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Native Peoples of America: Selecting and Presenting a Native American Tribe

Learn and present about a Native American tribe in a 2-minute visual presentation, including historical highlights. Research, prepare, present, and take notes on others' presentations.

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Native Peoples of America: Selecting and Presenting a Native American Tribe

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter I “Native Peoples of America”

  2. Indian Project • Steps: • Select a Native American group. • Research that “tribe.” • Prepare a 2 minute presentation. • Must have a visual • Include a major historical highlight of the tribe. • Be prepared on due date. • Take notes on other presentations. • See “document” on page 17.

  3. Map 1.1: Peopling of the Americas

  4. Map 1.3: Major Andean Cultures, 900 b.c.–a.d. 1432

  5. Hiawatha • Longfellow’s poem “Song of Hiawatha By the shores of Gitche Gumee,By the shining Big-Sea-Water,Stood the wigwam of Nokomis,Daughter of the Moon, Nokomis.Dark behind it rose the forest,Rose the black and gloomy pine-trees,Rose the firs with cones upon them;Bright before it beat the water,Beat the clear and sunny water,Beat the shining Big-Sea-Water.There the wrinkled old NokomisNursed the little Hiawatha

  6. Iroquois Confederation

  7. Map 1.4: Locations of Selected Native American Peoples, a.d. 1500

  8. Wampum • money

  9. Paleo-Indians 13,000 – 9,000BC First arrival in America is really unknown, however the last to come is around 10,000BC.

  10. Bands Consisting of several families 15-50 people Calusa Indians: Taylor Pulliam 2011

  11. reciprocity • Principle of bestowing gifts and favors rather than the notion that one party should accumulate profits or power at the expense of others. • Pelts • Land (shared) • Food

  12. Archaic Indians • Lived off wider varieties of flora and fauna.

  13. Mesoamerica • Most sophisticated early plant cultivators • Lived in Mexico and Central America • Maize (staple crop)

  14. Mayan, Aztec, Inca • Chiefdom • Ruler exercises direct authority over a few clustered communities. • Eventually developed in the Mississippi and Amazon regions

  15. Religous Development • Sky Woman • Pregnant woman fell • Human Sacrifice • Best saved for the gods

  16. States • Ruler or government exercises direct authority over many communities

  17. Hohokam • 300C.E. • Irrigation canals • Large coordinated work • forces • One of four major • prehistoricarchaeological • traditions • of what is now the • American Southwest.

  18. Ancestral PuebloMesa Verde in southwestern ColoradoAnother major culture of the Southwest

  19. Mississippian

  20. Poverty Point • 1200B.C.E. • Lower Mississippi (Louisiana)

  21. Adena • Mound building culture of the Ohio River

  22. Hopewell Louisiana / Developed the Hopewell Exchange Routes that connected to Canada—extensive trading. • Evolved from the Adena Mound builders/Mississippian

  23. Cahokia • Near modern Saint Louis, Missouri Another mound building society of Mississippian Age

  24. Nuclear Family • Husband, wife, biological children • Role of women varied from farming to actually being sachems (political leaders) • Never stood alone “How?” That’s what I would like to know!

  25. Extended Family • Multigenerational (multi-gen-er-ation-al) • Relatives • Indians lived in these societies from the beginning to Columbus and beyond. Two too many, if you ask me!

  26. 1492“Who dat?” Arrival of Columbus / “Golden Age” ends!

  27. Columbus Something for Chapter 2… Who “discovered America?”

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