2. TRICARE Regions
3. TRICARE Regional Contractors TRICARE North (Health Net)
1-877-TRICARE (1-877-874-2273)
TRICARE South (Humana)
TRICARE West (TriWest)
1-888-TRIWEST (1-888-874-9378)
4. TRICARE Options Triple Options
TRICARE Standard
Other Programs
TRICARE Prime Remote
5. TRICARE Eligibility DEERS
Active duty & retirees
Medal of Honor recipients
Family members
Unmarried children to age 21; 23 if full-time student
Certain survivors
Certain former spouses
TRICARE For Life eligibility requires Medicare Part B
6. DEERS Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System
Defense Manpower Data Center Support Office (DSO)
Phone: 1-800-538-9552
Fax: 1-831-655-8317
Mail: DSO (Attn: COA or TFL), 400 Gigling Road, Seaside, CA 93955-6771
Web: www.tricare.osd.mil/DEERS DEERS information must be current to ensure continued eligibility.DEERS information must be current to ensure continued eligibility.
7. Making Changes in DEERS Demographic changes (address, phone)
Can be done in person; by phone, fax or mail; or online
To add or remove a family member
Sponsor responsibility
Personnel / ID Card Office
Birth, death, adoption, marriage, divorce
Documentation required
Decrees 1. Demographic information should be kept current to ensure that claims are processed properly, and to allow for contacting or notifying beneficiary if necessary.1. Demographic information should be kept current to ensure that claims are processed properly, and to allow for contacting or notifying beneficiary if necessary.
8. DEERS (Continued) Unremarried Former Spouses
Former spouse’s SSN used to verify eligibility (20/20/20 rule)
Not eligible if covered by an employer-sponsored health plan
Personnel / ID Card Office
Stepchildren eligibility URFS not eligible for TRICARE if covered under an employer sponsored health plan.
Stepchildren lose eligibility after a divorce unless they had been adopted by the sponsor.URFS not eligible for TRICARE if covered under an employer sponsored health plan.
Stepchildren lose eligibility after a divorce unless they had been adopted by the sponsor.
9. Military Treatment Facility – Priorities for Care Active duty
Active duty family members in Prime
Retirees, family members & survivors in Prime
TRICARE Plus enrollees (where available)
Active duty family members not in Prime
Retirees, family members & survivors not in Prime
Other eligible beneficiaries Non-enrollees on a space-available basis.Non-enrollees on a space-available basis.
10. TRICARE & Medicare –Dual Eligibility Medicare Part A entitlement
Under age 65 – disability or end-stage renal disease
Age 65
TRICARE eligibility
Must purchase Medicare Part B
Except active duty family members
TRICARE is second payer to Medicare
Dual eligibility = TFL 1. Beneficiaries who are eligible for Medicare and TRICARE are considered dual-eligible.by law, dual-eligible beneficiaries, with the exception of active duty service members must have Medicare Part A and B to retain TRICARE benefits.
2. Dual-eligible TRICARE beneficiaries under age 65 who are also entitled to Medicare Part A due to a disability or end-stage renal disease (ESRD) are considered dual-eligible. For these individuals, TRICARE coverage may continue as a secondary payer to Medicare.
3. Non-active duty and their family members who are eligible for Medicare Part A and Part B, must enroll in order to maintain TRICARE eligibility. Failure to enroll in Medicare Part B and pay the monthly Part B premiums will result in disenrollment from TRICARE.
4. All other dual-eligible beneficiaries must enroll in Medicare Part B or they will not be eligible for coverage under TRICARE. When TRICARE beneficiaries become entitled to Medicare Part A upon attaining the age 65 and purchase Medicare Part B, they become eligible for TRICARE’s Medicare-wraparound coverage known as TRICARE For Life (TFL).
1. Beneficiaries who are eligible for Medicare and TRICARE are considered dual-eligible.by law, dual-eligible beneficiaries, with the exception of active duty service members must have Medicare Part A and B to retain TRICARE benefits.
