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Exploring Ireland’s Rich Potential. July 2013. Disclaimer.
Exploring Ireland’s Rich Potential July 2013
Disclaimer This presentation does not constitute or form part of any offer for sale or solicitation of any offer to buy or subscribe for any securities in Connemara Mining Co plc nor shall it or any part of it form the basis of, or be relied on in connection with, or act as any inducement to enter into, any contract or commitment whatsoever. No reliance may be placed for any purpose whatsoever on the information or opinions contained in this presentation or on any other document or oral statement or on the completeness, accuracy or fairness of any such information and/or opinions. No undertaking, representation, warranty or other assurance, express or implied, is made or given by or on behalf of Connemara Mining Co plc or any of their respective directors, employees or advisers, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information or opinions contained in this presentation, and (save in the case of fraud) no responsibility or liability is accepted by any of them for any such information or opinions or for any errors, omissions, misstatements, negligence or otherwise contained or referred to in this presentation. The contents of this presentation have not been approved by an authorised person within the meaning of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. This presentation does not constitute an offer to the public as referred to in section 85 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (as amended) of the United Kingdom and accordingly has not been nor will it be approved by any competent authority in the United Kingdom. This presentation is not a prospectus within the meaning of the Prospectus (Directive 2003/71/EC) Regulations 2005 of Ireland and therefore has not been approved by the Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authorities being the competent authority for the purposes of Directive 2003/71/EC in Ireland. This presentation is not an offering document for the purposes of section 49 of the Investment Funds, Companies and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2005 of Ireland. This Presentation has been prepared by the Directors of Connemara Mining Co plc and is being issued solely to and directed at persons who have professional experience in matters relating to investments falling within Article 19(1)(a) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (as amended the "FPO") or (b) high net worth entities and other persons to whom the presentation may otherwise lawfully be communicated, falling within Article 49(1)(a) of the FPO (all such persons together being referred to as "Relevant Persons"). In consideration of the receipt of the presentation each recipient warrants and represents that he or it is a person falling within that description. Delivery of this information to any other person or reproduction, in whole or in part, without the prior consent of Connemara Mining Co plc is prohibited. This information is being supplied to you, in whole or in part, for information purposes only and not for any other purpose. In particular, the distribution of this document in jurisdictions other than United Kingdom or Ireland may be restricted by law and persons into whose domain this document comes should inform themselves about, and observe, any such restrictions. Any failure to comply with these restrictions may constitute a violation of laws of any such other jurisdictions.
Company Snapshot Share Price – 1 Year • Connemara Mining is actively exploring on 24 licences in Ireland • Focus on zinc and gold • Connemara has on-going Joint Ventures with Teck (2) and Hendrick Resources • Exchanges AIM (LSE) • Ticker CON • Shares in Issue 35,739,711 • Market Cap £1.88 m • Shareprice5.25p Corporate Information Significant Shareholders
Executive Team: Experienced and Successful • John Teeling Executive Chairman 40 years experience in mineral exploration. Established Connemara in 2004. Is chairman of a number of AIM resource companies • Jim Finn Director 20 years resource company experience. Holds qualifications in finance and accounting. A director of a number of resource and industrial ventures. Has led the listing procedure for ten AIM companies. • Vivian Byrne Non-Executive Director Technical Director of SLR Consulting Ireland, 40 years experience of the international minerals industry, former senior executive European exploration RTZ. Consultant to European and World Bank programmes in Africa, Caribbean and the Pacific • Graham Reid Technical Director Graham Reid is a geologist with over 30 years experience including extensive international experience in mineral exploration and site investigation fields. Graham is a founder of B.R.G. (Geotechnics) Ltd, a junior exploration company, to whom the Company has contracted its selection of prospecting licences and its field exploration
Company Strategy Refine our exploration to better understand our assets and move closer to realising asset value Utilise our existing geological data to cost-effectively expand our mining portfolio in Ireland Enter into Joint Ventures with partners to explore and develop our mining portfolio Shareholder Value Utilise the management team’s considerable network and experience to identify and realise value in Ireland and abroad
Zinc • Primarily used to galvanise thin sheet metal to protect against corrosion, particularly for the construction & automotive industries • Extensive use in die casting parts for a wide variety of uses including white goods and automotive • Consumption growing at 4% pa due to increasing demand from Brazil, Russia, India, and China. • Current prices are profitable for Irish zinc producers. • Sluggish supply towards the middle of the decade with the closure of several large mines. Almost 1 million tons of supply expected to be lost to the system. • Very little exploration in the last 30 years and mines are running out.
