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Explore SMA constraints on disk structure, compare Orion proplyds, Tau-Aur disks, and planet formation prospects. Understand viscous accretion, photoevaporation, and particle growth in planet formation using submillimeter observations. Analyze disk SED, thermal emission, outer disk properties, and evolution with IR SED. Gain insights into circumstellar disk structure and distribution of density for various disks. Investigate temperature, density distributions, sizes, masses, and disk behavior with age to understand planetary system formation.
A Submillimeter View of Protoplanetary Disks Sean Andrews University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy and Jonathan Williams & Rita Mann, UH IfA David Wilner, Harvard-Smithsonian CfA
SMA constraints on disk structure: - density, temperature, opacity, size measurements - compare with evolution of a viscous accretion disk • SMA detections of Orion proplyds: - compare with a more harsh environment - disk masses and planet formation prospects outline • sub-mm photometry of Tau-Aur disks: - outer disk fraction and radial evolution timescale - disk mass and sub-mm color evolution
constraints on the planet formation process viscous accretion photoevaporation particle growth ? initial conditions final products empirical constraints from sub-mm observations
Q: why sub-mm observations? A: to trace most of the disk SED:thermal emission from irradiated thin dust disk different disk regions contribute at different l based on local temperature and density conditions
Q: why sub-mm observations? A: to resolve the disk structure spatial emission distribution: low sub-mm optical depths; continuum emission sensitiveto distribution of density near the disk midplane ~0.3” angular resolution 1-2” ~0.5 km baseline lengths ~100 m
>5x more sensitive Md > 1 Jupiter mass uniform flux limits Andrews & Williams (2005) scaled 1.3 mm surveys: Beckwith et al. (1990), Osterloh & Beckwith (1995); Andre & Montmerle (1994) Multiwavelength Single-Dish Survey of Disks • 153 Taurus disks + 47 Ophiuchus disks (SpT < M5, 1-3 Myr) • 350, 450, and 850 mm; deep and uniform (3s to <10 mJy) SCUBA SHARC-II
Class I disks Class II disks Class III disks evolution of outer disk properties sub-mm emission (disk masses) decreases with IR SED evolution sub-mm SED changes with IR SED evolution (particle growth) Andrews & Williams (2005)
what about the outer disk? (sub-mm detection fraction) 5-10 Myr • transition disks: • sub-mm emission (outer disk) • no excess IR emission (inner disk) e.g., Haisch et al. (2001) scarce: ~ few % inner & outer disk signatures disappear on similar timescales Andrews & Williams (2005) [also Skrutskie et al. (1990), Mamajek et al. (2004), etc.] outer disk fraction/radial evolution timescales
SMA Imaging Survey of Protoplanetary Disks • 24 disks with ~1-2” resolution at 880 mm / 1.3 mm • continuum + 12CO J=3-2 / J=2-1 Andrews & Williams (2007) 10” 1500 AU 12 disks in Tau-Aur and 12 in Oph-Sco 04158+2805 AA Tau CI Tau DH Tau DL Tau DM Tau DN Tau DR Tau FT Tau GM Aur GO Tau RY Tau AS 205 AS 209 DoAr 25 DoAr 44 Elias 24 GSS 39 L1709 B SR 21 SR 24 WaOph 6 WSB 60 WL 20
measuring circumstellar disk structure geometrically thin irradiated disk simultaneously fit SED & SMA visibilities S R-p Rd Md TR-q SED visibilities
data model residual measuring circumstellar disk structure geometrically thin irradiated disk simultaneously fit SED & SMA visibilities and repeat for 20+ disks… derive temperature & density distributions, disk sizes S R-p Rd Md TR-q 1s 3s 5s SED visibilities Dc2
disk structure results temperatures: TR-qmedianq0.6 1 AU temperature200 K densities: S R-p median p0.7-1.0* 1 AU surface density 150 g/cm2 sizes and masses: median Rd200 AU median Md 0.05 solar masses Andrews & Williams (2007) [see also, e.g., Lay et al. (1997), Kitamura et al. (2002), etc.]
n = acs H sets timescale change in S and Rd with age Hartmann et al. (1998) fiducial model behavior a = 0.001 a = 0.01 a = 0.1 comparison with viscous accretion disk properties to conserve angular momentum, disk spreads thin as it accretes
a = 0.001 a = 0.01 a = 0.1 comparison with viscous accretion disk properties n = acs H sets timescale change in S and Rd with age a = 0.01 Hartmann et al. (1998) fiducial model behavior
quiescent, low-mass crowded, high-mass mass loss rate of 10-7 M/yr evaporation timescale of 105 yr Churchwell et al. (1987) photoevaporating proplyds C. R. O’Dell a different environment: Taurus to Orion
a different environment: Taurus to Orion quiescent, low-mass does enough disk mass remain to form planetary systems? crowded, high-mass mass loss rate of 10-7 M/yr evaporation timescale of 105 yr Churchwell et al. (1987) photoevaporating proplyds C. R. O’Dell
BIMA OVRO PdBI Mundy et al. (1995) Bally et al. (1998) Lada (1999) Williams, Andrews, & Wilner (2005) l = 1 cm 1 mm detecting thermal disk emission in the Trapezium
detecting thermal disk emission in the Trapezium BIMA OVRO PdBI • high spatial resolution: • filter out cloud emission • separate disks in crowded region • high frequency: • more sensitive to thermal emission • less contamination Mundy et al. (1995) Bally et al. (1998) Lada (1999) Williams, Andrews, & Wilner (2005) l = 1 cm 1 mm
masses of the Orion proplyds 0.019 M 0.016 M 0.024 M 0.013 M Williams, Andrews, & Wilner (2005) 4/23 disks with Md MMMSN see also Eisner & Carpenter (2006)
detections are similar to Tau-Aur Class II 0.019 M 0.014 M Rita Mann - UH IfA dissertation masses of the Orion proplyds detection statistics (10-20%)?
sub-mm photometry of Tau-Aur disks: Andrews & Williams (2005) - radial evolution appears to be rapid (photoevap.?) - sub-mm properties evolve on similar sequence as IR • SMA constraints on disk structure: Andrews & Williams (2007) - large, homogeneous sample of physical conditions - broadly consistent with accretion disk for a = 0.01 • SMA detections of Orion proplyds: Williams et al. (2005) Rita Mann’s thesis (UH - IfA) - Trapezium still contains some MMSN disks - detections similar to Tau-Aur disks; bimodal dist.? summary