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Overcoming Fitnah and Drawing closer to Allah. Examples from the past. The Role Models We Have Forgotten. 1. Asya- Wife of Fir’aun 2. Mashitwat Firaun-Hairdresser of the daughter of Fir’aun- 3. Maryam bint ‘Imran. Asya- The Wife of Firaun. She had everything!
Overcoming Fitnah and Drawing closer to Allah Examples from the past
The Role Models We Have Forgotten 1. Asya- Wife of Fir’aun 2. Mashitwat Firaun-Hairdresser of the daughter of Fir’aun- 3. Maryam bint ‘Imran
Asya- The Wife of Firaun She had everything! Clothes, shoes, comfortable living, rich and powerful husband, servants, power, wealth , etc. SHE HAD IT ALL! Willing to give up all of this for the sake of Allaah Allah had put her in a palace that was the best one in her times But she said, “ Oh Allah I want a house in Jannah” Her willingness to give up all this for the sake of Allaah is the reflection of the depth of her faith.
Her Environment • Keep in mind that Asya was living in a very evil and corrupt environment • She was married to the Pharaoh! • She was surrounded with evil from all directions • But she did not let her environment stop her from attaching herself to Allah • She was able to overcome all her surrounding and attach her heart to Allah
The implication of this • This is indication of strength of eemaan, that you are able to fight the tide that is surrounding you from every directions and keep your connection to Allaah.
What she went through Fir’aun tortured her She cried and said, “rabbibinlee 3eendaka baittan feel jannah” “ My Lord Build for me a home with You in Jannah” [ At-Tahrim: 11]
Palace In Jannah! She died laughing And Fir’aun said, “Punish her more”, what is it making her laugh, isn’t she feeling this Allaah showed her, her palace in Jannah.
Earning Her Status She sacrificed her life and wealth for Jannah She was patient She was firm She had yaqeen-state of conviction where nothing can bring doubts into the heart She attached her heart to Allah
Hairdresser • She was combing Fir’aun’s daughter’s hair and the comb dropped. • When the hairdresser was picking it up she said, “ Bismillah” • Firaun’s daughter said “Allah Abi?” • Hairdresser said “No!, Allah the God of your father and you” • She went to tell her father
“Allahu Rabbi wa Rabbuk” • Firaun said “Who is your Lord?” • She said “Allahu Rabbi wa rabbuk” “ Allah my Lord and your Lord” • Fir’aun said, “ Bring the chains” • They began to punish her severely and they would ask her “who is your lord” she would say “ Allah Rabbi wa Rabbukum” • Firaun said, “bring me a big dish with hot oil”
Hairdresser • And he said “ Bring me all her children” • And he told the hairdresser, “Worship me I’m your God” • She said, “Never!” • He brought her first child and threw him into the eyes, In front of her eyes! • Next child, then third, then forth • She was firm
Child Speaks • Her fifth was on arm, She was about to pull back infront of people • When all of the sudden, Allah made her son speak “Iswbiree ya Ummi, innakee 3ala l haqq, Inna Llaha qad wa3adakee bi Jannah” • She said burry our bones all together want my children to go to Jannah too
Maryam • She was an ‘abeeda- worshipper of Allah • She used to have a Mihraab where she would worship Allah • Allah says about her, “ Wa Maryam binata Imrana lateee.” [ At-Tahrim:12] • An Angel came to her in the form of the most handsome man • What will be YOUR reaction when you see such a man?
Maryam • Maryam’s first reaction was to say, “ audhu birrahmani minka” [ Maryam,19:18] • Imagine, no one was there to see her • She was all alone and she was a young lady • And this most handsome man shows up before her eyes • Its not a good situation to be in, Subhana Allah • But she overcame it
Her Status • And that it is why Allah tells her “Ya Maryama inna Allaha stwafakee watwaharakee wastwafakee” [ Al-Imran, 3:42] • And He sets her an example for all believer, men and women “ Wadhwaraba Allahu mathalan lil latheena”[ At-Tahrim:11]
What she did • She controlled her temptations and desires • She never let them take over • She was devoted to the worship and obedience of Allah • She was patient • She attached herself to Allaah • Her heart was pure
What they had in common • Patience • Yaqeen- firm emaan • A state of conviction where nothing can bring doubts into the heart • Their hearts were attached to Allah • They knew that this world was nothing
What to keep in mind.. • “Ee3lamu anamal huyatul dunnyaa la3eebun wa lahwun wazeena” [Al-Hadid, 57:20] • You have to know that, you have to realize that • Don’t get carried away with the dunyah, remember everything is “to go” • Remember that if you want Jannah then you have to strive for it
Keep in Mind • This dunya is not worth even to a wing of a mosquito • The world is prison for Muumin [Muslim :: Book 42 : Hadith 7058] • There will come a time when the one who is holding to his/her religion will be like holding into hot coals offire[Dawud :: Book 37 : Hadith 4327] • If you walk to Allah, He will run to you. [Bukhari :: Book 9 :: Volume 93 :: Hadith 627]
How to get closer to Allaah If you want to get into the house of Prime Minister or President, you don’t get there easily. If you want to get closer to Allaah, you have to work for it. [Bukhari :: Book 9 :: Volume 93 :: Hadith 577 ] • Tahajjud – [Bukhari :: Book 2 :: Volume 21 :: Hadith 246 ] • Read Qur’aan [Bukhari :: Book 6 :: Volume 60 :: Hadith 459 ] • Be in the company of righteous people- • [Bukhari :: Book 8 :: Volume 73 :: Hadith 188] [Dawud :: Book 41 : Hadith 4815 ] • Do nawafeel deeds [Bukhari :: Book 8 :: Volume 76 :: Hadith 509] • Dhikr- keep your tongue busy!
Ways to Earn Allah’s Love • Put whatever Allah loves first [ Al-Ahzab, 33:14] • Don’t care what people will think or say • Study Allah’s Name and Attributes thoroughly • Get to know your Rabb properly • Avoid things that will distant you from Allaah • E.g listening to music, watching too much T.V etc
General Advice • Sometimes your nafs is your enemy, so strife against it • If you feel weak cry to Allaah • Seek to make your nafs pure “ Qad aflah man tazakah ” [ Al-Ghashiyah, 88:14] “ AL-MUJAHEEDU MAN JAHADA NAFSAHU FILLAH” “ A TRUE MAJAHEED IS THE ONE WHO STRIFES AGAINST HIS (HER) NAFS FOR ALLAH’S SAKE”
And Lastly…… • Remember your life is a constant struggle • NEVER give up on the mercy of Allaah • Aim high, aim for Jannatul Firdaus • Ask Allaah to grant it to you • Ask Allah to make you a strong Muslimah for verily He hears you when you call onto to Him! • And remember, “ Idha Ahhabba Llahu ‘abdan iptalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!”