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Teaching Staff in Reception. Miss Shaw Teacher Mrs Devall Teaching Assistant Mrs Nelson Teaching Assistant (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings)Miss Howe Teacher (Tuesday afternoons) Mrs Clarke Lunchtime Supervisor . A Day in Reception . Self-Registration and ActivitiesWhole Clas

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Reception 2010 - 2011

    2. Teaching Staff in Reception Miss Shaw Teacher Mrs Devall Teaching Assistant Mrs Nelson Teaching Assistant (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings) Miss Howe Teacher (Tuesday afternoons) Mrs Clarke Lunchtime Supervisor

    3. A Day in Reception Self-Registration and Activities Whole Class Carpet Time Activities Whole Class Carpet Time Lunch Activities Whole Class Carpet Time Activities Story Time Home Time

    4. Changes from Nursery to Reception Writing Name Writing Mark-Making to Writing Letter Formation Reading Scheme Read Write Inc. Phonics Shared Reading Books Phonics Games and Activities

    5. Read Write Inc Phonics Read Write Inc Phonics will begin in Reception on Monday 4th October. The children will learn one new sound each day initially. They will then begin to learn how to blend sounds together for reading and practise reading tricky words that cannot be broken down phonetically. They will bring their Sound Books home with them each day in order to practise the sound and the letter formation.

    6. Uniform Please make sure that all clothing is named, including shoes and Hall Time kit. Suitable clothing for outdoor activities shoes, coats, scarves, gloves or sun hat, with sun cream applied before they come to school in hot weather. A pair of named wellies to keep in school. No jewellery except studs.

    7. Lunches and Snack Children are given milk and fruit everyday and water is available throughout the day. Please ensure that any allergies or guidelines concerning food are highlighted on your forms. Reception go to lunch before the rest of the school initially. Please ensure that packed lunches have an ice pack in them. Children will be accompanied by T or TA initially. Children stay within the Early Years outdoor area, after they have eaten their lunch, for the first part of the year.

    8. Show and Tell Children will have the opportunity to bring toys from home at certain points throughout every term. A letter will be sent home when these opportunities arise. This avoids things being lost or damaged.

    9. Notices Please check the Notices board outside the classroom regularly for information about activities and events that are taking place in school and in the classroom.

    10. Going Home Please inform us if your child is going home with anyone other than yourselves or someone we know.

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