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Dr Xiangqun Chang Co-Director of China in Comparative Perspective Network (CCPN), LSE

How do Migrants from the BRICS Countries Participate in Shaping the Global Society? ------ An overview at the conference ‘How do Migrants from the BRICS Countries Participate in Shaping the Global Society? o n the 3 rd March, 2013, CLM 2.02, LSE . Dr Xiangqun Chang

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Dr Xiangqun Chang Co-Director of China in Comparative Perspective Network (CCPN), LSE

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  1. How do Migrants from the BRICS Countries Participate in Shaping the Global Society? ------ An overview at the conference ‘How do Migrants from the BRICS Countries Participate in Shaping the Global Society? on the 3rdMarch, 2013, CLM 2.02, LSE Dr Xiangqun Chang Co-Director of China in Comparative Perspective Network (CCPN), LSE x.chang@lse.ac.uk ; www.lse.ac.uk/ccpn

  2. I. Clarifications of keywords and methodology • from ‘migration studies’ to ‘migrant studies’ • from BRACs to BRICS • global society • how to shaping society • Making place • Changes between margins and centres • Social creativity • Lishang-wanglai (a alternative China model )

  3. • Over a 10-year period Oriental City, the only indoor Far Eastern Shopping Centre in the UK and Europe, attracted 10,000 people a week, with its multi-functionalities, shops, cafes, cultural events, and an active ethnic community centre • It also won a name as ‘London’s real Chinatown’ (we will see some Chinese characters were added), in contrast to Chinatown in the West End which is swamped by tourists

  4. Entrance Hall (red lanterns everywhere)

  5. Oriental City food court (more red lanterns and more Chinese styles of food in food court)

  6. A Peking duck counter at the food court A Chinese furniture shop

  7. An exhibition of Chinaware from Jingdezhen, China

  8. One of cultural events

  9. However, in June 2005 Development Securities PLC (DevSecs) bought it, and then put in a planning proposal for a £200m development scheme • It comprises a hardware superstore, a primary school, 520 flats, a gym and a GP surgery

  10. View from south to north on Edgware Road

  11. View from north to south on Edgware Road

  12. After a new developer B & S Homes bought it in 2007, the OC closed on the 1st June 2008 The site was boarded up and painted in the “B & S” blue

  13. After B & S Homes lost its deposit OC remains in the hands of DevSecs

  14. ‘Let’s go to Brent Council to stop it passing the Planning application!’ (top)Outside Brent Council Hall protestors asked: ‘Please listen to us, please’! ‘Keep our community’! (bottom) But the planning application was granted

  15. Ian Wright, the Ex-Arsenal football player and TV pundit, and Yip Fai Liu, Owner of China City restaurants, Chairman of the OCTA on protesting together (top) 7 Mar 2007 OCTA protestors brought the OC case to the then Mayor of London Ken Livingstone’ regular people's question time (bottom)

  16. In Feb 2008 OC’s new owner Peter Virdee (B&S Homes, and Barry Gardiner (the North Brent PM) were invited on the last Chinese New Year Party at OC In June OC closed, traders left OC with dignity

  17. After 18 month, in Feb 2009 the former OCTA made a request to DevSecs to re-open the centre Laurence Martin, development director at DevSecs, stated that the centre was very run down and it was not financially viable to reopen it on a short-term basis

  18. II. Initial results from Online questionnaire We set up webpages in four languages to promote our online questionnaire survey: BOS survey: https://www.survey.bris.ac.uk/ • English • Russian • Chinese • Japanese

  19. Chart Migrants from each of the BRIC countries in the UK, USA, Australia and Japan

  20. Related presentations at the conference • Is Japan’s Labour Structure in Transition? Lessons from the Brazilian Labour in the Mie Prefecture, by Professor KUMARA Ananda, Vice-President of Suzuka International University, Japan • Skilled Russian Migration: Impact on Development through Empowerment, by Dr EsunaDugarova, Research Analyst, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), Switzerland • From vulnerability to flexibility: Indian middleman traders in Shaoxing, China, by Mr Ka-kin Cheuk, PhD candidate, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, St. Antony's College, University of Oxford, UK • Chineselawyers in Brazil, Australia and the UK - a three way comparison, by Ms Helen Tung, Barrister, 1 Temple Avenue Chambers, London, UK

  21. III. Migrants’ views on how migrants affect the global society in general • Brazilian migrants • Russian migrants • Indian migrants • Chinese migrants • Unidentified

  22. Brazilian migrants in Jan pan All the Governments in Developed nations did very little for the rights of the Migrants. Once they feel they don't need them anymore they just find all the ways to throw them out. I had never seen a single political party who did something for the betterment of migrants who are sweating out and contributing in huge way to their economy.

  23. Russian migrants in the USA Having lived for prolonged periods in four countries with differences in political, economic and social spheres (Soviet Union, Russia, Vietnam, Australia) I came to realisation that we, humans, are the same irrespective of perceived differences. We may express our emotions differently but feelings are always the same (love, sorrow, hope, empathy, joy, pain). My own life is an example. I was born in the country without religion and was raised as an atheist. However being non-religious doesn’t imply i was raised without ethics or morals. The Golden rule to treat others as I would like to be treated has been my guiding principle since my early childhood. As for migration, I sincerely hope that we, humans, one day will be living in the world without borders and nationalities. The process has already begun. Rapid expansions of internet communication and easier access to the worlds educational and information resources contributed to the development of the new level of consciousness. I hope the next generation of human earthlings will continue this global integration process started by our generation.

  24. Indian migrants in Australia A strict immigration law is understandable, but seriously, it is not 50years go, these countries aren’t that attractive any more, especially for highly skilled people, so maybe mainstream society should think about how to attract immigrants from other countries.

  25. Chinese migrants in the UK In today's global marketplace, every country needs to have a healthy mix of immigration to provide the global exposure to its citizens both in terms of economic and cultural benefits. Migrants contribute significantly to the local economies as they generally tend to be more focussed and motivated to achieve success in their country of adoption.

  26. A migrant’s country of origin is unidentified I love the diversity, in which have chance to live. I believe that in next millennium we either mix up completely (which will create wise harmonic society) either will draw ourselves in a mortal dispute (in this case Chinese farm men and African tribes will be the ones to build new wave of civilization). Note: the above migrants’ views just few examples, don’t represent the presenter's views

  27. Thank you! Please send you comments to: x.chang@lse.ac.uk

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