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Introduction to the control system at RIKEN Nishina Center for accelerator-based science, including beam interlock system and facility layout. Discusses milestones in the commissioning of the RIBF and future upgrades.
Control system of RIKEN RI Beam Factory Nishina Center / RIKEN Misaki KOMIYAMA (misaki@riken.jp) 12/Mar/2008, EPICS collaboration meeting in Shanghai
谢谢你给予说的机会 Thank you very much for giving me an opportunity to introduce you our facility.
Contents • Brief introduction of RIKEN • Brief introduction of Nishina Center for accelerator-based science and its accelerators (RIBF) • Introduction of RIBF control system • Introduction of RIBF beam interlock system
What is the RIKEN? -1 • Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (理化学研究所) • Main campus : in Wako city, Saitama Pref. • 7 institutes in Japan (ex.SPring-8) • 3 overseas branches (at BNL, MIT, RAL). • First organized in 1917 as a private research foundation, and reorganized in 2003 as an independent administrative institution under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
What is RIKEN? -2 • Carries out high level experimental and research work in a wide range of fields, including physics, chemistry, medical science, biology, and engineering, covering the entire range from basic research to practical application. • Personnel (As of Apr. 1 2007) : 3441 (140 in Nishina Center) • Budget (fiscal year 2007) : about 90 BJYen (~80 MUS$) • President : Dr. Ryoji NOYORI
What is RIKEN Nishina Center? • Nishina (仁科) Center for Accelerator-Based Science • Inaugurated April 1, 2006 • Radioactive isotope (RI) beam facility : RI Beam Factory (RIBF) includes - variable-frequency linac (RILAC, 1980) - K70-MeV AVF cyclotron (AVF, 1989) - K540-MeV ring cyclotron (RRC, 1986) - K570-MeV fixed frequency ring cyclotron (fRC) - K980-MeV intermediate stage ring cyclotron (IRC) - K2600-MeV superconducting ring cyclotron (SRC) - superconducting fragment separator (BigRIPS)
Old Facility: 1975 ~ 1990 16 BJYen RIBF: 1997 ~ (2012) 50 BJYen RI Beam Factory (RIBF), RIKEN Nishina Center, Wako-city
Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (SRC) (world’s first) K = 2,600 MeV Self Magnetic Shield Self Radiation Shield 3.8T (240 MJ) 18-38 MHz 8,300 tons Cooled by liquid He bath Indirectly cooled by two phase forced He flow
Milestones of Commissioning -1 • At 16:00 on December 28 2006, the first beam extracted from the SRC: a 345 MeV/nucleon 27Al10+ beam was extracted. Its mass to charge ratio is the same as that of a 238U88+ beam. In this acceleration trial, we skipped the fRC, because the vacuum leaking took place in this cyclotron. We could, however, confirm the acceleration performance of the SRC. • At 3:00 on March 15 2007, the first RI beams were generated and identified by the BigRIPS. A 345MeV/nucleon 86Kr31+ beam, mass to charge ratio of which is the same as that of a 238U86+ beam, was projectile-fragmented. In this test run, we succeeded in operating the full cyclotron cascade including fRC for the first time. After the first beam run, we accelerated a uranium beam with the fRC, and we observed that the most probable charge state after the stripping at 51 MeV/nucleon is 86+ instead of 88+ originally expected.
Milestones of Commissioning -2 • At 21:00 on March 23, we succeeded in the first acceleration of a 238U86+ beam up to 345MeV/nucleon. • And eventully, at 6:40 on March 27, we successfully identified a large variety of RI beams produced via the first in-flight fission of the 345MeV/nucleon urnium beam. • At the first experiment of the RIBF in May using 345MeV/nucleon 238U86+ beam, we discovereda very-neutron-rich new isotope Pd 125 (N=79, Z=46).
