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Tacis Project “Support to PCA, WTO implementation and to the EU-Moldova European Neighborhood Policy Action Pla

Tacis Project “Support to PCA, WTO implementation and to the EU-Moldova European Neighborhood Policy Action Plan (ENPAP)” . Moldova has committed itself to three major reforms resulting from: its accession to WTO (May 2001),

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Tacis Project “Support to PCA, WTO implementation and to the EU-Moldova European Neighborhood Policy Action Pla

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  1. Tacis Project “Support to PCA, WTO implementation and to the EU-Moldova European Neighborhood Policy Action Plan (ENPAP)”

  2. Moldova has committed itself to three major reforms resulting from: • its accession to WTO (May 2001), • adoption of the EG PRSP (Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (June 2004)) • approval of the EU-Moldova Action Plan (February 2005).

  3. EU-Moldova Action Planpaves the way to moving from co-operation with EU to a significant degree of integration, including through a stake in EU’s Internal Market • WTOis about access to the world of international trade • EGPRSP’sambition is to reduce drastically poverty through macro-economic, social and structural adjustments

  4. Donors’ support for the implementation of the three major Moldovan initiatives: • Government and Donor Coordination and Harmonization Development Partnership Framework - May 2006 • Key principles of cooperation: - delivery of assistance according to Moldova’s needs and priorities • working with Government to address institutional capacities and other constrains • avoidance of overlapping in donors’ assistance • sharing of information between the Government and the donors, etc

  5. EC assistance for the implementation of the ENPAP, PCA and WTO – Euro 3,9 mln for 30 months: “Support to PCA, WTO implementation and to the EU-Moldova European Neighborhood Policy Action Plan (ENPAP)”

  6. Objectives Overall:Moldova’s approximation towards the EU and its integration in the world economy. Specific: To support the Government in: • Fulfilling the PCA and EU-MD AP provisions • Realising its rights and obligations as a WTO member

  7. ENPAP Trade Related Priorities • Movement of goods • Export promotion • Customs issues • Standards, technical regulation and conformity assessment procedures • Elimination of restriction and streamlined administration in the non-harmonized areas • Sanitary and phyto-sanitary issues • Movement of services and capital (related to FDI) • Intellectual and industrial property rights, etc.

  8. Project specific objectives are to support the MoET in three main directions: • Advice on better understanding and implementation of obligations and rights as a WTO member • Advice on Moldova’s negotiating position vis-à-vis the WTO accession negotiations of Russia and Ukraine and other CIS countries • Advice on Moldova’s negotiating position in the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) negotiations

  9. Activities: • Assisting in activating the Enquiry points set up in different line ministries under the WTO Agreements and renewal of the notification system; • Enhancing the capacity of the Trade Council • Contributing to the elaboration of Moldova Country Profile and later on assisting with the Trade Policy Review

  10. Activities: • Assisting the Republic of Moldova in accession to the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement • Strengthening the capacities on understanding and using the WTO dispute settlement mechanism. • Assisting the Government in aligning its national legislation with the provisions of WTO Agreements and other international conventions to which the Republic of Moldova is a signatory Party.

  11. Activities: • Advising the Moldovan Government on its position within the accession negotiations to the WTO of the CIS countries, namely Russian Federation and Ukraine. • Advising Moldova on its negotiation position in the DDA negotiations

  12. The roadmap Stage 1: Assess, Design Stage 2: Assist System basis development Stage 3: Empowerment Effective Approximation System, Skills & Plan 2006 2007 2008 Effective Negotiation System, Skills & Platform Continuous support to Trade & WTO negotiations We are here

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