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Topic of Your Group

This slide provides an overview of the papers read by our group and the reviewers for each paper. It includes a summary of the research question, proposed solution, major conclusion, and any comments made during group discussions.

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Topic of Your Group

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Topic of Your Group Names of Group Member (alphabetical order)

  2. List of Papers Read by Your Group • Use this slide to give an overview of the papers that your group have read and who reviewed which paper • List the papers and their reviewers, e.g., • J. Smith, et al., a study of xxx, (reviewer’s name) • Use abbreviations or shorten long titles to avoid having too much text on the slide • You may cut-and-paste the readings from the wiki page and do minor editing to create this slide.

  3. The following 8 slides (or 9 slides for Group 2) would give a very brief summary of the 8 (or 9) papers, respectively You may adapt the next slide to create a slide for each paper. Each reviewer should create a slide for the paper he/she reviewed for your group

  4. Abbreviated Paper Title 1 (summarize the title if the original title is too long) • What’s the research question/problem addressed in the paper? • What’s the proposed solution/answer? • What’s the major conclusion/finding? • Any comments your group have on this paper (based on the discussions you’ve made)? • It’s up to you how to design this slide, so feel free to use examples, pictures or diagrams, which are often more effective than text for explanation. • Try to think very clearly about what are the key messages you’d like to deliver with this slide, and how you can make it very easy for others to understand your points.

  5. Use the next ~10 slides to discuss one single paper in depth (again, it’s always better to use a picture, illustration, or example) This paper should presumably be the best paper among all the papers that your group have read, so you should have a discussion about which paper to discuss in depth.

  6. Problem Description (1~2 slides) • Use 1~2 slides to describe the problem/question addressed by the paper • Explain why the problem is import ant to address

  7. Related Work (1 slide) • Use one slide to position this paper in the context of existing work • What’s the most closely related work to this paper? • How is this work different from the closest work? • Where exactly is the novelty? (this is the single most important question that you should think about!)

  8. Technical Descriptions (3~5 slides) • Use 3~5 slides to describe and illustrate the methods/techniques the authors used to address the proposed research problem

  9. Evaluation (2~3 slides) • Use 2-3 slides to discuss • How did the authors evaluate the proposed methods or solutions? • What questions did the authors attempt to answer with the experiments? • What are the major experiment results? (choose one or two most important results to present)

  10. Conclusions & Your Comments (1~2 slides) • Concisely summarize the main contribution of the paper • Briefly summarize the major points raised in your discussions of the paper.

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