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This briefing explores the growing problem of insurance fraud and abuse in New York's no-fault system, highlighting the increasing costs and impact on auto insurance premiums. It discusses the need for administrative reforms and crackdowns to address the issue.
Update on New York’s No-Fault Fraud & Abuse Problem New York Alliance Against Insurance Fraud Insurance Fraud Briefing Albany, NY March 25, 2003 Robert P. Hartwig, Ph.D., CPCU, Senior Vice President & Chief Economist Insurance Information Institute 110 William Street New York, NY 10038 Tel: (212) 346-5520 Fax: (212) 732-1916 bobh@iii.org www.iii.org
Insurance Fraud in the U.S. Costs Billions! Total Fraud Costs = $96.2 Billion Source: Conning & Co.
Growth in Total PIPClaims Costs* Four Quarters Ending 2000:3rd PIP Claims Costs PIP Costs in New York are growing faster than in any other no-fault state—by far . *Change in “pure premium” Source: Insurance Information Institute from ISO Fast Track Data
Growth in Total PIPClaims Costs* Four Quarters Ending 2000:4th PIP Claims Costs PIP Costs in New York grew faster than in any other no-fault state—by far . *Change in “pure premium” Source: Insurance Information Institute from ISO Fast Track Data
Growth in Total PIPClaims Costs* Four Quarters Ending 2001:2nd PIP Claims Costs Growth NY’s PIP Costs slowed significantly during the first half of 2001. *Change in “pure premium” Source: Insurance Information Institute from ISO Fast Track Data
Growth in Total PIPClaims Costs* Four Quarters Ending 2002:3rd PIP Claims Costs Growth NY’s PIP Costs are began to rise again after slowing during late 2001, early 2002 *Change in “pure premium” Source: Insurance Information Institute from ISO Fast Track Data
Private Passenger Auto:6 Least Profitable States, 2000(Profit as a % of Direct Premium Earned) • NY ranked 44th in terms of profitability in 2000 • FL ranked 48th Source: NAIC; Insurance Information Institute
Return on Net WorthPrivate Passenger Auto (%), 1991-2000 Source: NAIC.
Change in PIP Loss Costs:New York vs. US:1987-2000* By 2000, growth in New York PIP loss costs were more than twice (121%) the national average. *Through 4 quarters ending 2000:3rd. Source: American Insurance Association/ISO FastTrack; Insurance Information Institute
Change in PIP Loss Costs:New York vs. US:1993-2002* In 2002:III, cumulative growth in New York PIP loss costs were nearly twice (+89% above) the national average. *Through 4 quarters ending 2002:3rd. Source: American Insurance Association/ISO FastTrack; Insurance Information Institute
Personal Injury Protection Paid Claim Frequency PIP frequency was 42% above the US average Source: Insurance Information Institute and Insurance Services Office.
Personal Injury Protection Paid Claim Frequency PIP frequency is 19% above the US average Source: Insurance Information Institute and Insurance Services Office.
Change in NY Personal Injury Protection Paid Claim Frequency* PIP frequency has fallen steadily since early 2001, but… * Average over four previous quarters. Source: Insurance Services Office, Insurance Information Institute.
Change in NY Personal Injury Protection Average Loss (Severity)* PIP severity is rising at double-digit rates again after a brief lull, more than offsetting lower frequency * Average over four previous quarters. Source: Insurance Services Office, Insurance Information Institute.
Change in NY Personal Injury Protection Claim Frequency & Average Loss* PIP frequency and severity were falling by the 2nd half of 2001; now diverging * Average over four previous quarters. Source: Insurance Services Office, Insurance Information Institute.
PIP Claim Severity 1995-2000: New York vs. United States Average PIP Claim New York Other No-Fault States* Source: Fast Track Monitoring System, Fourth Quarter 2000 Report * Excluding Michigan
PIP Claim Severity 1995-2002: New York vs. United States Average PIP Claim New York The average PIP claim in NY is $1,555 or 23% above the US average Other No-Fault States Source: Fast Track Monitoring System, Third Quarter 2002 Report
Projected Average Auto Insurance Expenditure in NY State Assuming (March 2003 Est.) Source: Insurance Information Institute
Projected Per Vehicle Average Cost of No-Fault Auto Insurance Fraud, (March 2003 Est.) Cost per Vehicle • Decrease in PIP claim frequency & severity in latter half of 2001 (amplified by 9/11 effect) • Administrative reforms • High-profile crackdowns NY’s PIP Fraud tax is $46/vehicle and rising sharply! Source: Insurance Information Institute
Annual Cost of No-Fault Auto Insurance Fraud in NY, (March 2003 Est.) $ Millions No-fault fraud will cost drivers in NY state $432 million in 2003, or $1.2 million per day. Source: Insurance Information Institute
Cumulative Cost of No-Fault Auto Insurance Fraud in NY, (March 2003 Est.) $ Millions No-fault fraud has cost NY insurers and policyholder more than $1 billion dollars so far through 2002. Source: Insurance Information Institute
New York Insurance Fraud Reports, 1995 - 2002 Source: New York Department of Insurance; Insurance Information Institute.
New York Insurance Fraud Reports, 1995 - 2002 Source: New York Department of Insurance; Insurance Information Institute.
New York Insurance Fraud Reports, 1995 - 2002 Source: New York Department of Insurance; Insurance Information Institute.
Composition of Fraud Reports, 1995 vs. 2001 1995 2001 Source: New York Department of Insurance; Insurance Information Institute.
Composition of Fraud Reports, 2001 vs. 2002 2001 2002 Source: New York Department of Insurance; Insurance Information Institute.
No-Fault Fraud: A Growing Problem PIP fraud reports accounted for 61% of all fraud reports in 2002 compared with 22% in 1995 Source: New York Department of Insurance; Insurance Information Institute.
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Projected Average Auto Insurance Expenditure in NY State Assuming No Meaningful Reform(Jan. 2002 Est.) Source: Insurance Information Institute
Projected Average Cost of No-Fault Auto Insurance Fraud in NY State Assuming No Meaningful Reform (Jan. 2002 Est.) Cost per Vehicle Source: Insurance Information Institute