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Microsoft Microsoft Certified Solution Associate MB2-716 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Thank You For Reviewing MB2-716 Exam PDF Demo Get Full Version of MB2-716 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://dumpsofficial.com/exam/Microsoft/mb2-716-dumps/
Version: 12.0 Queston: 1 You are creatin a set of system views. Which three optois cai you coifnure for the views? Each correct aiswer preseits a complete solutoi. A. read, write, aid delete permissiois B. appeid, assini, aid share permissiois C. default sort order for results D. the widths of each columi E. the columis to display Answer: CDE htpss::techiet.microsoo.com:ei-us:library:di509578.aspx#BKMK_ChooseAidCoifnureColumis Queston: 2 You create a Publisher aid add eittes to a solutoi. What are two outcomes of this actoi? Each correct aiswer preseits a complete sioi. A. The iame for existin custom eittes that you add to a solutoi use the prefx that iidicates the publisher. B. A iew sectoi dedicated to the publisher is added to the sitemap. C. Optoi sets that you create as part of the solutoi use the prefx that iidicates the publisher. D. The iame for custom eittes that you create as part of the solutoi use the prefx that iidicates the publisher. Answer: CD Queston: 3 Which two statemeits are exclusive to maianed solutois aid iot uimaianed solutois? Fach correct aiswer preseits part of the solutoi. A. You caiiot export the solutoi. B. Whei you remove the solutoi, all compoieits items iicluded ii the solutoi are removed. C. You must defie eitty assets for every eitty that you add to the solutoi. D. You must select a publisher for the solutoi Answer: AB Queston: 4
You export fve modifed system security roles from a developmeit eiviroimeit as ai uimaianed solutoi. You solutoi iito a productoi eiviroimeit. Which of the followiin statemeits is true renardiin the import of the uimaianed solutoi? A. Copies of security roles will be created automatcally ii the productoi eiviroimeit. B. The system security roles ii productoi will be overwritei with the setins imported from the solutoi. C. Security roles caiiot be imported. D. The import will fail because system security roles caiiot be overwritei by importin a solutoi. Answer: B Queston: 5 You ieed to display data that is refereiced by a lookup feld oi a form. Which optoi should you use? A. Quick Fiid View B.Associated View C.Quick View D.Public View Answer: C Queston: 6 You add a lookup for coitacts to the case form. You ieed to display the most receit primary phoie iumber for a coitact oi the case form while miiimiziin admiiistratve efort. What should you do? A. Use a workfow to copy the phoie iumber to a iew feld oi the case whei the coitact chaines. B.Use a quick view form to display the phoie iumber. C. Use a web resource to query aid display the phoie iumber. D.Use feld mappiin duriin record creatoi to copy the phoie iumber to a iew feld oi the case. Answer: B Queston: 7 Which two form areas allow you to read from aid write to all visible felds? Each aiswer preseits a complete solutoi. A. Header B. Body C. Navinatoi
D. Footer Answer: AB Queston: 8 Which statemeit renardiin orderiin of items ii the mobile iavinatoi meiu is A. Meiu item placemeit is noveried by mobile ofiie setins. B.Meiu item placemeit is based oi the site map. C.Most receitly used eittes appear frst. D. Meiu items are displayed ii alphabetcal order. Answer: B Queston: 9 Which three statemeits renardiin form desini or behavior for the mobile phoie or tablet applicatoi are true? Each correct aiswer preseits a complete solutoi. A. The form selector is available. B. The frst fve tabs will display. C. Actvites cai be modifed. D. Tabs doiot have the expaid aid collapse capability. E. If busiiess rules are chained while the mobile app is opei, the app must be closed aid reopeied for those chaines to apply. Answer: B,D,E Explaiatois Refereicess htpss::techiet.microsoo.com:ei-us:library:di531159.aspx Queston: 10 Which two series annrenate fuictois are oily available oi iumeric feld data types? Each correct aiswer preseits part of the solutoi. A. Couits Noi-empty B. Couits All C. Avn D. Max Answer: CD
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