Gold • Fundamentals look good. Uncertainty stimulates demand • Growing uses in jewellery and electronics • Gold was mined in Ireland over 1000 years ago • In 1796 a Gold Rush in Avoca with estimated 9000oz Au extracted • Recently there has been a revival • Galantas operating a small mine near Omagh, County Tyrone • Dalradian have a 2.7m oz deposit in Tyrone, can proceed with underground development without Environmental Statement • Conroy has extensive low grade mineralisation on the border region • Significant discoveries in the Wicklow/Wexford area by 3 companies but nothing commercial to date. • The principals of Connemara have been involved in gold exploration since the 1980’s
Joint Venture Agreements • Connemara has two Joint Ventures with Teck • Canada’s largest diversified resource company • Third biggest producer of zinc in the world • JV in Limerick; Teck have spent €5.7m, Connemara €1.7m. Teck control 76.2%. Connemara have the option to dilute by not subscribing • JV in Oldcastle, Teck spending €1.35 m to earn a 75% interest • Joint Venture with Hendrick Resources, a private Canadian gold company • JV exploring five licences held on Wicklow/Wexford border – 130km2.Hendrick is earning a 50% interest in the licences for €500,000, rising to 75% for €1 million
Limerick Area: Teck JV: Zinc/Lead on Stonepark/Monaster The Stonepark Discovery • Comprises of six connecting licences in County Limerick • 23.8% owned by the Company, 76.2% owned by Teck Ireland Ltd. €7.4m spent to date • Located 5km away from the Xstrata Pallas Green zinc discovery • Three significant zones of zinc mineralisation (Appendix 1 and 2) all of which remain open: • Stonepark (discovered 2007) • Stonepark North – High Grade (2009) • Stonepark West (2011) • Principal issue for Teck is whether there is 30m mineable tonnes at sufficient grade • Xstrata is completing a pre-feasibility study on Pallas Green. They need more ore. • Connemara will not participate in the 2013 budget so will own 23.5% by end of 2013 • Teck focus moved to north Irish midlands Key:
2012 Limerick Status Large hydrothermal breccia system (6x14km) with multiple zones of Zinc and Lead mineralization Deep hole failed to reach top of target horizon Untested area in Limerick Syncline – depth to target >1500m. Hydrothermal breccias and 35% Zn+Pb over 2.0 m, remains open to the northwest – still largely untested 12
Oldcastle Block – Target Area Oldcastle Block • Geologically and structurally analogous to the setting of the >100 Mt Navan deposit just 30 km to the east • Offers the prospect of large tonnage – like Tara • Consists of 5 licences covering 130 sqkms • An 11 hole drilling programme carried out by Connemara in 2008 proved up extensive low grade Zn/Pb mineralisation related to significant NE-SW striking mineralising faults at Drumlerry • Teck has completed a seismic and virtual drilling programme with targets currently being evaluated • Drilling could to commence by Q4 2013 • Teck must spend €1.35 m to earn a 75% interest. Target Area
Oldcastle Block – Reflection Seismics Seismics Reflection Lines 2013
Wicklow/Wexford: JV Hendrick Resources: Gold • Five prospective licences obtained in this area which has a long gold history • Recent high grade discoveries by IMC on adjacent ground • Extensive database from previous exploration held by Connemara and others • Gold has previously been discovered at Tombreen and Knocknalour with grades of up to 18.6g/t • An airborne magnetics survey has revealed a number of hotspots • Recent soil sampling producing positive results • Detailed target follow-up to possibly to include deep overburden sampling/trenching/detailed IP • No cost to Connemara as Hendrick is spending €1m to earn a 75% interest Mine River Block
Wicklow/Wexford: Magnetics & DTM Digital Terrain Model – Airborne 2012 Total Field Magnetics– Airborne 2012 Tombreen Knocknalour Caim
