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M/M S. H. AMR. GMR AMR. R // = R T + D R. Probing Magnetic Configurations in Co/Cu Multilayered Nanowires Jared Wong, Peter Greene, Randy Dumas, and Kai Liu Department of Physics, University of California, Davis, California, 95616, USA Applied Physics Letters 94 ,032504 (2009).
M/MS H AMR GMR AMR R// = RT + DR Probing Magnetic Configurations in Co/Cu Multilayered Nanowires Jared Wong, Peter Greene, Randy Dumas, and Kai Liu Department of Physics, University of California, Davis, California, 95616, USA Applied Physics Letters 94,032504 (2009) 50nm diameter [Co(5nm)/Cu(8nm)]400 H ^ wires H // wires H (Oe) CITRIS, NSF (Grant Nos. ECCS-0725902 and PHY-0649297) and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Magnetoresistance Properties Magnetic Properties Fabrication via Electrodepostion H// H^ 200nm diameter wires 200nm diameter [Co(50nm)/Cu(10nm)]150 K. Liu et al, PRB 51, 7381 (1995). TEM Courtesy of Daniel Masiel and Nigel D. Browning, UC Davis Reversal Mechanisms in Fe Nanodisks Superposition of AMR (vortex core) and GMR Summary FORC distribution [Co(10nm)/Cu(250nm]5 • Investigated magnetization reversal mechanisms in Co nanodisks embedded in multilayered nanowires by changing the Co aspect ratio. • Captured magnetic and magnetoresistance "fingerprints" of single domain vs. vortex state reversal:in 200 nm nanowires, single domain for Co thickness < 32nm and vortex state for Co thickness > 37 nm. [Co(55nm)/Cu(350nm]4 Local Coercivity: Bias Field: R. K. Dumas, et al, PRB 75, 134405 (2007); APL 91, 202501 (2007).