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Chapter 9

Muscular System Lecture. Chapter 9. The Muscular System: Skeletal Muscle Tissue and Muscle Organization . Introduction. There are three types of muscle tissue: Skeletal muscle tissue moves the body by pulling on bones of the skeleton.

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Chapter 9

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  1. Muscular System Lecture Chapter 9 The Muscular System: Skeletal Muscle Tissue and Muscle Organization

  2. Introduction • There are three types of muscle tissue: • Skeletal muscle tissue moves the body by pulling on bones of the skeleton. • Cardiac muscle tissue pushes blood through the arteries and veins of the circulatory system. • Smooth (visceral) muscle tissues push fluids and solids along the digestive tract and perform varied functions in other systems.

  3. Introduction • Muscle tissues share four basic properties: • Excitability: the ability to respond to stimulation. • Skeletal muscles normally respond to stimulation by the nervous system. • Cardiac and smooth muscles respond to the nervous system and circulating hormones. • Contractility: the ability to shorten actively and exert a pull or tension that can be harnessed by connective tissues. • Extensibility: the ability to continue to contract over a range of resting lengths. • Elasticity: the ability of a muscle to rebound toward its original length after a contraction.

  4. Introduction • Skeletal muscles are contractile organs directly or indirectly attached to bones of the skeleton. • Skeletal muscles perform the following functions: • Produce skeletal movement • Maintain posture and body position • Support soft tissues • Regulate entering and exiting of material • Maintain body temperature

  5. Anatomy of Skeletal Muscles [Insert fig 91] Figure 9.1 Structural Organization of Skeletal Muscle

  6. Muscle Fiber Organization Figure 9.5a,b Functional Organization of a Skeletal Muscle Fiber

  7. Muscle Fiber Organization Figure 9.5c,d,e Functional Organization of a Skeletal Muscle Fiber

  8. Muscle Fiber • Sarcolemma / Transverse Tubules

  9. Sarcomere Structure A band; I band; H zone; Z line Figure 9.4a Sarcomere Structure

  10. Sarcomere Structure Figure 9.4b Sarcomere Structure

  11. Sarcomere • Thick and thin filaments within a myofibril are organized in the sarcomeres. • All of the myofibrils are arranged parallel to the long axis of the cell, with their sarcomeres lying side by side.

  12. Myofilaments [Insert fig 9.6] Figure 9.6 Thin and Thick Filaments

  13. Thin and Thick Filaments • Each thin filament consists of a twisted strand of several interacting proteins 5–6 nm in diameter and 1 m in length. • Troponin holds the tropomyosin strand in place.

  14. Thin and Thick Filaments • Thick filaments are 10–12 nm in diameter and long 1.6 m making them much larger than thin filaments. • Thick filaments contain the protein myosin.

  15. The Neural Control of Muscle Fiber Contraction Initiation of muscle contraction Figure 9.10a The Neuromuscular Junction

  16. The Neural Control of Muscle Fiber Contraction Figure 9.10b The Neuromuscular Junction

  17. The Neural Control of Muscle Fiber Contraction Figure 9.10c The Neuromuscular Junction

  18. Myasthenia Gravis / Curare and frogs

  19. Muscle Contraction: A Summary Figure 9.11 Muscle Contraction

  20. Sliding filament theory

  21. summary Sliding Filament Theory Sarcomere - unit of contraction between Z lines A band - length of the thick myofilaments I band - region without myosin H zone region of A band without thin myofilaments Thickmyofilaments -- contain the protein myosin Thin myofilaments -- contain the proteins: actin, troponin, and tropomyosin The myosin heads (cross bridges) of thick myofilaments will bind to actin of thin myofilaments in isolation. The myosin heads act as an ATPase when bound to actin The proteins troponin and tropomyosin of the thin myofilaments block the cross bridge formation in the absence of Ca+2 ions.

  22. The Sliding Filament Theory • The H band and I band get smaller. • The zone of overlap gets larger. • The Z lines move closer together. • The width of the A band remains constant throughout the contraction.

  23. The Sliding Filament Theory Figure 9.7 Changes in a Sarcomere

  24. The Sliding Filament Theory • Muscle contraction

  25. The Start of a Contraction • The trigger for contraction: • Calcium ions in the sarcoplasm

  26. The Start of a Contraction • Electrical events at the sarcolemmal surface: • Trigger the release of calcium ions from the terminal cisternae • The calcium ions diffuse into the zone of overlap and bind to troponin • Troponin changes shape, alters the position of the tropomyosin strand, and exposes the active sites on the actin molecules

  27. The End of a Contraction • When electrical stimulation ends, the sarcoplasmic reticulum will recapture the calcium ions, the troponin–tropomyosin complex will cover the active sites, and the contraction will end. • sliding filament animation SDSU

