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Programming Language Semantics Inductive Definitions. Mooly Sagiv Eran Yahav msagiv@post yahave@post Schrirber 317 Open space 03-640-7606 03-640-5358 html://www.cs.tau.ac.il/~msagiv/courses/sem03.html Textbook:Winskel The Formal Semantics of Programming Languages
Programming Language SemanticsInductive Definitions Mooly Sagiv Eran Yahav msagiv@post yahave@post Schrirber 317 Open space 03-640-7606 03-640-5358 html://www.cs.tau.ac.il/~msagiv/courses/sem03.html Textbook:Winskel The Formal Semantics of Programming Languages CS 0368-4348-01@listserv.tau.ac.il
Outline • Rule induction • Special rule induction • Proof rules of the operational semantics • Least fixed points
Derivations • A set of rule instancesR consists pairs X/y where X is a finite set and y is an element • X/y – rule instance • X – premises • y – conclusion • d R y – d is an R-derivation of y • (/y) R y if (/y) R • ({d1, …, dn}/y) R y if ({x1, …, xn}/y) R andd1 R x1 & … & dn R xn
Derivations Expressions R={(/ <n, > n) | n N, } {(/ <X, > (X)) : X Loc, } {({<a0, > n0, <a1, > n1}/<a0+a1, > m) | n0, n1, m N, m= n0+n1, } {({<a0, > n0, <a1, > n1}/<a0-a1, > m) | n0, n1, m N, m= n0-n1, }{({<a0, > n0, <a1, > n1}/<a0a1, > m) | n0, n1, m N, m= n0n1, } (/ <5, [ X 8, Y 7] > 5) R<5, [ X 8, Y 7] > 5 (/ <X, [ X 8, Y 7] 8) RX, [ X 8, Y 7] 8 ({/ <5,[ X 8, Y 7] > 5) , (/ <X, [ X 8, Y 7] 8)}) R(5+X), [ X 8, Y 7] 13 ({(/ <5, [ X 8, Y 7] > 5)}) R (5+5), [ X 8, Y 7] 10
Rule induction • A special induction • Define a set by rules • IR={x | Rx} • Examples • <a, , n> of Aexp N such that <a, > n • <b, , t> of Bexp T such that <b, > t • <c, , ’> of Com such that <c, > ’ • Show that the property is true for all elements by induction on the rule application
The general principle of rule induction • LetIR={x | Rx} • Let P be a property • x IR P(X) for all the rule instances (X/y) in R for which X IR z X. P(z) P(y)
Justifying the principle of induction • A set Q is closed under rule instances or simply R-closed if for all rule instances X/yX Q y Q • Proposition 4.1: • IR is closed and • If Q is an R-closed set then IR Q • Application • Q = { x IR | P(x) } • Examples • R = {(/0)} {{n}/{n+1) | n } • Referential transparency for expressions
Expressing Syntax using Rules • a ::= … | a0 + a1| … • a0: Aexp a1: Aexp a0+a1: Aexp
Special Rule Induction • Handles rules of different types • BNF • c ::= … | X := a | …| if b then c0 else c1 | … • Rules • X : Loc a : Exp X:=a: Com • b : Bexp c0 : Com c1: Com if b then c0 else c1: Com
The special principle of rule induction • LetIR={x | Rx} • A IR • Let Q be a property • a A. Q(a) for all the rule instances (X/y) in R for which X IR and yAx XA.Q(x) Q(y)
Proof rule for operational semanticsArithmetic Expressions • P(a, , n) is true of all evaluations <a, > n if it is preserved by the expression rules
Proof rule for operational semanticsArithmetic Expressions • P(a, , n) is true of all evaluations <a, > n if it is preserved by the expression rules
Rule Induction for Arithmetic Expressions aAexp, , n N. <a, > n P(a, , n) iff n N, . P(n, , n) & XLoc, . P(X, , (X)) & a0, a1 Aexp, , n0, n1 N.<a0, > n0 & P(a0, , n0) &<a1, > n1& P(a1, , n1) P(a0+a1, , n0+n1) & …
Proof rule for operational semanticsBoolean Expressions • P(b, , t) is true of all evaluations <b, > t if it is preserved by the Boolean expression rules • Define a subset of • (AexpN) (BexpT) • Obtained from the special principle of induction for properties P(b, , t) on the subset BexpT
Rule Induction for Booleans bBexp, , t T. <b, > t P(b, , t) iff . P(false, , false) & . P(true, , true) & a0, a1 Aexp, , n0, n1 N.<a0, > m& <a1, > n & m=n P(a0=a1, , true) & a0, a1 Aexp, , n0, n1 N.<a0, > m& <a1, > n & mn P(a0=a1, ,false) … & b Bexp, , t T. <b, > t & P(b, , t) P(b, , t) &…
Proof rule for operational semanticsCommands • P(c,,’) is true of all evaluations <c, >’if it is preserved by the command rules • Define a subset of • (AexpN) (BexpT) (Com) • Obtained from the special principle of induction for properties P(c, , ’) on the subset Com
Rule Induction for Commands cCom, , ’. <c, > ’ P(c, , ’) iff . P(skip, , ) & X Loc, a Bexp, . <a0, > m P(X:=a, , [m/X]) & c0, c1 Com, , ’, ’’.<c0, > ’’& P(c0, , ’) & <c1, ’’> ’ &P(c1, ’’, ’) P(c0;c1, , ’) & …
Proposition 4.7 Define LocL(c) to be the variables which appear on the left side of some assignment in c Let y Loc For all commands c and states , ’ Y LocL(c). <c, ,> ’ (Y) = ’(Y)
Operators and their least fixed points • For a set of rule instances R • R(B)={y | X B, X/y R} • Proposition 4.11 A set B is closed under R if R(B) B • R is monotonic • A B R(A) R(B) • Define the sequence of sets • A0 = R0() = • A1 = R1() =R() • A2 = R2() =R(R()) • … • An = Rn() • Define A = n An
Proposition 4.12 • A is R-closed • R(A) = A • A is the least R-closed set Let fix(R) denote the least fixed point of R fix(R)= nRn()
Summary • Induction allows to prove properties of the programming language • Example properties • Deterministic • Referential transparency • Equivalent of small step and natural semantics