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Sungei Nibong Gospel Hall. THE TABERNACLE IN THE WILDERNESS. 3: Sharing Salvation Outside the Church. The External Structure of the Tabernacle. Sungei Nibong Gospel Hall TABERNACLE STUDIES.
Sungei Nibong Gospel Hall THE TABERNACLE IN THE WILDERNESS 3: Sharing Salvation Outside the Church. The External Structure of the Tabernacle
SungeiNibong Gospel HallTABERNACLE STUDIES 20th Mar. 2011 – 1: The Salvation and Sovereignty of Christ. The Concept, Construction and Court Hangings of the Tabernacle. 27th Mar. – 2: The Sanctification and Separation of the ChristianThe Ceremonies in the Court of the Tabernacle a. The Brazen Altar; b. The Brazen Laver 3rdApr. – 3: Sharing Salvation Outside the Church. The External Structure of the Tabernacle 10th Apr. – 4: The Servants and the Services of the Church.The Services in the Holy Place & in the Holiest.
Study No. 3 SHARING SALVATION OUTSIDE THE CHURCHAs Seen in the External Structure of the Tabernacle • Recapitulation and Continuation from Study 2: • THE SALVATION AND SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST – Concept and Construction of the Tabernacle. II. The Sanctification and Separation of the Christian–The Ceremonies in the Court of the Tabernacle • The Compartments in the Tabernacle . • The Composition of the Outer Court. C. The Contents in the Outer Court. • The Brazen Altar 2. The Brazen Laver
II. The Ceremonies in the Outer Court.A. The Brazen AltarB. The Brazen Laver Directions -- Exo. 30:18-21 Construction -- Exo. 38:8 Completion -- Exo. 39:39 Erection -- Exo. 40:7, 11 Utilization: Exo. 40:30-32
1. The Purpose of the Laver. Cp. The Christian and Scripture • The Mirror Function for Self-revelation. Exo. 38:8 • The Water Function for Sanctification. Exo. 30:18-21 a. Its Measurements: ? (30:18-20)- i. Not given. cf. Heb. 4:12; God’s Word – A Powerful Agent – powerful ii. Made from women’s mirrors, cf. Jas. 1:23-25 A Penetrating Agent- piercing
a. Its Measurements: ?b. Its Materials: bronze, “mirrors” (30:18) It is a Purifying Agent. Psa. 119:9 i. It is a Mirror to Reveal - Its Mirrors (38:8) • It Reveals Myself. Jas. 1:23-25 • It Reveals Himself. I Cor. 13:12
It is a Purifying Agent. Psa. 119:9i. It is a Mirror to Reveal - Its Mirrors (38:8)ii. It is Water to Refine - Its Water (30:18, 19) • For the priests to wash their hands, and feet before entering the Tabernacle to minister unto the Lord. Exo. 30:19. Clean hands to do His Work. Clean feet to Walk in His Ways • No unclean priest can minister on penalty of death. Exo. 30:18-20 "...neither will accept an offering at your hand" Cf. Mal. 1:10 cf. 1:13.
a. The Furniture in the Outer Court. Exo. 30:18b.The "Foot" of the Laver. (cf. 40:11) Exo. 30:18Separated from the World i. The foot connected... ii. The laver with the earth iii. And yet raised it above the earth. iv. It stands on the earth IN the World. Jn. 17:11 Not OF the World. Jn. 17:16 But "ABOVE" the World. Col. 3:1, 2 To go INTO the world. Jn. 17:18
1. The Purpose of the Laver.2. The Position of the Laver . The Christian and Sanctification. • The Furniture in the Outer Court. Exo. 30:18 • The Altar • The Laver • Altar and the Laver in the Court. 30:18-20 ii. Between the Tent and the Altar. 30:18 Sanctified in Walk. • Cleansing by Blood. • Cleansing by Water. Eph. 5:25, 26 • Salvation and Sanctification. Eph. 5:25-27 • Sanctification before Service. Tit. 3:5, 8
SungeiNibong Gospel HallTABERNACLE STUDIES 20th Mar. 2011 – 1: The Salvation and Sovereignty of Christ. The Concept, Construction and Court Hangings of the Tabernacle. 27th Mar. – 2: The Sanctification and Separation of the ChristianThe Ceremonies in the Court of the Tabernacle a. The Brazen Altar; b. The Brazen Laver 3rdApr. – 3: Sharing Salvation Outside the Church. The External Structure of the Tabernacle 10th Apr. – 4: The Servants and the Services of the Church.The Services in the Holy Place & in the Holiest.
