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Cisco 642-885 Exam Deploying Cisco Service Provider Advanced Routing Questions & Answers (Demo Version) https://examslead.com/642-885-practice-exam-dumps/ Buy Full Product Here:
Question 1 Referring to the topology diagram show in the exhibit, Which three statements are correct regarding the BGP routng updates? (Choose three.) A. The EBGP routng updates received by R1 from R5 will be propagated to the R2, R4, and R7 routers B. The EBGP routng updates received by R3 from R6 will be propagated to the R2 and R4 routers C. The EBGP routng updates received by R1 from R5 will be propagated to the R2 and R4 routers D. The IBGP routng updates received by R3 from R2 will be propagated to the R6 router E. The IBGP routng updates received by R2 from R1 will be propagated to the R3 router F. The IBGP routng updates received by R1 from R4 will be propagated to the R5, R7, and R2 routers Aoswern A, B, D Question 2 When a BGP route refector receives an IBGP update from a non-client IBGP peer, the route refector will then forward the IBGP updates to which other router(s)? A. To the other clients only B. To the EBGP peers only C. To the EBGP peers and other clients only D. To the EBGP peers and other clients and non-clients
Aoswern C Question 3 Which two BGP mechanisms are used to prevent routng loops when using a design with redundant route refectors? (Choose two.) A. Cluster-list B. AS-Path C. Originator ID D. Community E. Origin Aoswern A, C Question 4 Which two statements correctly describe the BGP tl-security feature? (Choose two.) A. This feature protects the BGP processes from CPU utliiaton-based ataccs from EBGP neighbors which can be multple hops away B. This feature prevents IBGP sessions with non-directly connected IBGP neighbors C. This feature will cause the EBGP updates from the router to be sent using a TTL of 1 D. This feature needs to be confgured on each partcipatng BGP router E. This feature is used together with the ebgp-multhop command Aoswern A, D Question 5 When implementng source-based remote-triggered blacc hole fltering, which two confguratons are required on the edge routers that are not the signaling router? (Choose two.) A. A statc route to a prefx that is not used in the networc with a next hop set to the Null0 interface B. A statc route pointng to the IP address of the ataccer C. uRPF on all external facing interfaces at the edge routers D. Redistributon into BGP of the statc route that points to the IP address of the ataccer E. A route policy to set the redistributed statc routes with the no-export BGP community Aoswern A, C Question 6 Refer to the topology diagram shown in the exhibit and the partal confguratons shown below.
Once the atacc from to has been detected, which additonal confguratons are required on the P1 IOS-XR router to implement source-based remote- triggered blacc hole fltering? ! router bgp 123 address-family ipv4 unicast redistribute statc route-policy test ! A. router statc address-family ipv4 unicast null0 tag 666 null0 tag 667 ! route-policy test if tag is 666 then set next-hop endif if tag is 667 then set community (no-export) endif end-policy ! B. router statc address-family ipv4 unicast null0 tag 666 null0 tag 667 ! route-policy test if tag is 666 then set next-hop endif if tag is 667 then
set community (no-export) endif end-policy ! C. router statc address-family ipv4 unicast null0 tag 666 null0 ! route-policy test if tag is 666 then set next-hop set community (no-export) endif end-policy D. router statc address-family ipv4 unicast null0 tag 666 null0 ! route-policy test if tag is 666 then set next-hop set community (no-export) endif end-policy ! Aoswern C Question 7 In Cisco IOS-XR, the maximum-prefx command, to control the number of prefxes that can be installed from a BGP neighbor, is confgured under which confguraton mode? A. RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:P2(confg-bgp)# B. RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:P2(confg-bgp-af)# C. RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:P2(confg-bgp-nbr)# D. RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:P2(confg-bgp-nbr-af)# Aoswern D Question 8 In Cisco IOS-XR, the tl-security command is confgured under which confguraton mode? A. RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:P2(confg)#
B. RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:P2(confg-bgp)# C. RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:P2(confg-bgp-nbr)# D. RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:P2(confg-bgp-af)# E. RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:P2(confg-bgp-nbr-af)# Aoswern C