2. Dual-eligible TRICARE beneficiaries under age 65 who are also entitled to Medicare Part A due to a disability or end-stage renal disease (ESRD) are considered dual-eligible. For these individuals, TRICARE coverage may continue as a secondary payer to Medicare.
3. Non-active duty and their family members who are eligible for Medicare Part A and Part B, must enroll in order to maintain TRICARE eligibility. Failure to enroll in Medicare Part B and pay the monthly Part B premiums will result in disenrollment from TRICARE.
4. All other dual-eligible beneficiaries must enroll in Medicare Part B or they will not be eligible for coverage under TRICARE. When TRICARE beneficiaries become entitled to Medicare Part A upon attaining the age 65 and purchase Medicare Part B, they become eligible for TRICARE’s Medicare-wraparound coverage known as TRICARE For Life (TFL).
11. Medicare & Social Security – When do They Begin? Medicare
For most people at age 65
Before age 65 for people with certain disabilities or end-stage renal disease
Social Security
Full retirement age is 65 to 67, depending on year of birth
Can start receiving reduced benefits at age 62
Disability benefits for total disability
12. TRICARE For Life Became law October 1st, 2001
Medicare-eligible beneficiaries age 65 and over; disability; end-stage renal disease
Sponsors, family members, widows, widowers, certain former spouses
Eligible for Medicare Part A, and enrolled in Medicare Part B
Eligibility current in DEERS
13. TRICARE For Life - Costs No enrollment fees for TFL
Medicare Part B premiums
$93.50/month for 2007
Increase annually 2007 monthly premium $93.50 – a $5 increase over the 2006 premium of $88.50.
Part B Premiums for 2007 are based on income. For individuals who earn $80k or less ($160k or less for a couple), the premium is $93.50.
Incremental increases based on income.2007 monthly premium $93.50 – a $5 increase over the 2006 premium of $88.50.
Part B Premiums for 2007 are based on income. For individuals who earn $80k or less ($160k or less for a couple), the premium is $93.50.
Incremental increases based on income.
14. Health Care for SeniorsBefore & Since TFL Began
15. TRICARE For Life –Who Pays for What
16. TFL - Enrollment in Medicare Part B Required to receive TRICARE For Life benefits
Initial 7-month enrollment period
Annual general enrollment period
January 1st – March 31st
Special enrollment situations
Premium & surcharge/penalty 1. The initial enrollment period covers a 7-month period - 3 months before you reach age 65, your birthday month, and 3 months after your birthday month. If eligibility is based on disability or kidney failure, the initial enrollment period depends on the date the disability or treatment began.
2. If you enroll in Part B during the 3 months before your birthday month, you become eligible on the first day of your birthday month; if you enroll during your birthday month, you become eligible on the first day of the month following your birthday month; if you enroll during the first month after your birthday month, you become eligible on the first day of two months after enrollment; and if you enroll during the second or third month after your birthday month, you become eligible three months after enrollment.
3. For people who do not sign up during the initial enrollment period when they first became eligible for Medicare Part B, there is a General Enrollment period each year from January 1st through March 31st, with coverage beginning on July 1st. However, the monthly premium increases 10% for each 12-month period the person was eligible but did not enroll.
4. There are Special Enrollment Situations for certain categories of beneficiaries, and there is a Special Enrollment Period for people covered under an employer group health plan. Contact Medicare or the Social Security Administration for information.
5. Dual-eligible active duty family members are not required to purchase Medicare Part B until their active duty sponsor retires.
6. The monthly Medicare Part B premium for 2006 is $88.50. As noted above, however, the surcharge will increase the monthly premium by 10% for each 12-month period the person was eligible but did not enroll.
7. Patients who are eligible for, but elect not to enroll in, Medicare Part B will not be eligible for most TRICARE benefits (except for space-available direct care within an MTF, and certain pharmacy benefits depending on age).1. The initial enrollment period covers a 7-month period - 3 months before you reach age 65, your birthday month, and 3 months after your birthday month. If eligibility is based on disability or kidney failure, the initial enrollment period depends on the date the disability or treatment began.
