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La Clase de la Señora Hamilton

La Clase de la Señora Hamilton. ¡ Bienvenidos !. ¿ Por qué aprender el Español ?. ¿ Cuáles son los “ goles ” de la clase ?. Aligned with 21 st Century Skills( http ://www.p21.org / ) And…

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La Clase de la Señora Hamilton

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  1. La Clase de la SeñoraHamilton ¡Bienvenidos!

  2. ¿Porquéaprender el Español?

  3. ¿Cuáles son los “goles” de la clase? Aligned with 21stCentury Skills(http://www.p21.org/) And… “We are continuous learners who are responsible, caring citizens in a global community”.   As we try to achieve the District 95 mission, modern educators must consider 21st Century Skills which are: critical thinking and problem solving; communication, collaboration; and creativity and innovation. As we move forward in a global community, you will undoubtedly be working in an environment with an inherent need for mastery in these areas: English, reading or language arts; mathematics; science; FOREIGN LANGUAGES; civics; government; economics; arts; history; and geography. C.U.S.D. 95 District Mission:

  4. Assessments Skill Checks, and Performance Assessments (adapted from the AP College Board): Both written and oral Spanish skills periodically throughout the year. Rubrics based on pre-determined criteria such as vocabulary and accuracy will be posted well in advance of the assessment. ACTIVITIES IN CLASS ARE DESIGNED TO SERVE AS “PRACTICE-RUNS” OF ALL PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENTS, WILL BE PREPARATION FOR SUCCESS! Interpersonal Performance Assessments: Spontaneous, unpredictable, and non-memorized use of language in a two-way exchange between people in written or spoken form. Interpretive Performance Assessments: Interpreting/reacting to a cultural text, picture, or broadcast by answering questions or drawing a picture. Presentational Performance Assessments: Creating a message to share, in written or spoken form, for an audience. Test Re-Take Policy: If a student does not achieve a 70% or higher on an exam, he/she will be given the opportunity to: • discuss what happened with Sra. H outside of school. • re-take the assessment within 3 school days. • receive an improved score, based on performance.

  5. Participation….the ultimate goal • Participation rubric:Self -assessment participation rubric will be scored every week. This will be a weekly grade, depending on events scheduled for the week, and an excellent means of communication between student and teacher. “I took 4 years of Spanish in high school and I can’t remember how to speak it.” LZHS World Language Philosophy: To acquire a language, you must learn to use the language in real-life situations. Quality participation in the target language (level appropriate) is essential to achieve our goal! NOOO!

  6. iPad + The “Flipped” Classroom Student iPadwill serve as a supplementary device for language practice, recording, and assessment. Cell phones with internet capability in class/at home are also acceptable for use. ALL ACTIVITIES designed for iPad use in class may be shared and/or modified with ease if a student does not have an iPad…. At home, a computer with internet access will be helpful, though LZHS has many computer labs for use also. Please ask Sra. for a pass if you need one. The “Flipped Classroom”* IS guided instruction at home via Canvas with monitored activities/practice in class in person:A means to INCREASE interaction and personalized contact time between students and teachers. • An environment where students take responsibility for their own learning. • A classroom where the teacher is not the "sage on the stage", but the "guide on the side". • A blending of direct instruction with constructivist learning. • A classroom where students who are absent due to illness or extra-curricular activities such as athletics or field-trips, don't get left behind. • A class where content is permanently archived for review or remediation. • A class where all students are engaged in their learning. • A place where all students can get a personalized education. Students may access Canvas via iPad app or at www.lz95.instructure.com on any computer or mobile device. You can also access Canvas via LZ95 homepage, (students tab, Canvas tab). *http://flippedlearning.org/FLN

  7. To contact me…. *Email is the most efficient means of communication if you have any concerns or questions. carlye.hamilton@lz95.org *Please allow a few days for a response to voice mail (847) 540-4677. *Please allow a few days from the due date of any assignment for me to enter grades, especially make-up work. *Home Access will tell you if an assignment is missing or late. I accept late work for one less point. *Your student is his/her best advocate in high school. He/she is responsible for his/her grades. *We can work together if your student needs extra help!!!!

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