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White Pine Pinus Stobus.

White Pine Pinus Stobus. Eastern Cottonwood Populus deltoides. American Chextnut Castanea dentata. Sugar Maple Acer Saccharum. Red Mulberry Morus rubra. Yellowwood Cladrastis lutea. Striped Maple Acer Pensyvanicum . Alba Viola papilionacea . Black Willow Salix nigra.

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White Pine Pinus Stobus.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. White Pine Pinus Stobus.

  2. Eastern Cottonwood Populusdeltoides

  3. American Chextnut Castaneadentata

  4. Sugar Maple Acer Saccharum

  5. Red Mulberry Morusrubra

  6. Yellowwood Cladrastislutea

  7. Striped Maple Acer Pensyvanicum

  8. Alba Viola papilionacea

  9. Black Willow Salix nigra

  10. Silver Maple Acer Saccharium

  11. White (paper) birch Betula papyrifera

  12. Red Maple Acer rubrum

  13. Yellow Birch Berula allegahaniensis

  14. Red Oak Quercusrubra

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