2. If you enroll in Part B during the 3 months before your birthday month, you become eligible on the first day of your birthday month; if you enroll during your birthday month, you become eligible on the first day of the month following your birthday month; if you enroll during the first month after your birthday month, you become eligible on the first day of two months after enrollment; and if you enroll during the second or third month after your birthday month, you become eligible three months after enrollment.
3. For people who do not sign up during the initial enrollment period when they first became eligible for Medicare Part B, there is a General Enrollment period each year from January 1st through March 31st, with coverage beginning on July 1st. However, the monthly premium increases 10% for each 12-month period the person was eligible but did not enroll.
4. There are Special Enrollment Situations for certain categories of beneficiaries, and there is a Special Enrollment Period for people covered under an employer group health plan. Contact Medicare or the Social Security Administration for information.
5. Dual-eligible active duty family members are not required to purchase Medicare Part B until their active duty sponsor retires.
6. The monthly Medicare Part B premium for 2006 is $88.50. As noted above, however, the surcharge will increase the monthly premium by 10% for each 12-month period the person was eligible but did not enroll.
7. Patients who are eligible for, but elect not to enroll in, Medicare Part B will not be eligible for most TRICARE benefits (except for space-available direct care within an MTF, and certain pharmacy benefits depending on age).
17. Claims Processing for TFL & Dual-Eligible Beneficiaries Claims processor –
Wisconsin Physician Services (WPS)
Providers file claims with Medicare
Medicare forwards claims to WPS
Explanations of Benefit (EOB) from both Medicare & TRICARE
18. Using TFL with Other Health Insurance (OHI) Examples of OHI:
Employer-sponsored health insurance
Medigap & other supplemental health insurance policies
TRICARE does not pay second to Medicare if there is OHI
Medicare pays first, OHI second, & TRICARE last
May have to file paper claims with TRICARE for payment/reimbursement
19. Catastrophic Cap Annual (fiscal year) out-of-pocket expenses for covered services
Active duty families - $1000/family
Retirees & families - $3000/family
Includes TFL beneficiaries Covered services - Annual deductibles; inpatient, outpatient & pharmacy co-pays; TRICARE Prime enrollment fees.
Retirees include TFL.
Covered services - Annual deductibles; inpatient, outpatient & pharmacy co-pays; TRICARE Prime enrollment fees.
Retirees include TFL.
20. Catastrophic Cap (continued) Exclusions:
Does not apply to active duty personnel
Out-of-pocket expenses under TRICARE Prime point-of-service option
Any amount charged by non-participating providers above the TRICARE allowable charge
Medicare premiums
21. TRICARE Plus Primary care enrollment program at select MTFs
NMCP – Internal Medicine Clinic
Enrollment by invitation only
No enrollment fees or co-pays
Same primary care access-to-care standards as TRICARE Prime
Continued availability not guaranteed
Specialty care not included nor guaranteed
22. Pharmacy Eligibility
MTF Pharmacy
TRICARE Mail Order Pharmacy
TRICARE Retail Network Pharmacy
Non-network Retail Pharmacy TFL beneficiaries who turned 65 before 1 April 2001 may participate in the program without being enrolled in Medicare Part B; beneficiaries who turn 65 on or after 1 April 2001 must be enrolled in Medicare Part B and must ensure their DEERS profile is updated to participate.
Express Scripts is the contractor for both the Mail Order and Retail Network pharmacy programs.
TFL beneficiaries who turned 65 before 1 April 2001 may participate in the program without being enrolled in Medicare Part B; beneficiaries who turn 65 on or after 1 April 2001 must be enrolled in Medicare Part B and must ensure their DEERS profile is updated to participate.
Express Scripts is the contractor for both the Mail Order and Retail Network pharmacy programs.
23. Pharmacy Costs 1. Note: patients using non-network retail pharmacies may have to pay the total amount of their prescription first, then file a claim for partial reimbursement.1. Note: patients using non-network retail pharmacies may have to pay the total amount of their prescription first, then file a claim for partial reimbursement.