  28. Muscle contraction and Sliding Filament

  29. Summary 2 Summary 1) Actin + Myosin*ATP + Ca+2 Actin*Myosin*ATP Cross-Bridge Formation 2) Actin*Myosin*ATP (now Myosin an ATPase) Actin*Myosin*ADP + Pi + energy Power Stroke (rigor complex) 3) Actin*Myosin*ADP + ATP Actin + Myosin*ATP + ADP Cross Bridge Breaks If Calcium still present the process repeats * bound + not bound

  30. Motor Units and Muscle Control Figure 9.12 Motor-Units in a Skeletal Muscle

  31. Energy for muscle contraction • ATP • Depletion at max exercise 1 sec • Creatine - Phosphate • Depletion at 3 sec • Anaerobic glycolysis • Depletion at 1.3 minutes • Lactic acid • Aerobic respiration • Slower • 100 minutes to depletion

  32. Muscle Hypertrophy and Atrophy • Exercise causes an increase in: • Number of mitochondria • Concentration of glycolytic enzymes • Glycogen reserves • Myofibrils: • Each myofibril contains a larger number of thick and thin filaments • The net effect is an enlargement, or hypertrophy, of the stimulated muscle. • Disuse of a muscle results in the opposite, called atrophy.

  33. Types of Skeletal Muscle Fibers • The features of fast fibers or white fibers are: • Large in diameter because of many densely packed myofibrils • Large glycogen reserves • Relatively few mitochondria: • Their mitochondria are unable to meet the demand • Fatigue easily • Can contract in 0.01 seconds or less following stimulation

  34. Types of Skeletal Muscle Fibers • Slow fibers or red fibers features: • Are about half the diameter of fast fibers. • Take three times as long to contract after stimulation. • Contain abundant mitochondria. • Use aerobic metabolism. • Have a more extensive network of capillaries than do muscles dominated by fast muscle fibers. • Are red because they contain the red pigment myoglobin.

  35. Levers: A Systems Design for Movement • Third-class levers • Characteristics: • Speed and distance traveled are increased. • Force produced must be great. • This lever is the most common. • First-class levers • Second-class levers: • Characteristics: • The force is magnified. • The resistance moves more slowly and covers a shorter distance. FRE

  36. Levers: A Systems Design for Movement • Although every muscle does not operate as part of a lever system, the presence of levers provides speed and versatility far in excess of what we would predict on the basis of muscle physiology alone.

  37. Types of Movements • Angular movements • Rotation

  38. Special Movements • Movements at the ankle include: • Eversion/inversion • Dorsiflexion/plantar flexion • Movement of the vertebral column includes: • Lateral flexion • Movement of the pollex (thumb): • Opposition/reposition

  39. Special Movements • Movements that occur at many joints include: • Protraction: anterior movement in the horizontal plane • Retraction: posterior movement in the horizontal plane • Elevation: cranial movement in the vertical axis • Depression: caudal movement in the vertical axis

  40. Structural Classification of Synovial Joints • Plane joints:   • Nonaxial or multiaxial • Hinge joints: • flexion and extension • Pivot joints: • rotational movements

  41. Structural Classification of Synovial Joints • Condylar joints: • flexion/extension and abduction/adduction • Saddle joints: • biaxial joints that also allow circumduction • Ball and socket joints: • triaxial joints

  42. Muscle Terminology • Origin remains stationary • Insertion moves: • Commonly the origin is proximal to the insertion. • If the muscle extends from a broad aponeurosis to a narrow tendon: • aponeurosis = origin • tendon = insertion • If there are several tendons at one end and only one at the other: • multiple = origins • single = insertion

  43. The Organization of Skeletal Muscle Fibers Figure 9.14a Parallel Muscle Figure 9.14b Convergent Muscle

  44. The Organization of Skeletal Muscle Fibers The Organization of Skeletal Muscle Fibers Figure 9.14c Unipennate Muscle Figure 9.14d Bipennate Muscle

  45. The Organization of Skeletal Muscle Fibers Figure 9.14e Multipennate Muscle Figure 9.14f Circular Muscle

  46. Muscle Actions • There are two methods of describing actions: • The first references the bone region affected. • For example, the biceps brachii muscle is said to perform “flexion of the forearm.” • The second method specifies the joint involved. • For example, the action of the biceps brachii muscle is described as “flexion of the elbow.”

  47. Muscle Actions • Muscles can be grouped according to their primary actions into three types: • Prime movers (agonists)arechiefly responsible for producing a particular movement. • Synergists assist the prime mover in performing that action: • If a synergist stabilizes the origin of the agonist it is called a fixator. • Antagonists are muscles whose actions oppose that of the agonist: • If the agonist produces flexion, the antagonist will produce extension.

  48. Names of Skeletal Muscles • Muscles are named for: • Specific body regions: Brachialis abdominus • Shape of the muscle: Trapezius rhomboid • Orientation of muscle fibers: Rectus, transverse, oblique • Specific or unusual features: Biceps (two origins) Triceps • Identification of origin and insertion: Sternocleidomastoid • Primary functions: Flexor carpi radialis • Size in a group Maxiumus Minimus

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