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Tech-docs SURVEY I. T. DEVELOPMENT FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION. July - August 2011 Faentia Consulting S.r.l. ∙ via Firenze, 3 ∙ 48018 Faenza (RA). Survey . Method : two-step e-mail.
Tech-docs SURVEY I. T. DEVELOPMENT FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION July - August 2011 Faentia Consulting S.r.l. ∙ via Firenze, 3 ∙ 48018 Faenza (RA) www.faentia-consulting.com
Survey. Method: two-step e-mail The following survey is an integrating part of a research project by Faentia Consulting Srl. Our goal is to get to know the degree of IT development within companies and their technical documentation needs toward the implementation of a more advanced and interactive system. By answering the following survey you will contribute to our research project and at the same time you will help your own company receive a better service. As soon as the data will have been processed, you will be informed of the survey's results. The questions foresee both open and closed answers. In case of open questions you will be able to express a detailed opinion. Answering the survey will require about 4 minutes. In order to answer the survey please click on the link below. Click to start the survey Thank you for your co-operation! Sample: Initial sample: n = 477 Final sample: n = 335 Answers n = 72 (21,5%) www.faentia-consulting.com
1. Which O.S. (Operative System) do you use mostly? 2 respondersuseonlyMac; all the othersuseMac or Linux in associationwith Windows www.faentia-consulting.com
2. What kind of hardware(s) do you have at your disposal? OnlyMac 0r iPhone: n = 2. Other: Blackberry (n=1), N0kia (n=2), Smartphone (n=2) www.faentia-consulting.com
3. Within your company is there a person of reference as far as IT is concerned? www.faentia-consulting.com
4. How do you consider the average IT competence of staff in your company? www.faentia-consulting.com
5. How do you evaluate the average IT competence of technicians (line operators, assemblers, maintenance operators, workshop technicians etc.) in your Company? www.faentia-consulting.com
6. How is your company's IT training organized? * No training (n = 2), self-made (n = 2), only in particularcases (n = 1), notspecified (n = 1) www.faentia-consulting.com
7. Have you considered the possibility of providing your technicians with portable devices (e.g. touchscreen tablets - iPad - or other devices - iPhone / Blackberry) to consult technical documentation?8. If yes, which? www.faentia-consulting.com
9. Which is the average megabyte size of the files that you use most frequently? www.faentia-consulting.com
10. Which format do you use mostly? • dwg (n = 9) • solidworks (n = 2) • ppt (n = 1) • ai/tif/psd (n = 1) • jpg (n = 1) • multimediale (n = 1) • iges/step (n=1) www.faentia-consulting.com
11. Do you use any on-line filing system? www.faentia-consulting.com
12. If yes, which of the following? * server (n = 1) www.faentia-consulting.com
13. With specific reference to T echnical Documentation (User Instructions and Maintenance, Operative Procedures, etc.) do you think it would be important to go from a technical paper documentation to a digitalized and interactive technical documentation? www.faentia-consulting.com
ANALySisofresults www.faentia-consulting.com
1. Comments Almostallresponders (96% ) have Windows as operative system Almostallparticipantsuse a PC; 4% onlyiPhone or Mac. However 50% ofthosethatuse a PC alsohave at theirdisposal “Apple” baseddevice(s) (Mac, iPhone, iPad) 56% ofresponderswanttoequipwithportabledevices in the future (abouthalfofthemwillchoose a Mac, the otherhalfBlackberry or others) The greatmajority (87%) ofparticipantshave a personofreferencefor IT withintheir Company As a whole, the averageIT competence of technicians is positively considered (in 76% ofcases the estimate isbetweenaverage and excellent) www.faentia-consulting.com
2. Comments Only in a minorityofcases (10%) a Company’s IT training isnotreported; however, in more than 50% of positive answers the training is a “within Company training” 41% ofrespondersutilizelargedimensionsfiles (>10 Mbytes), equallydistribuitedamong the commonesttypesofformats (doc, pdf, xls; itisofnoticethat 17% use a dwg format) Almosthalf (41%) do nothave on-line filing system(s); ifavailable, the mostreportedsystems are Intranet or ftp space (some users report Dropbox or Yousendit) The greatmajorityofresponders (86%) state that a digitalized and interactivetechnicaldocumentationis more desirablethan the classicalpaperdocumentation www.faentia-consulting.com