24. TRICARE For Life and Medicare Part D Most TFL/Medicare beneficiaries will not need Medicare Part D
Exception may be those with limited income and assets, such as people also eligible for Medicaid
Things to consider:
Monthly premiums
Deductibles and co-payments
Drug coverage
Annual open enrollment Nov 15 – Dec 31 Monthly premiums do not apply towards the catastrophic cap.Monthly premiums do not apply towards the catastrophic cap.
25. Physical Exams & Preventive Services Clinical Preventive Services - Limited TRICARE & Medicare Benefit
Cancer screening exams & tests
Disease prevention exams & tests
Smoking cessation & healthy living education
One-time “Welcome to Medicare” Physical Exam
Within the first 6 months of having Medicare Part B
26. Hearing Aids Not a covered benefit under TRICARE or TFL for retirees
Retiree-At-Cost Hearing Aid Purchase Program (RACHAPP)
At select MTFs
NMCP ENT Clinic (Audiology)
Referral required
Retiree only
Retiree family members do not qualify Does TRICARE cover hearing aids? No. TRICARE does not cover hearing aids for retirees or their family members. However, some military treatment facilities (MTFs) support the Retiree At Cost Hearing Aid Purchase Program (RACHAPP) for retired uniformed service members in need of hearing aids. The RACHAPP program allows retired service members the opportunity to purchase hearing aids at government cost.Contact a RACHAPP participating MTF to learn more about the RACHAPP program. The web site listing the RACHAPP facilities is http://www.militaryaudiology.org/rachap/state.html
What happens if my military treatment facility offers the Retiree-At-Cost Hearing Aid Purchase Program (RACHAPP)?If the RACHAPP is available, the MTF instructs you on how to obtain an appointment at the Audiology Clinic. The MTF Audiologist then performs a complete diagnostic evaluation, and any necessary medical referrals will be addressed at the audiology appointment. If it is determined that you may benefit from the use of amplification, the Audiologist will recommend a specific hearing aid(s), inform you of the cost of the hearing aid, and provides you with a prescription. The military treatment facility then assists with ordering your hearing aid.
Under the Retiree-At-Cost Hearing Aid Purchase Program (RACHAPP), when will I pay for my hearing aid?Most Military Treatment Facilities (MTFs) will ask you to provide payment at the time the hearing aid(s) is ordered. Once the MTF receives the hearing aid, the MTF contacts you and schedules you for a Hearing Aid Fitting appointment.
Does TRICARE For Life (TFL) pay for hearing aids?No, hearing aids are not covered. However, retired sponsors may be eligible for the Retiree-At-Cost Hearing Aid Purchase Program (RACHAPP). Retired service members should call a RACHAPP participating military treatment facility to learn more about the RACHAPP program. Please visit the RACHAPP web site (http://www.militaryaudiology.org/rachap/state.html) for contact information.Does TRICARE cover hearing aids? No. TRICARE does not cover hearing aids for retirees or their family members. However, some military treatment facilities (MTFs) support the Retiree At Cost Hearing Aid Purchase Program (RACHAPP) for retired uniformed service members in need of hearing aids. The RACHAPP program allows retired service members the opportunity to purchase hearing aids at government cost.Contact a RACHAPP participating MTF to learn more about the RACHAPP program. The web site listing the RACHAPP facilities is http://www.militaryaudiology.org/rachap/state.html
What happens if my military treatment facility offers the Retiree-At-Cost Hearing Aid Purchase Program (RACHAPP)?If the RACHAPP is available, the MTF instructs you on how to obtain an appointment at the Audiology Clinic. The MTF Audiologist then performs a complete diagnostic evaluation, and any necessary medical referrals will be addressed at the audiology appointment. If it is determined that you may benefit from the use of amplification, the Audiologist will recommend a specific hearing aid(s), inform you of the cost of the hearing aid, and provides you with a prescription. The military treatment facility then assists with ordering your hearing aid.
Under the Retiree-At-Cost Hearing Aid Purchase Program (RACHAPP), when will I pay for my hearing aid?Most Military Treatment Facilities (MTFs) will ask you to provide payment at the time the hearing aid(s) is ordered. Once the MTF receives the hearing aid, the MTF contacts you and schedules you for a Hearing Aid Fitting appointment.
