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RIKEN Nishina Center Control System Overview

Introduction to the control system at RIKEN Nishina Center for accelerator-based science, including beam interlock system and facility layout. Discusses milestones in the commissioning of the RIBF and future upgrades.

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RIKEN Nishina Center Control System Overview

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  1. Control system of RIKEN RI Beam Factory Nishina Center / RIKEN Misaki KOMIYAMA (misaki@riken.jp) 12/Mar/2008, EPICS collaboration meeting in Shanghai

  2. 谢谢你给予说的机会 Thank you very much for giving me an opportunity to introduce you our facility.

  3. Contents • Brief introduction of RIKEN • Brief introduction of Nishina Center for accelerator-based science and its accelerators (RIBF) • Introduction of RIBF control system • Introduction of RIBF beam interlock system

  4. What is the RIKEN? -1 • Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (理化学研究所) • Main campus : in Wako city, Saitama Pref. • 7 institutes in Japan (ex.SPring-8) • 3 overseas branches (at BNL, MIT, RAL). • First organized in 1917 as a private research foundation, and reorganized in 2003 as an independent administrative institution under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

  5. What is RIKEN? -2 • Carries out high level experimental and research work in a wide range of fields, including physics, chemistry, medical science, biology, and engineering, covering the entire range from basic research to practical application. • Personnel (As of Apr. 1 2007) : 3441 (140 in Nishina Center) • Budget (fiscal year 2007) : about 90 BJYen (~80 MUS$) • President : Dr. Ryoji NOYORI

  6. What is RIKEN Nishina Center? • Nishina (仁科) Center for Accelerator-Based Science • Inaugurated April 1, 2006 • Radioactive isotope (RI) beam facility : RI Beam Factory (RIBF) includes - variable-frequency linac (RILAC, 1980) - K70-MeV AVF cyclotron (AVF, 1989) - K540-MeV ring cyclotron (RRC, 1986) - K570-MeV fixed frequency ring cyclotron (fRC) - K980-MeV intermediate stage ring cyclotron (IRC) - K2600-MeV superconducting ring cyclotron (SRC) - superconducting fragment separator (BigRIPS)

  7. Old Facility: 1975 ~ 1990 16 BJYen RIBF: 1997 ~ (2012) 50 BJYen RI Beam Factory (RIBF), RIKEN Nishina Center, Wako-city

  8. Layout of RIBF (in 2007) RRC RILAC RIPS BigRIPS fRC IRC SRC

  9. Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (SRC) (world’s first) K = 2,600 MeV Self Magnetic Shield Self Radiation Shield 3.8T (240 MJ) 18-38 MHz 8,300 tons Cooled by liquid He bath Indirectly cooled by two phase forced He flow

  10. K2600-MeV SRC

  11. Milestones of Commissioning -1 • At 16:00 on December 28 2006, the first beam extracted from the SRC: a 345 MeV/nucleon 27Al10+ beam was extracted. Its mass to charge ratio is the same as that of a 238U88+ beam. In this acceleration trial, we skipped the fRC, because the vacuum leaking took place in this cyclotron. We could, however, confirm the acceleration performance of the SRC. • At 3:00 on March 15 2007, the first RI beams were generated and identified by the BigRIPS. A 345MeV/nucleon 86Kr31+ beam, mass to charge ratio of which is the same as that of a 238U86+ beam, was projectile-fragmented. In this test run, we succeeded in operating the full cyclotron cascade including fRC for the first time. After the first beam run, we accelerated a uranium beam with the fRC, and we observed that the most probable charge state after the stripping at 51 MeV/nucleon is 86+ instead of 88+ originally expected.

  12. Milestones of Commissioning -2 • At 21:00 on March 23, we succeeded in the first acceleration of a 238U86+ beam up to 345MeV/nucleon. • And eventully, at 6:40 on March 27, we successfully identified a large variety of RI beams produced via the first in-flight fission of the 345MeV/nucleon urnium beam. • At the first experiment of the RIBF in May using 345MeV/nucleon 238U86+ beam, we discovereda very-neutron-rich new isotope Pd 125 (N=79, Z=46).

