Microwave oven • In1945 the American Percy Le Baron , patentedadevicethatwouldbecometheMicrowave.RaytheonCompanydevelopedanapplicationprogramin microwavecooking, resulting In anapparatusforcooking. In 1967, he beganmakingThefirsthouseholdstoves.
Heating In 1937, the sale of air heatersbegan, giving air to a hotelectricalresistance. Extremelyuseful in countrieswheretemperaturesdropto extreme degrees, theheat has gonethroughseveralstagessinceitscreation.
Artificial heart In 1982, Barney Clark, wasimplanted, instead of a heart, a mechanicalpartmade of plastic and metal, whichwasknown as the Jarvik-7,
Computer In 1946 theconstruction of the ENIAC wascompleted .Itisconsideredthefirstelectroniccomputer.The ENIAC effected 300 operations in a second.Thespeed of largescientificcomputersdoubleseverytwoyears and currentcomputers are sevenmillion times fasterthan ENIAC.
Pen Themodern, practical, disposable and inexpensivepenwasinventedbyHungarianJosefBiro and chemistGeorgBiro in 1940, The materialswhich are usedforthepens are rangedfromplastictogold.
The concept of a cellular radio network in 1947 wasinvented at Bell Labs.Nowadaystechnology and miniaturizationhavebroken new groundformobilephonesbyenablingcommunicationbetweentwodistant places of theearthquickly Mobile Phones
Writtenby: Sara Guerrero Calvente Jesús Moreno Cano Javier FernandezSerichol