Does TRICARE For Life (TFL) pay for hearing aids?No, hearing aids are not covered. However, retired sponsors may be eligible for the Retiree-At-Cost Hearing Aid Purchase Program (RACHAPP). Retired service members should call a RACHAPP participating military treatment facility to learn more about the RACHAPP program. Please visit the RACHAPP web site (http://www.militaryaudiology.org/rachap/state.html) for contact information.
27. TRICARE Online Current Features
Online MTF appointing
Rx checker
TRICARE information
Personal health journal
Medical library
Health & wellness links
Healthy life style tools
MTF facility & clinic pages
Provider pages
Secure access
28. Future Features
Pharmacy refills
Routine pharmacy renewal requests
Routine lab requests
Online enrollments
Patient/provider messaging
Appointment reminders
Health assessments
Access to electronic health record TRICARE Online
29. Dental TRICARE Dental Program (TDP)
For active duty family members, & National Guard & Reserve members & their families
United Concordia is the contractor
TRICARE Retiree Dental Program (TRDP)
For retirees & their families, Medal of Honor recipients & their families, & certain survivors & former spouses
Delta Dental Plan of California is the contractor
30. Long Term Care &Skilled Nursing Care Long Term (Custodial) Care
Comfort, personal, wellness needs – activities of daily living
Can be received in the home, assisted living facility, adult day care, or nursing home
Not covered by TRICARE or Medicare
Commercial insurance plans available
Skilled Nursing Care
Medically necessary nursing & rehabilitation (physical, occupational & speech therapy) services
Delivered in a skilled nursing facility
Covered by TRICARE & Medicare (restrictions apply)
31. TRICARE – Sustaining the Benefit Major expansions in the TRICARE benefit
Proposed changes to the TRICARE benefit – phase-in
Increase TRICARE Prime enrollment fees (applies only to eligible retirees under the age of 65)
Create TRICARE Standard enrollment fees & increase deductibles (applies only to eligible retirees under the age of 65)
Change some pharmacy co-payments Major Expansions
1. Active Duty & Their Families
Introduced TRICARE Prime Remote for service members and their families
Eliminated all Prime cost-sharing for care delivered by civilian providers…virtually no out-of-pocket costs
Added TRICARE Reserve Select, offering a DoD-subsidized, “buy-in” provision for Guard and Reserve
2. Retirees & Their Families
Introduced a civilian network prescription drug benefit for Medicare-eligible beneficiaries in 2000
Introduced TRICARE For Life, which established TRICARE as a second payer to Medicare for dual-eligible beneficiaries
Reduced catastrophic cap for retirees under age 65 in TRICARE Standard from $7,500 to $3,000
3. Expansions in Customer Service
Expanded network and participating hospitals, providers and pharmacies every year; more than 200,000 physicians, 55,000 pharmacies, and 6,000 hospitals nationwide
Dramatically improved claims processing, becoming an industry leader in timeliness and accuracy of claims payment
Co-located TRICARE Service Centers in more military facilities over the years
Eliminated the requirement for Non Availability Statements for TRICARE Standard beneficiaries, greatly expanding customer choice for inpatient care
Introduced 1-800-TRICARE, toll-free customer service, linking beneficiaries to the right support system easily and quickly
Major Expansions
1. Active Duty & Their Families
Introduced TRICARE Prime Remote for service members and their families
Eliminated all Prime cost-sharing for care delivered by civilian providers…virtually no out-of-pocket costs
Added TRICARE Reserve Select, offering a DoD-subsidized, “buy-in” provision for Guard and Reserve
2. Retirees & Their Families
