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CHRISTMAS TIÓ. Tió de nadal. 6 YEAR PRIMARY. Adam, Núria, Alba. HISTORY. There is a very old Christmas tradition in Catalonia. It’s " Caga Tió " or " Fer cagar el Tió “ (To make to shit the Tió ). It is feed with fruits, biscuits... Until it “shits”.
CHRISTMAS TIÓ Tió de nadal 6 YEAR PRIMARY Adam, Núria, Alba
HISTORY • There is a very old Christmas tradition in Catalonia. It’s "CagaTió" or "Fercagar el Tió“ (To make to shit the Tió). It is feed with fruits, biscuits... Until it “shits”. • Some time ago, the tió shit only sweets, and Christmas desserts (neules and torrons). Today, lots of tiós shit bigger presents. • The tió started with thanks to trees and the wood at homes.
WHAT IS IT? • It’s a log that children stick so as to it shits presents: toys and sweets. • It’s a decorated log with eyes, nose and mouth. It’s got two legs, a catalan hat (Barretina) and a blanket.
WHEN DO WE CELEBRATE IT? • It’s celebrated on Christmas Eve. All the family meet to make the Tió shit: we sing songs, say poems, we explain stories and tales. We have dinner and all the kids of the family make the Tió shit. • Some people celebrate it on Christmas Day in the morning before Christmas lunch.
THE TIÓ IN HOMES AND TOWNS • In lots of villages and towns, there is a big Tió in the middle of the square some days before Christmas. Children give food to the Tió during these days. The Tió eats all the food. • On Christmas Eve all the children stick the Tió and it shits presents for all of them.
CHRISTMAS FAIR • There are fairs in lots of towns some days before Christmas. They sell all kinds of Christmas decorations, Christmas trees, big and small Tiós, plants... Some Christmas fairs also sell typical Christmas food. • Everybody is happy during that days. • This is a photo of our town’s fair:
THE TIÓ AT SCHOOL Our school has got two Tiós. Teachers place the Tiós in the 1st and 2nd year corridor and in the nursery hall some days before Christmas. Children bring food from home and give it to the Tió during these days. The Tió eats the food all days. On the 21st or 22nd December, all the nursery kids and the 1st and 2nd year meet in the hall (it’s called magic room) and make the Tió shit. They take sticks and hit the Tió to make it shit while singing a typical song. The Tió shits a little present to every child.
SONGS I Caga tió caga torrons d’avellanes i de pinyó Si no vols cagar garrotada va! Tió, Tió, caga torrons dels fins i dels bons Si no tens més caga diners, Si no en tens prous caga ous. Caga tió ametlles i torró no caguis arengades que són massa salades caga torrons que són més bons caga tió ametlles i torró si no vols cagar et donaré un cop de bastó caga tió!!!
SONGS II BLANES ALFORJA • Tió, tió,caga torró,si no tens massacaga carbassasi no tens proucaga un ousi no tens méscaga dinersTió, tió,caga torró,si no tens massacaga carbassasi no tens proucaga un ousi no tens méscaga diners O SI NO ET DONARE UN COP DE BASTÓ! • El dia de Nadalposarem el porc en salla gallina a la pastera,el pollí a dalt del pi,toca, toca el violí;ara passen bous i vaques,les gallines amb sabates,gallinons amb sabatons;el vicari fa torrons,la guineu els ha tastat,diu que són un poc salats;Marieta posa-hi sucreque seran un poc millors;torrons d'avellana,torrons de pinyó,caga tió,si no et donaréun cop de bastó.
SONGS III TARRAGONA SANTA MARGARIDA DE MONTBUI • Caga tió,pastetes i torró;caga tiói pixa vi blanc;no caguis arengadesque són saladescaga torró,que és molt millorsinó et donaréun cop de bastó. • Caga tió,d'avellanes i torró;pixa vi blancde les festes de Nadal.Ara venen festesfestes gloriosesmenjarem conilli llebres si en tenim.Caga tiósi no vols cagaret donaré un cop de bastó.
THE TIÓ STORIES • We read stories and riddles on Christmas. These are some examples:
TOP SECRET!!! • Eeeeeeeeeh, don’tthinkthatit’struethatthe Tió reallyeats and shits!!! • Parents eat all thefood and placethe presents underthe Tió for thechildren, whiletheysing and stickit!