[PDF READ ONLINE] My Breast Cancer Journal, Journaling Through Chemo, Surgery, and Radiation ~
8 minutes ago - COPY LINK TO DOWNLOAD : https://koencoeng-ygtersakity.blogspot.mx/?lophe=B09JDW86ZT | READ [PDF] My Breast Cancer Journal, Journaling Through Chemo, Surgery, and Radiation ~ Cancer Sucks: A Beautiful Notebook With 60 Inspirational Quotes To Encourage You Through Your Cancer Battle | Made especially for you by a cancer survivor :o)8220You can be a victim of cancer, or a survivor of cancer. It8217s a mindset.8221 ~ Dave PelzerAre you fighting cancer? Is a family member or friend battling cancer?Fighting cancer is not an easy battle, and chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation can be rough. When I went through my breast cancer journey, writing was my outlet. It helped to write whether I was happy, angry, or sad.You can also use this notebook to jot down any side effects you experience from your treatments, as well as any other things you would like to talk with your oncologist about at your appointments.This is a perfect journal for you or for you to give to someone special as a gift.The journal includes 60 inspirational quotes throughout.When you8217ve won the battle (or your family member/friend wins the battle), you8217ll be able to look back at all your recorded thoughts, notes, and experiences and feel proud of how far you8217ve come.8220At any given moment, you have the power to say, 8216This is not how the story is going to end.82178221 ~ UnknownYou've got this!Features:60 inspirational and encouraging quotesArtwork in the borders8.58221 x 118221132 pagesBlank lined
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