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羅浮童軍的發展策略 完成我們羅浮的使命 …. 專題報告:高銘輝. 九十四年羅浮發展策略研討會. 羅浮暨青年委員會. 緣起 1988 年. TOWARDS A STRATEGY FOR SCOUTING. 1988 Melbourne 1990 Paris 1993 Bangkok 1996 Oslo 1999 Durban 2002 Thessaloniki 2005 Tunisia. Issues: Mission Youth Programme Adults in Scouting Management Finance
羅浮童軍的發展策略完成我們羅浮的使命… 專題報告:高銘輝
九十四年羅浮發展策略研討會 羅浮暨青年委員會
TOWARDS A STRATEGY FOR SCOUTING • 1988 Melbourne • 1990 Paris • 1993 Bangkok • 1996 Oslo • 1999 Durban • 2002 Thessaloniki • 2005 Tunisia
Issues: Mission Youth Programme Adults in Scouting Management Finance PR & Communication Selection of 4 strategic priorities: Youth Programme Adults in Scouting Management WOSM’s Own Financial Resources TOWARDS A STRATEGY FOR SCOUTING1988 Melbourne Back
Focus on: 1.Youth Programme : Adoption of The World Programme Policy 5.Addition ofa 5th strategic priority : The Growth of the Movement TOWARDS A STRATEGY FOR SCOUTING1990 Paris Back
Focus on: 2. Adults in Scouting 3.Management Adoption of The World Adult Resources Policy The Growth of the Movement TOWARDS A STRATEGY FOR SCOUTING1993 Bangkok Back
Focus on: 4.WOSM’s Own Financial Resources. Adoption of A new fee system Start of thinking process concerning The mission of the Movement: Scouting for what? Scouting for whom? TOWARDS A STRATEGY FOR SCOUTING1996 Oslo Back
Focus on: The mission of the Movement Adoption ofA mission statement TOWARDS A STRATEGY FOR SCOUTING1999 Durban Back
Focus on: Strategic Areas The Vision Strategic Priorities Expected Results WOSM’ s Support Adoption ofA Strategy for Scouting A STRATEGY FOR SCOUTING2002 Thessaloniki Back
Focus on: A - The Strategy Progress Report B - Setting Targets and Measuring the Impact C - Discussion The Strategy for Scouting WOSM Governance Towards Scouting's Centenary: 2005-2008 A STRATEGY FOR SCOUTING2005 Tunisia Back
世界童軍發展策略的重要內涵: Mission Key Challenges Strategic Areas The Vision Strategic Priorities Expected Results WOSM’s Support A Strategy for Scouting - the proposed concept -
Mission: The mission of Scouting is to contribute to the education of young people, through a value system based on the Scout Promise and Law, to help build a better world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society. A Strategy for Scouting Proposed concept (1)- Mission Back
The Mission is achieved by: • involving them throughout their formative years in anon-formal educational process • using a specific method that makes each individual the principal agent of his or her development as a self-reliant, supportive, responsible and committed person • assisting them to establish a value system based upon spiritual, social and personal principles as expressed in the Promise and Law. A Strategy for Scouting Proposed concept (1)- Mission Back
Mission :Educating young people to play a constructive role in society A Strategy for Scouting Back
1. Relevance - meeting the needs and aspirations of young people. 2. Complementary nature- focusing on the distinctive contribution Scouting can make to the education of young people, particularly through the Scout Method. 3. Membership - reaching out to more young people. 4. Adults - attracting and retaining the adults we need. 5. Relationships and partnerships – working with others to better serve young people. 6. Unity – pursuing a common purpose at alllevels. A Strategy for Scouting Proposed concept (2)- Key Challenges Back
Young people :meeting young people’s needs and expectations indifferent societies. Adults :Strengthening adult volunteer leadership and support. Structures and systems :Developing an organization for the21st century for all levels of WOSM. Adoption in Thessaloniki A Strategy for Scouting Proposed concept (3)- Strategic Areas Back
As a global Movement, making a real contribution to creating a better world… We see Scouting entering its second century as an influential, value-based, educational Movement focused on achieving its mission, involving young people working together to develop their full potential, supported by adults who are willing and able to carry out their educational role. We see Scouting world-wide…as attracting and retaining more and more young people(especially adolescents) of both genders and coming from broader segments of society. We see Scouting…as attractive to adults, women and men in all cultures – a Movement through which they can make a significant contribution to society by working with young people. We see Scouting…as a dynamic, innovative Movement with adequate resources, simple structures and democratic decision making processes where organisation, management and communication are effective at all levels. A Strategy for Scouting Proposed concept (4)- The Vision Back
