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#GH2035. Global Health 2035: The World Development Report 1993 at 20 Years. 1993-2013: Extraordinary Economic Progress. Movement of populations from low income to higher income between 1990 and 2011. 2013-2035: Global Health Challenges.
Global Health 2035: The World Development Report 1993 at 20 Years
1993-2013: Extraordinary Economic Progress Movement of populations from low income to higher income between 1990 and 2011
2013-2035: Global Health Challenges Child deaths and infectious diseases by country income level, 2011 Worldwide distribution of child deaths and TB deaths by country income level
Full Income: A Better Way to Measure the Returns from Investing in Health • Across LICs and LMICs, health contributed to annual growth in full income by about 1.2% per year of the initial value of GDP for the period 1990–2000 and 1·8% per year in the period 2000–2011. • The economic benefits of convergence would exceed costs by a factor of about 9 in LICs and around 20 in LMICs.
A Grand Convergence is Achievable by 2035 • With enhanced investment, • we could achieve a • grandconvergence in global health in the next generation – bringing deaths from infections and RMNCH conditions in LICs and MICs down to rates in the best-performing MICs.
R&D: New Tools to Achieve Convergence The international community should double its current R&D spending from $3 billion to $6 billion annually by 2020, with a focus on potentially game-changing vaccines, diagnostics and drugs.
Substantial Reduction in NCDs and Injuries by 2035 Inexpensive population-based and clinical interventions could reduce additional deaths from NCDs and injuries Fiscal policies are a promising and underused lever, especially tobacco taxation and reducing fossil fuel subsidies
Progressive Universalist Pathways to UHC Protect the Poor from the Outset Pathways toward universal universal health coverage
Opportunities for International Collective Action • Best way to support convergence is funding development and delivery of new health technologies R&D targeted at diseases disproportionately affecting LICs and LMICs • and managing externalities such as pandemics. • These core functions have been neglected in the last 20 years.
Launch & Advocacy Plans Target audiences: Post-2015 decision-makers; finance and health ministers from LICs and lower MICs; donor agencies and multilateral banks; global health advocates; global health academia; private sector and corporate leaders.