Introduced a civilian network prescription drug benefit for Medicare-eligible beneficiaries in 2000
Introduced TRICARE For Life, which established TRICARE as a second payer to Medicare for dual-eligible beneficiaries
Reduced catastrophic cap for retirees under age 65 in TRICARE Standard from $7,500 to $3,000
3. Expansions in Customer Service
Expanded network and participating hospitals, providers and pharmacies every year; more than 200,000 physicians, 55,000 pharmacies, and 6,000 hospitals nationwide
Dramatically improved claims processing, becoming an industry leader in timeliness and accuracy of claims payment
Co-located TRICARE Service Centers in more military facilities over the years
Eliminated the requirement for Non Availability Statements for TRICARE Standard beneficiaries, greatly expanding customer choice for inpatient care
Introduced 1-800-TRICARE, toll-free customer service, linking beneficiaries to the right support system easily and quickly
32. TRICARE Assistance & Information Beneficiary Counseling & Assistance Coordinators (BCACs/HBAs)
Located at most MTFs
TRICARE Service Centers (TSCs)
Health Net Federal Services
Located at major MTFs
Telephone resources
Internet resources
33. TRICARE Assistance & Information - BCACs Boone Branch Health Clinic, NAB Little Creek
(757) 314-7347
Kenner Army Health Clinic, Fort Lee
(804) 734-9447
Langley 1st Medical Group, Langley AFB
(757) 225-5111
McDonald Army Community Health Clinic, Fort Eustis
(757) 314-7939
Naval Medical Center Portsmouth
(757) 953-2610
Northwest Branch Health Clinic, NavComSta NW
(757) 421-8220 Oceana Branch Health Clinic, NAS Oceana
(757) 314-7129
Sewells Point Branch Health Clinic, Norfolk Naval Base
(757) 953-8708
TRICARE Prime Clinic Chesapeake
(757) 314-8958
TRICARE Prime Clinic Virginia Beach
(757) 314-8939
Yorktown Branch Health Clinic, Naval Weapons Station
(757) 314-6107
Yorktown Coast Guard Health Clinic
(757) 856-2147
34. TRICARE Service Centers
Health Net Federal Services
1 (877) TRICARE (874-2273)
Naval Medical Center Portsmouth
Kenner Army Health Clinic
Langley 1st Medical Group
McDonald Army Community Health Clinic TRICARE Assistance & Information - TSCs
35. TRICARE Service Center (Health Net Federal Services)
1-877-TRICARE (1-877-874-2273)
TRICARE Mail Order Pharmacy (Express Scripts)
1-866-DoD-TMOP (1-866-363-8667)
TRICARE Retail Pharmacy (Express Scripts)
1-866-DoD-TRRx (1-866-363-8779)
Hampton Roads Appointment Center
1-866-MIL-HLTH (1-866-645-4584)
1-800-600-9332 or 1-210-767-5250
TRICARE Dental Program (United Concordia)
TRICARE Retiree Dental Program (Delta Dental)
1-866-773-0404 (or TTY/TDD callers use 1-866-773-0405)
TRICARE Assistance & Information – Telephone #s
36. TRICARE Assistance & Information – Internet TRICARE Management Activity – www.tricare.mil
Health Net Federal Services – www.healthnetfederalservices.com
TRICARE Dental Program – www.TRICAREdentalprogram.com
TRICARE Retiree Dental Program – www.trdp.org
TRICARE Mail Order Pharmacy Program –
TRICARE Retail Pharmacy Program – www.tricare.osd.mil/pharmacy
Reserve Affairs – www.defenselink.mil/ra
Naval Medical Center Portsmouth – www-nmcp.mar.med.navy.mil
DEERS – www.tricare.osd.mil/DEERS
TRICARE For Life – www.tricare4u.com
Medicare & Social Security – www.ssa.gov
TRICARE Online Appointments – www.tricare.mil
TRICARE Claims (PGBA) – www.mytricare.com
TRICARE For Life Claims (Wisconsin Physician Services) – www.wps.com
37. Health Net Web Site www.healthnetfederalservices.com
TRICARE Prime enrollment, benefit, policy and cost-share information
Information about referrals and authorizations for specialty care
Claims information
AudioHealth Library featuring hundreds of recorded health topics which can help you stay healthy
“Online TRICARE Service Center”
TRICARE Service Center Directory
Health Net Provider Network Directory
38. Thank You!