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Being in love is overwhelming, incomprehensible and all-embracing. We desire and strive for it, and we literally feel sick when we lose it. You can fall in love at the most unexpected moments. There may be things that you do or things that you feel or think that you think, "Hm, that's weird." These can just be signs of falling in love!
Is he in love? The most important signs of falling in love Being in love is overwhelming, incomprehensible and all-embracing. We desire and strive for it, and we literally feel sick when we lose it. You can fall in love at the most unexpected moments. There may be things that you do or things that you feel or think that you think, "Hm, that's weird." These can just be signs of falling in love! Signs of falling in love with men It can be difficult to know if a man has feelings for you or not. Your perception of how you should express infatuation can vary, your uncertainty can prevent you from noticing some signals or his words, behavior and actions are contradictory, causing you to doubt his feelings for you. So how can you recognize a man in love? 1. He makes you priority number one. 2. He likes to spend his time and attention to you. Even when you are not together, he thinks about you and calls you without reason. 3. He is interested in your life and remembers what you say. It means he takes you seriously and he cares about you. 4. He introduces you to his friends and / or family. 5. He talks about you in the future. If he talks about his life and dreams, you will be involved. He uses "we" instead of "me." 6. He often unconsciously touches you. Both when you are in pairs and when you are in a group. He makes regular eye contact and always knows where you are in a company. 7. He values ??your opinion. Signs of being in love with women And what are the symptoms of falling in love with women? Women sometimes try to make it clear to someone with great detours that they do like it. Some anecdotes of what women do in secret when they have a crush on their crush: G "I never leave the bar when it is still there - I don't care how early I have to work the next day" G “I text him something randomly, about what my 'funny' neighbor did, for example, just to start the conversation. " G "I am in the same circle as him, but avoid any eye contact and only talk to the person standing next to him." G " I am making up a 'work-related question' that we should discuss during coffee or lunch because I really want to know his professional opinion on that subject." G "I remember an opinion, joke or fact that he told more than a year ago, even if he doesn't remember ." G "I Google myself several times so I know what he can see in the event that he decides to Google me." 6 scientifically proven signs of falling in love Butterflies in your abdomen, glittering eyes, blushing cheeks, and clammy hands can all occur if you love someone. However, these are all signs of being in love that is visible from the outside. On the inside, much more happens that we are not aware of chemical changes that are controlled by the brain. What symptoms can be discovered when we look at love through a scientific (pink) magnifying glass? The heart of a couple in love beats the same rhythm The first sign of falling in love? An even heartbeat as your partner. If two people are in love, their heartbeat and breathing are synchronized when they are together. Even more interesting: it is the heart of the woman that adapts to the heart of the man. Scientists cannot yet explain why this is so - anyway, isn't it romantic? 2 Holding hands with your love relieves the pain Holding the hand or even just glancing at a photo of her lover - it reduces the response to physical pain in women. The experiment consisted of a group of about 12 married women. The women received light electrical shocks, while their partner sat next to them and held their hand. The research showed that the proximity of the partner helped to reduce pain! Your sign of falling in love? A higher pain threshold when your true love is around. falling in love makes blind Is your beloved in your eyes the human incarnation of perfection? Then the third symptom of falling in love has struck: blindness. The old cliché 'love makes blind' appears to be partly based on truth. American researchers from the University of
California came to the conclusion that love seems to inflict blemishes on the brain: feelings of love seem to banish other thoughts by heart. 3 This means that the other person's defects are ignored. In addition, oxytocin is produced in your body - a hormone that helps to intensify the pleasure of almost everything you receive - so that you actually walk around wearing pink glasses. character falling in love Love drives us crazy Being in love can not only make us blind but can also tick a little. Being in love lowers the level of serotonin in our brains. This can lead to obsession with a partner, over-protection or possessiveness. The same level of serotonin has been observed in people suffering from anxiety disorder OCD! This is a clear sign of falling in love: you cannot think of anyone but your loved one. effects of falling in love Love is addictive When you develop feelings for someone, your brain makes dopamine to a substance that is also activated when cocaine or nicotine is used. Our brains are addicted to the feeling of being in love and constantly want to produce more dopamine. In principle, the intense happiness that you feel when you are in love is comparable to the happy feelings that you experience when you use drugs. Love really works as a (healthy) drug! Love and sex stimulate creativity Do you suddenly feel the need to make a painting or to write a book? Perhaps this is one of your signs of falling in love! Research shows that just thinking about a romantic partner improves long-term focus and increases creativity. The memory of passionate moments with your loved one ensures a sharper focus on the present and improved analytical skills. The crush will eventually end ... To turn into devoted love. Couples who are at the start of a romantic relationship will feel and behave completely different a year later. It is estimated that falling in love, which is related to happiness, euphoria, butterflies, dependence and sweaty hands, lasts only a year. After this, the 'committed love' phase begins, during which you develop deep feelings of commitment to your partner. Almost every guy is secretly obsessive about something crucial that he may need a lot more than cash, a lot more than the romance, and possibly a lot more than Sex. A man’s heart is usually difficult to understand. Actually, 99 % of the men and women do not know the actual key trigger. Take a look at his secret obsession at https://howtomakeamanloveyou.org/secret-obsession-review-james-bauer