YHWH HaShem G_d

  5. Joel Yow’eel YAHWEH ‘Eel The LORD is God

  6. Joel Plague of locusts Wake up! A nation has invaded My landMy vines, My fig treesMourn Offerings cut off Fields are ruined Despair Joy is withered away Rebellion & Return Joel 1:1-12

  7. Joel Actual plague of locusts? Or Symbol of a nation invading? Rebellion & Return Joel 1:6 2:4-5 Locusts in the future Revelation 9

  8. Joel Whose land is this? Who owns the contents? Rebellion & Return Joel 1:6-7 2:18 3:2 II Chronicles 7: 18-22

  9. Joel Dried up Withered Destroyed Rebellion & Return Surely the joy of mankind is withered away Joel 1: 8-12

  10. Joel Offerings withheld Day of the LORD = destruction No joy in Temple Food cut offNo seeds, no grain Livestock suffering Wildfires Drought Rebellion & Return Joel 1:13-20

  11. Joel Day of the LORD coming like destruction from the Almighty Rebellion & Return Isaiah 13 Ezekiel 30: 1-4 Zephaniah 1: 14-18 II Peter 3: 10 Joel 1:15

  12. Day of the LORD = darkness, gloom, blackness, clouds Large & mighty army Devouring fireNothing escapes Like cavalry in battle Nations in anguish Like thieves they enter Day of the LORD = dreadful Joel Rebellion & Return Joel 2: 1-11

  13. Day of the LORD = darkness, gloom, blackness, clouds Day of the LORD = great, dreadful Joel Who can endure it? Rebellion & Return Matthew 24: 29 Isaiah 34: 4 Revelation 6: 12-14 Revelation 8: 5 Joel 2: 1-2, 10-11

  14. Day of the LORD Joel Who can endure it? Joel 2: 11 Rebellion & Return Why do you long for it? Amos 5: 18

  15. Day of the LORD Joel Is there a way out? Luke 21: 34-36 Revelation 3: 10 Rebellion & Return Jesus rescues us from the coming wrath I Thessalonians 1:10 I Thessalonians 5: 1-6

  16. Joel Even now…return to Me Joel 2: 12-17 Deuteronomy 4: 25-31 Rebellion & Return Return to Me and I will return to you Zechariah 1: 3

  17. Joel Rend your heart & return Joel 2: 13-14 Gracious Compassionate Slow to anger Abounding in love Relents from sending calamity Blessing used for…? Rebellion & Return

  18. Joel Assemble everyone Spare your people Protect your inheritance Rebellion & Return Why should they say “Where is their God?” Joel 2: 15-17

  19. Your inheritance: Joel • An object of scorn • A byword among the nations Joel 2: 17 Rebellion & Return I Kings 9: 6-9 Psalms 44: 9-14 Why should they say “Where is their God?”

  20. The land of Israel, the people of Israel Joel Ezekiel 36 Rebellion & Return • An object of scorn, a byword Joel 2: 17 Why should they say “Where is their God?”

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