I. The Court Hangings or The Rudiments of the GospelII. The Ceremonies in the CourtIII. THE COVERINGS AND THE CURTAINS OR THE REDEMPTION IN THE GOSPEL. The Coverings, 26:14 The Curtains, 26:1-13 Fine-twined linen, etc (28x4c)x 5x2pcs (gold) Goats’ hair (30x4c) x (5+6) (brass) Heb. "mishkan" = tabernacle. God's Dwelling Place. • Badgers' Skins • Rams Skins dyed red. • Heb. "ohel" = tent of congregation. • Man's Meeting Place. The Curtains in the Coverings - God in Christ, reconciling the World unto Himself. II Cor. 5:19 He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him, nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him. Isa. 53:2, NIV
A. The Sinner's View of Christ orThe Coverings. Exo. 26:14; 36:19 1. No Appreciation of Christ's Attractions. 2. No Appreciation of Christ's Substitution. a. “Skins" offered in place of "fig leaves". Cp. Gen. 3:21, 7 b. "Ram" offered in place of "Isaac“ Cp. Gen. 22:13 • Covering of Badgers’ Skins/ • Seals’ Skins. Cp. Isa. 53:2 • Covering of Ram Skins dyed Red. Hidden from view.
A. The Sinner's View of Christ or The Coverings.B. The Saint's View of Christ or The Curtains. Exo. 26:1-13; 36:8-18 1. Christ's Atonement for the Saint. The Curtains of Goats' Hair 26:7-13 a. Christ, the Perfect Sin Offering. The Colour: white II Cor. 5:21 b. Christ, his Personal Substitute. The Character of the Goat. i. An Offering for Sin. Lev. 9:3 ii. An Atonement Sacrifice. Lev. 16:5-28 For Aaron, his house (6, 11), holy place (16), Israel (17, 24)
1. The Curtains of Goats' Hair 26:7-132. The Curtains of Fine-twined linen26:1-6 - Christ's Attractions to the Saint. a. The Deity of Christ. The Curtains: i. The Mishkan -- "it shall be one tabernacle." 26:6 cf. Jn. 10:30 ii. The Measurements -- 28 x 4 x (10 pieces) 26:2 • No contact with the desert sand. • Not visible from the outside.
1. The Curtains of Goats' Hair 26:7-132. The Curtains of Fine-twined linen 26:1-6a. The Deity of Christ. The Curtains: b. The Beauty of Christ. The Colours. He is the Altogether Lovely One. c. The Sublimity of Christ. The CherubimWhere Justice and Mercy Meet. Exo. 26:1 i. In the Garden of Eden. Gen. 3:24 ii On the Mercy Seat. Exo. 25:18-20
I. The Court Hangings or The Rudiments of the Gospel II. The Coverings and The Curtains orThe Redemption in the gospel. III. The Boards and the Bars or The Results of the Gospel. Exo. 26:15-29; 36:20-34 A. The Position and Purpose of the Christian. The Boards – (26:15, 16) • As living stones in the spiritual house of God, we are to show forth the praises of Him Who hath called you out of darkness into His marvellous light. (I Pet. 2:5, 9) • They "stand" (26:15 cf. Heb. 10:11) up to hold up the Curtains and the Coverings. • They “Stand” in Sockets of Silver. 26:19
A. The Boards – The Position and Purpose of the Christian. B. The Bars - Exo. 26:26-28, 29 The Place, Potential and Power of the People in the Church. 1. Their Place: Bars are of the same construction as for the boards, i.e. bars unite the Boards together. 26:26, 27 - Five special gifts of men given to the church.Eph. 4:11-16; 2:20-22 3. Their Power:The Unseen Middle Bar (26:28; 36:33) Cf. Acts 1:8 a. Evangelist with the Universal Message. Eph. 4:11 b. Holy Spirit with His Unifying Ministry. Eph. 4:3
Summary: Sharing the Gospel to the people. The Court Hangings: Christ the Righteous One. The Coverings: The Badgers' Skins - Christ, in Whom is no beauty. The Rams' Skins - Christ, our Propitiation. The Curtains: Goats' Hair - Christ, no sin, but made Sin for us. Fine twined linen with cherubim - Christ, our Righteousness. Boards: Believers, showing forth His glory. Bars: United by the Universal Gospel, and empowered by the Unifying Ministry of the Holy Spirit preaching the Gospel to every creature.
Conclusion: Sharing the Gospel to the Outside World Serving God in the Holy Place.
SungeiNibong Gospel HallTABERNACLE STUDIES 20th Mar. 2011 – 1: The Salvation and Sovereignty of Christ. The Concept, Construction and Court Hangings of the Tabernacle. 27th Mar. – 2: The Sanctification and Separation of the ChristianThe Ceremonies in the Court of the Tabernacle 3rdApr. – 3: Sharing Salvation Outside the Church. The External Structure of the Tabernacle 10th Apr. – 4: The Servants and the Services of the Church.The Services in the Holy Placeand Most Holy