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Writing the FRE (Free Response Essay)

Writing the FRE (Free Response Essay). Think of the FRE as a delicious hamburger…(made my way). An Introduction To Get Things Started… --- A broad statement on the topic question --- A thesis…what your essay is going to prove

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Writing the FRE (Free Response Essay)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Writing the FRE (Free Response Essay)

  2. Think of the FRE as a delicious hamburger…(made my way) An Introduction To Get Things Started… ---A broad statement on the topic question ---A thesis…what your essay is going to prove ---An organization statement – three points you want to make in your essay The Body of Your Essay ---Topic Sentence to Introduce ---Fact to Support ---Fact to Support ---Fact to Support ---Analysis ---Transition Conclusion ---Restate Your Thesis ---Restate Your Main Points ---Analysis and Conclusion To Bring Together


  4. We want facts! We want specifics! We want understanding! We want substance!

  5. Question: Analyze the contributions of TWO of the following in helping establish a stable government after the adoption of the Constitution? John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington FLUFF or FACT!

  6. FLUFF or FACT! “Thomas Jefferson and George Washington have been two of our greatest leaders. Besides being two of the top presidents to ever hold office, they have had other accomplishments that has led our country to outstanding heights. In order to obtain a stable governments, leaders like Thomas Jefferson and George Washington have done remarkable contributions in order to help our nation after the adoption of the constitution.”

  7. FLUFF or FACT! “Many presidents and governors tried to establish a stable government after the adoption of the Constitution. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson's eras or terms, illustrated that a stable government is needed in order to establish a free-standing government after the adoption of a Constitution. George Washington contributed the idea of neutrality, enforcement of federal law by summoning state militias, thus illustrated in the Whiskey Rebellion and the support of Hamilton’s national bank. These entities illustrated Washington’s contribution to help establish a stable government…

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