  13. Future Upgrades toward 1pmA • Intensity of SRC-extracted uranium beam obtained on June 29 2007 : 8.2enA • Step-by-step improvements have been done; beam diagnostic devices, charge stripper foil,… • Under construction of new injector to RRC, with 28 GHz SC-ECRIS

  14. Outline of RIBF Control System -1 • Control system : based on EPICS R3.14.7 / R3.14.4 on Linux • 4 EPICS Servers and 20 IOCs • Ion Source exit ~ RRC exit : - Based on CAMAC and CIM/DIM (RIKEN original intelligent controller for CAMAC system) - CAMAC loop -> Ethernet using network-based CAMAC crate controller (CC/NET, product of Toyo corp.) - replace them with NIO/N-DIM/PLC step by step • RRC exit ~ BigRIPS target : - Based on NIO (for magnet power supply, product of NDS) / N-DIM (Network-based DIM, RIKEN original intelligent controller, for beam diagnostic devices and vacuum) / PLC (for beam diagnostic devices and vacuum and so on)

  15. N-DIM • Network-based intelligent Controller • Each N-DIM has one IP Address • 32-bit DI/DO and 12 Channels of 16-bit AI • Control commands are written in ASCII code • Radiation-resistance Device • N-DIM FC : control 3 Faraday cups • N-DIM PF : control 1 beam profile monitor • N-DIM VAC : control 2 sets of vacuum system • N-DIM BIAS : control 4 bias power supplies for FC • N-DIM RP : control 1 beam differential probe • Price : 1500 US$ (board), 1000 US$ (case)


  17. Outline of RIBF Control System -2 • Independent from Beam Interlock system (based on PLC), only monitoring • Using MEDM / ChannelArchiver / AlarmHandler / Zlog (KEK) • Group member : 1 + 1 (beam operator)

  18. RIBF Control Room

  19. Interface Devices for RIBF control • DIM (Device Interface Module) : RIKEN original module / intelligent controller / 32bit-DI/DO, 16 * 12bit AI / radiation-resistance • N-DIM (Network-DIM) : RIKEN original module / network-based intelligent controller / 32bit-DI/DO, 12 * 16bit AI / radiation-resistance • NIO : product of NDS • Control system of Ion source, RF : stand-alone

  20. Number of devices and controller in RIBF

  21. Control Network • Stand-alone (no connection with office-network) • 1 Cisco’s Catalyst 4506 device as a router, 9 Catalyst 2950 devices as edge switches, set up optical fiber cables among them. • Designed to have 5 subnetworks : 1. for VME (control magnet power supplies), server computer, PCs 2. for N-DIM (monitor beam current, vacuum) 3. for N-DIM (monitor beam profile), server computer 4. for PLC (control beam diagnostic devices, etc.) 5. for maintenance the network system itself

  22. Structure of RIBF Control System

  23. EPICS IOC box (Linux) • WRAP (Wireless Router Application Platform, http://www.pcengines.ch/) • Disk less and Fan less (CF boot) • Embedded Linux with LFS (Linux From Scratch) - Linux kernel 2.6.13 - GRUB - glibc - BusyBox - Apache - bash - telnet daemon - NTP - PHP - EPICS base R3.14.7 • ~US$150 / WRAP • 9 WRAP in RIBF • Each WRAP mounts EPICS programs from a server computer, and share • Details : A.Uchiyama et al., “Development of embedded system for running EPICS IOC by using Linux and single board computer” in Proc. of ICALEPCS07

  24. Beam Interlock System (BIS) • Stop beam within 10 msec. at the exit of Ion Source after receiving safety alarms from accelerators and equipments on beam transport lines. • Based on Melsec PLC • 3 BIS in RIBF (for RILAC / for RRC-fRC / for IRC-SRC) • Input signals : - magnet power supply error - vacuum error (GV) - radiation safety - RF - beam intensity (FC / BF) • Total signals : ~400 / BIS (DI / AI, except RILAC)

  25. Next work in progress • Arrange a connection point between Control-LAN and Office-LAN • Introduce a Relational Database System to control system to keep every beam parameter from EPICS system / non-EPICS system

  26. 感谢清听! Thank you for your attention!

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