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Introduction to Economics: The Study of Choices and Resource Allocation

Explore the fundamentals of economics, from scarcity and resource allocation to different economic systems and efficiency in market economies. Learn about economic models and decision-making at the margin. Discover the role of economic variables and factors of production in shaping our economic world.

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Introduction to Economics: The Study of Choices and Resource Allocation

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  1. Chapter 1 - Economics Foundations & Models

  2. Terms • Macroeconomics– studies the economy as a whole ex: the U.S. unemployment rate is 5% • Microeconomics – studies how households & firms make choices and government’s influence on their choices ex: the unemployment rate in Elmira, NY is 6%

  3. Terms (cont) • Normative statement– “what should or ought to be” ex: it is too cool out today • Positive statement– “what is” – the facts ex: it is 65 degrees today • Social Science– economics studies human behavior in making choices

  4. Terms • Needs – things required to survive: food, water, shelter, clothing • Wants – luxuries or highly desired things that make life easier: ex: better food, clothing… • Resources – productive inputs needed to provide goods & services: natural, human & capital (machine, tools, factories, etc.)

  5. What is Economics? • The study of the choices people make to attain their goals, given their scarce resources • Scarcity - the basic economic problem - it always exists - people’s unlimited wants exceed limited productive resources

  6. Everyone in the World has… Basic Needs food water clothing shelter Unlimited Wants restaurant food bottled water designer clothes a mansion

  7. the problem is… there are not enough resources to meet the world’s unlimited wants http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zkISyPNlrY

  8. Who does everyone include? • Individuals and societies are forced to make choices • Businesses want to satisfy needs and wants of consumers • Government wants to provide goods or services not fully provided by business or at all

  9. 3 Basic Economic Questions • Whatto produce • How to produce • For whomto produce What determines who or how these questions are answered? An economic system organizes what, how, and for whom to produce

  10. Economic Systems • Command Economy (centrally planned) – government authority decides what, how, and for whom to produce ex: China • Market (Free Enterprise or Capitalism) Economy - households and firms interact in the market to decide how to allocate economic resources

  11. Modern Economies • Traditional Economy – custom or past precedence answers the 3 basic economic questions • The Mixed Economy - all modern economies are “Mixed Economies” – with central planning, market & tradition guiding decisions Note: most decisions are made in the market where buyers & sellers come together exchange voluntarily

  12. Market economiesare more efficient Productive Efficiency occurs at the lowest possible cost Allocative Efficiency occurs because production follows consumer preferences (where MB = MC) Why? Profit motivates businesses to produce what people want and in the least-cost way Equity in the market (through competition) provides a fair distribution of economic benefits Voluntary Exchange between buyers & sellers ensures both types of efficiency are achieved So which economic system is preferred and why?

  13. Use Economic Models– simplified versions of reality; analyze real-world situations Economic Variables – something measurable with different values So what do can we do to ensure we what resources we have efficiently?

  14. A scale model A fashion model Are all models similar?

  15. Because of scarcity, people 1) are rational – weigh benefits & costs of actions (marginal analysis) handout 1 2) respond to economic incentives ex: it is less costly for a bank to deal with robbers ($1,200) than to spend thousands on security ($10,000 to $50,000) homework question 11 3) make optimal decisions at the margin homework question Why use economic models at all?

  16. Decisions at the Margin • Most decisions are rarely “all or nothing” ex: “I’m going to eat but won’t have any fun” • Marginal (extra or additional) Analysis looks at the utility (satisfaction) and benefits or costs from using resources • Tradeoffs – giving up part of one thing so that you can have something else

  17. The table shows the personal values and costs & benefits. Numbers are in money amounts to show value in terms of goods & services. Minutes Spent Marginal Marginal Styling Hair Benefit Cost 1 15 cents 1 cent 2 14 2 3 13 3 4 12 4 5 11 5 6 10 6 7 9 7 8 8 8 9 7 9 What is the value (benefit) of the first minute spent styling your hair? _____ Its opportunity cost? The MB _____ & MC ____ of the second minute? How many minutes would you ideally spend styling your hair? Why? What happens a minute beyond that point? Marginal Reflections

  18. Decisions at the Margin:Tradeoffs Old Country Food vs. The Movies Food vs. Entertainment Need vs. Want The Optimal Choice: Where MB = MC

  19. Productive Resources • Factors of Production used to produce goods or services (3) 1) Natural – anything unaltered ex: land, mineral, water, fish, timber, Payment: rent Use determined by productivity, demand & supply 2)Human (labor) – mental and physical Payment: wage Use determined by productivity, demand & supply

  20. Productive Resources (cont) 3) Capital (machines, tools, factory) – anything produced to produce something else ex: the farmer’s tractor, silo for the bread company’s factory, machines, bread bag Payment: interest Use determined by productivity, demand & supply

  21. Non-productive are? 1) Entrepreneurship– the decision- making, risk-taking, innovation of people who start the business Payment: economic profit (over and above payment for natural, human, and capital inputs) 2) Money– merely facilitates exchange necessary to obtain resources easily

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