Future Upgrades toward 1pmA • Intensity of SRC-extracted uranium beam obtained on June 29 2007 : 8.2enA • Step-by-step improvements have been done; beam diagnostic devices, charge stripper foil,… • Under construction of new injector to RRC, with 28 GHz SC-ECRIS
Outline of RIBF Control System -1 • Control system : based on EPICS R3.14.7 / R3.14.4 on Linux • 4 EPICS Servers and 20 IOCs • Ion Source exit ~ RRC exit : - Based on CAMAC and CIM/DIM (RIKEN original intelligent controller for CAMAC system) - CAMAC loop -> Ethernet using network-based CAMAC crate controller (CC/NET, product of Toyo corp.) - replace them with NIO/N-DIM/PLC step by step • RRC exit ~ BigRIPS target : - Based on NIO (for magnet power supply, product of NDS) / N-DIM (Network-based DIM, RIKEN original intelligent controller, for beam diagnostic devices and vacuum) / PLC (for beam diagnostic devices and vacuum and so on)
N-DIM • Network-based intelligent Controller • Each N-DIM has one IP Address • 32-bit DI/DO and 12 Channels of 16-bit AI • Control commands are written in ASCII code • Radiation-resistance Device • N-DIM FC : control 3 Faraday cups • N-DIM PF : control 1 beam profile monitor • N-DIM VAC : control 2 sets of vacuum system • N-DIM BIAS : control 4 bias power supplies for FC • N-DIM RP : control 1 beam differential probe • Price : 1500 US$ (board), 1000 US$ (case)
Outline of RIBF Control System -2 • Independent from Beam Interlock system (based on PLC), only monitoring • Using MEDM / ChannelArchiver / AlarmHandler / Zlog (KEK) • Group member : 1 + 1 (beam operator)
Interface Devices for RIBF control • DIM (Device Interface Module) : RIKEN original module / intelligent controller / 32bit-DI/DO, 16 * 12bit AI / radiation-resistance • N-DIM (Network-DIM) : RIKEN original module / network-based intelligent controller / 32bit-DI/DO, 12 * 16bit AI / radiation-resistance • NIO : product of NDS • Control system of Ion source, RF : stand-alone
Control Network • Stand-alone (no connection with office-network) • 1 Cisco’s Catalyst 4506 device as a router, 9 Catalyst 2950 devices as edge switches, set up optical fiber cables among them. • Designed to have 5 subnetworks : 1. for VME (control magnet power supplies), server computer, PCs 2. for N-DIM (monitor beam current, vacuum) 3. for N-DIM (monitor beam profile), server computer 4. for PLC (control beam diagnostic devices, etc.) 5. for maintenance the network system itself
EPICS IOC box (Linux) • WRAP (Wireless Router Application Platform, http://www.pcengines.ch/) • Disk less and Fan less (CF boot) • Embedded Linux with LFS (Linux From Scratch) - Linux kernel 2.6.13 - GRUB - glibc - BusyBox - Apache - bash - telnet daemon - NTP - PHP - EPICS base R3.14.7 • ~US$150 / WRAP • 9 WRAP in RIBF • Each WRAP mounts EPICS programs from a server computer, and share • Details : A.Uchiyama et al., “Development of embedded system for running EPICS IOC by using Linux and single board computer” in Proc. of ICALEPCS07
Beam Interlock System (BIS) • Stop beam within 10 msec. at the exit of Ion Source after receiving safety alarms from accelerators and equipments on beam transport lines. • Based on Melsec PLC • 3 BIS in RIBF (for RILAC / for RRC-fRC / for IRC-SRC) • Input signals : - magnet power supply error - vacuum error (GV) - radiation safety - RF - beam intensity (FC / BF) • Total signals : ~400 / BIS (DI / AI, except RILAC)
Next work in progress • Arrange a connection point between Control-LAN and Office-LAN • Introduce a Relational Database System to control system to keep every beam parameter from EPICS system / non-EPICS system
感谢清听! Thank you for your attention!