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EASA ATM/ANS regulatory update

EASA ATM/ANS regulatory update. Fabio GRASSO EASA ATM/ANS Development Section Manager 10th FISO Seminar 04.09.2019. TE.GEN.00409-001. EASA Opinion 02/2018. Proposed amendments to Reg. 2017/373 and its AMC/GM:

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EASA ATM/ANS regulatory update

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  1. EASA ATM/ANSregulatory update Fabio GRASSO EASA ATM/ANS DevelopmentSection Manager 10th FISO Seminar 04.09.2019 TE.GEN.00409-001

  2. EASA Opinion 02/2018 • Proposed amendments to Reg. 2017/373 and its AMC/GM: • Annex V ‘Part-MET’, mainly to align the existing rules with Amendment 77-A to ICAO Annex 3 • Annex VI ‘Part–AIS’ (RMT.0477), introducing a clear and common regulatory framework for entities involved in managing aeronautical data and information, by: • Transposing ICAO Annex 15 (latest version) and the new PANS-AIM; • Transferring data quality requirements into this framework and repealing Regulation 73/2010 (‘the ADQ Regulation’) • Annex XI ‘Part-FPD’ (RMT.0445), introducing a certification scheme for flight procedure designers as well as a common framework of technical requirements for the design of airspace structures • Proposed amendments to Reg. 139/2014 (ADR) to align with Part-AIS and linking with Part-FPD

  3. EASA Opinion 03/2018 • Proposed amendments to Reg. 2017/373 and its AMC/GM: • Annex V ‘Part-ATS’, to establish a comprehensive EU ATS regulatory framework by transposing the relevant ICAO provisions (primarily ICAO Annex 11 and PANS-ATM) • Includes detailed FIS provisions, including explicitly AFIS • Proposed amendments to Reg. 923/2012 ‘SERA’ • Opinions 02 & 03 merged into a single EU Regulation • EC to submit for MSs’ approval in September • Proposed applicability date: 27 January 2022 • Publication of EASA ED Decision with AMC/GM in Q1 2020

  4. ATM/ANS CRs – Regulation 2017/373 Regulation ‘Service providers’ Proposed Amendments: Member States’ requirements Annex I - Definitions Annex III - Organisation requirements Technical/Organisational Providers’ requirements • Annex IV ‘PART-ATS’ • Annex V ‘PART-MET’ • Annex VI ‘PART- AIS’ • Annex XI ‘PART-FPD’ SERA Regulation ADR Regulation Annex I Definitions Annex II Part-AR Annex III Part-OR Annex IV Part-ATS Annex V Part-MET Annex VI Part-AIS Annex VII Part-DAT Annex VIII Part-CNS Annex IX Part-ATFM Annex X Part-ASM Annex XI Part-FPD Annex XII Part-NM Annex XIII Part-PERS

  5. RMT.0624 - Remote tower operations • ED Decision 2019/004/R and CRD 2017-21 issued on 19.02.19 • Repeals EASA ED Decisions 2015/014/R and 2015/015/R • Extended scope to expand into more complex mode of operations, taking into account: • the latest SESAR results + other available research/validation results • gained implementation and operational experiences on single mode • initial consideration of multiple mode • adoption of industry standards (EUROCAE ED-240, ED-240A) • Activity will be continued - RMT.0624 maintained in EPAS 2020-2024 with amended ToR (Q4 2019) • RMG work to be started in Q1 2020

  6. RMT.0668 – Maintenance of ATCO rules • ToRs published - Regulatory activities initiated to identify and propose necessary amendments to Reg. 2015/340 and related ED Decisions • Scrutiny of issues recorded via EASA Standardisation activities, implementation feedback, queries is on-going • Stakeholders’ involvement sought primarily via EASA Advisory Bodies (Expert Group supporting) • Planned milestones: NPA Q1/2021 – Opinion Q1/2023 • Ad-hoc cooperation with EUROCONTROL on the update of ATCO Initial Training provisions – Amending ED Decision in Q3/2019

  7. RMT.0476 Maintenance of SERA • Regulatory activities initiated to align with amendments to originating ICAO provisions • Consultation of a draft Opinion/Decision with EASA Advisory Bodies held in December ’17 • Regulatory proposal submitted to EC includes: • Content of and deviation from flight plan • ATC clearances (Operation, True Mach number) • Alerting service • Aircraft identification setting • Further consideration to amendments related to: • AFIS phraseology (upon publication of PART-ATS) • Radio communication failure (NPA Q4/2021) • SID/STAR phraseology (NPA Q4/2021)

  8. RMT.0230 RPAS / Uspace (1) • ‘U-space is meant to be as a set of services provided in the airspace structure/volume designated by the MS to manage large number of UAS operators in a safe an efficient manner’ • Objective: to propose high-level EU regulatory framework • Methods: Permanent working group, internal coordination group Stakeholders’ consultations • Draft Opinion in preparation • Rule text almost finalized for last round of consultation • Deadline Opinion: November 2019 latest

  9. RMT.0230 RPAS / Uspace (2) • The proposed Regulation: • provides THE regulatory framework for U-space • is based on the state-of-the-art solutions and services • enables the rules to further ‘mature’ and adapts to future technology solutions • can be implemented immediately after its entry into force • ensures the safety of all types of aircraft operations • takes into account the fast development of the drone business

  10. Other regulatory activities • RMT.0161 ‘Conformity assessment’ • A revised regulatory framework for IOP of ATM/ANS systems and constituents, based upon the NBR mandate • Re-prioritised – activities to be started in Q4 2019 • Public workshop on 31.10 (EASA website for registration) • RMT.0376 ‘Anti-collision systems on aircraft other than aeroplanes in excess of 5700 kg or 19 pax’ • Best Intervention Strategy under development – consultation with EASA ABs anticipated in Q4/’19 • RMT.0682 SESAR Implementation of the regulatory needs of the SESAR common projects • ToR to be published by Q4 2019

  11. Thankyouverymuchforyour attention!Questions?

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