Wicklow/Wexford: Highlights Mineralised Highlights
Wicklow/Wexford: Tombreen & Knocknalour Tombreen Detail Knocknalour Detail
Wicklow/Wexford: Tombreen & Knocknalour Best Trench Results Knocknalour Detail
Wicklow/Wexford: Tombreen & Knocknalour Tombreen Trench 1 Knocknalour Trench 1
Thurles Block: Zinc Thurles Block • Licences were chosen for their proximity to the Lisheen Zinc Mine • (22.79Mt, 12.04% zinc / 2.05% lead) • And the Galmoy Mine • (9.9Mt, 12.8% zinc / 1.3% lead). • Similar host lithologies to both mines, interesting regional structural trends and relatively sparsely explored nature • Target blocks were chosen from available geological/geochemical and geophysical databases • 4 drill holes completed for a total of 1200m (Red dots) • No mineralisation encountered but positive structural indicators • Licence extension obtained Target Blocks
Newcastle West Block: Zinc/Lead • Teck returned this 10 licence block to Connemara in Q4 2012 • Located approx. 20km southeast of Stonepark area • 14 drill holes completed totalling 3228 metres (Red stars) • Intercepts from on-trend mineralisation include: • 5.3m grading 9.6% Zn, 2.1 %Pb • 4.5m grading 12.3% Zn, 1.6% Pb • Connemara has identified 5 high potential areas on the block • 5 Eastern licences surrendered in April Newcastle West Block
Newcastle West Block: Sole Venture: Targets Area A On the northern side of a major ENE trending linear that extends from the Kilmeedy inlier and stops against NW-SE trending gravity ridge – a possible fault offset. Much of this zone is untested by recent geochemical soil sampling, so this could also be extended. There are relatively high Zn soil values in the northern part of this area. Area B This area is on the eastern side of NW-SE trending gravity linear, with a weaker ENE linear to the south. High Pb soil values in the area. Area C This is an area of elevated Zn soil values and lies to the east of a NW-SE trending gravity linear. Area D This area lies to the east of a NW-SE trending gravity and topographical linear. There is minor brecciation in the target testing drillholes on PL1943 to the west, which would be worth lithogeochemical sampling. Area E A weak NW-SE trending magnetic linear to the west of this area, with high magnetic intrusives to the east frame this area. This is also on a NNW trending high gravity ridge and with generally high Pb*Zn values. Area F This area lies on the northern edge of a ENE trending gravity high, and generally high Cu/Pb/Zn soil values.
Appendix 2: Stonepark Discovery History – 2007 10Mt @ 12% Zn+Pb TC-2638-004 – 4m @ 11.62% Zn & 3.46% Pb from 376.1m
Appendix 2: Stonepark Discovery History – 2008 14Mt @ 12% Zn+Pb TC-2638-012 – 0.95m @ 2.37% Zn & 4.73% Pb from 203.15m TC-2638-007 – 14.9m @ 3.25% Zn & 0.33% Pb from 394.85m Incl. 2.8m @ 12.18% Zn & 0.75% Pb TC-2638-008 – 6.5m @ 5.02% Zn & 1.17% Zn from 550.1m
Appendix 2: Stonepark Discovery History – 2009 17Mt @ 10.2% Zn+Pb TC-2638-026 – 7.2m @ 13.07% Zn & 2.23% Pb from 216.05m TC-2638-032 – 7.8m @ 5.18% Zn & 2.68% Zn from 207.6m
Appendix 2: Stonepark Discovery History – 2010 TC-2638-036 – 5.35m @ 13.22% Zn & 3.18% Pb from 202.7m TC-2638-045 – 7.45m @ 19.24% Zn & 8.52% Zn from 209.1m 24Mt @ 9.2% Zn+Pb TC-2638-053 – 6.85m @ 10.47% Zn & 3.68% Pb from 209.4m
Appendix 2: Stonepark Discovery History – 2011 TC-2638-099– 7.2m @ 6.37% Zn % 2.17% Pb from 244.8m 19Mt @ 10.3% Zn+Pb TC-2927-009– 0.62m @ 7.01% Zn & 0.82% Pb from 246.5m ? TC-2638-074– 8.45m @ 7.72% Zn & 2.19% Pb from 220m TC-2927-008– 1m @ 1.49% Zn from 468m TC-2927-004– 0.59m @ 1.39% Zn From 401.16m 33 33
Appendix 2: 2011/2012 Stonepark Status Large hydrothermal breccia system (6x14km) with multiple zones of Zinc and Lead mineralization Untested area in Limerick Syncline – depth to target ~1000m 34