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Introducci ón del curso ; Cap ítulo 1; Introducción al curso. Placement Test .

Introducci ón del curso ; Cap ítulo 1; Introducción al curso. Placement Test. Hoy vamos a …. Me gustas t ú. Syllabus. Mi email hernanjm1977@gmail.com . Esta clase vale 4 cr éditos . Office hours: Viernes 2.00-3.00 pm. 1141 JFSB http ://webcape.byuhtrsc.org/ nwcregister.php.

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Introducci ón del curso ; Cap ítulo 1; Introducción al curso. Placement Test .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introducción del curso; Capítulo 1; Introducción al curso. Placement Test. Hoy vamos a …. Me gustas tú

  2. Syllabus • Mi email hernanjm1977@gmail.com. Estaclase vale 4 créditos. • Office hours: Viernes 2.00-3.00 pm. 1141 JFSB • http://webcape.byuhtrsc.org/nwcregister.php

  3. Syllabus • Attendance: Each class are 5 points. • Todas las clases, excused or inexcused, se pueden recuperar con Span 102, antes de 6 días • 7 clases se pueden recuperar. Llegar tarde o salir temprano es una ausencia • El profesor no esta obligado a firmar la hoja de participación.

  4. Testing and Grades • The texts will measure your proficiency in six areas of Spanish: speaking, listening comprehension, reading comprehension, writing, grammar knowledge and cultural knowlege. Debes venir a clase con la tarea hecha y las lecturas y repasos leídos. • 9 Lesson tests (70-100 points each), 2 multi-lesson tests (250 points each), and the Final exam (500 points).

  5. Testing and Grades • 80% Pass requirement. • Second multi-lesson test on a specific make-up date to be announced later. You can make-up your worst test or the first or second multi-lesson test. • Exams are in HTRSC (B153JFSB)

  6. Missed/Late Tests • Lesson test not taken on the assigned date may, in some cases and with permission of the instructor, be made up by obtaining a signed Late Test Form from your instructor and by paying a $5 lab fee. • Missed appointment for the final Oral Proficiency Interview will result a 25% penalty

  7. Grievance Procedure • Any complaints to my supervisor. Dr. Rob Martinsen rob.martinsen@byu.edu • Conversation lab. You should attend once per lesson. You can substitute two hours with a classmate or friend. • Free tutors in the Spanish Department

  8. Placement Test • You can take a test to see your level of spanish webcape.byu.edu using the password cougars1. • Testing labs. The test sign up in advance for a specific testing and date. Final test should be sign up in advance.

  9. Vocabulario de supervivenciaDe los estudiantes (fromthestudents)

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