Vision : Creating a better world A Strategy for Scouting Back
Youth Involvement- revitalising the Scout Method. Adolescents-supporting their transition to adulthood. Girls and Boys, Women and Men-respecting differences, promoting equality and sharing responsibility. Reaching Out-breaking down barriers and working with broader segments of society. Volunteers in Scouting– developing new approaches to broaden the base of adult support. An Organizationfor the 21st Century- becoming flexible, lean, innovative and participatory. Scouting’s Profile-strengthening commu-nications, partnerships and resources. Adoption in Thessaloniki A Strategy for Scouting Proposed concept (5)- Strategic Priorities Back
To be completed at the Conference The conceptual frame-work for the strategy can be set out at world level, but the concrete action plans must bed e signed and delivered by National Scout Organizations at national and local level. The “expected results” are the outcomes that will be achieved after a certain time by the NSOs and it is these results which will achieve the mission. This will be the focus of the discussion groups in Thessaloniki. Contents to be agreed in Thessaloniki A Strategy for Scouting Proposed concept (6)- Expected Results Back
To be completed at the Conference In this context WOSM is seen as the World Scout Committee and Bureau and the Regional Committees and Offices. Based up on the expected results in NSOs these bodies will endeavour to target their support effectively to fully support NSOs in implementing the strategy. The Conference delegates and observers will also have an opportunity to provide an input on what that support might be. This work in NSOs and the support available will enable the mission to be achieved and the vision for the future realised. Contents to be agreed in Thessaloniki. A Strategy for Scouting Proposed concept (7)-WOSM’s Support Back
青年參與決策的意涵 • 透過活動設定目標 • 由活動過程獲取經驗 • 由羅浮自行設定自己的目標
9th World Scout Youth Forum第9屆世界青年論壇 主題:Challenge挑戰 • Challenges for young global citizens • Challenges in young peoples’ lives • Challenges in Scouting
9th World Scout Youth Forum第9屆世界青年論壇主題:挑戰 1. Challenges for young global citizens青年人的挑戰: • Global issues • Millennium Development Campaign聯合國千禧年發展運動 • Youth of the World and Scouts of the World世界童軍服務方案 • Working Groups
9th World Scout Youth Forum第9屆世界青年論壇主題:挑戰 2. Challenges in young peoples’ lives青年人在生活中的挑戰 1. Generation gap and intergenerational relations/代溝 2. Health (premarital sexual relations, drug abuse, HIV/AIDS) 3. Unemployment 4. Gender relationship 5. Violence (school violence, youth and conflict, etc) 6. Globalization 7. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) 8. Education (access to education, low educational level, etc) 9. Fundamentalism 青年人的專業能力、個人的未來發展、如何實踐設定的目標…
9th World Scout Youth Forum第9屆世界青年論壇主題:挑戰 3. Challenges in Scouting 挑戰童軍運動部份: Youth Involvement in WOSM • Report from the 9th World Scout Youth Forum世界青年論壇的決議議案 • Strategy for Scouting世界童軍發展策略 • Scouting’s Centenary世界童軍百周年慶祝活動 • WOSM Governance青年參與世界童軍組織的管理
Election of the 6 Youth Advisors of the PlanningCommittee 2005-2008 選出六位青年顧問 主要職責: • 找出青年人有興趣的議題 • 提出青年論壇主要的活動內容及議程的建議案給世界委員會 • 選擇論壇的工作方法
Youth Programme and Adult Resources Synergy • As part of ongoing process to improve the quality of Scouting and helping adults in Scouting carry out their responsibilities effectively and efficiently • The policy on Youth Programme(1990) • The policy on adult resources(1993) • The policy on keeping Scouts safe from harm(1999) • The policy on girls & boys, women & men(1999) • The policy on Youth Involvement in Decision Making(2002)
Youth Programme and Adult Resources Synergy • Empowered young people • Self-education objectives set up by young people with the support of adult leaders • Gender equality • Scouting for adolecents and young adults
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