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WVU Libraries. LibQual Surveys 2003, 2005, 2007. “ The WVU library system is outstanding. I honestly cannot think of anything that needs improvement within the system.” - undergraduate student. Objectives. Look at comments and find commonalities
WVU Libraries LibQual Surveys 2003,2005, 2007 “The WVU library system is outstanding. I honestly cannot think of anything that needs improvement within the system.” - undergraduate student
Objectives • Look at comments and find commonalities • Look at LibQual survey results and find most important areas of concern • Look at LibQual survey result trends • To make suggestions based on comments and survey findings
Features of Downtown Library • over 300,000 books • 209,638 square feet • 1200 public seats • an atrium connecting the 1932 renovated Wise Library to the 2001 Downtown Campus Library • 2 restored large reading rooms • 15 group study rooms, 4 with 42-inch high-definition television screen, keyboard and Internet connections to allow users to participate in e-conferences, view films and prepare presentations • electronic classrooms • 180 public computers • 35 media- equipped workstations • 30 wireless laptops • reading tables with outlets for laptop computers • carrels with desktop computers • lounge seating • a view of the downtown campus and Morgantown's waterfront
Implemented Improvements - Extended Library Hours - Student Employee Training - Coffee Shop Opened - Self-Checkout System (E-ZBorrow) - Health Science Library Remodeled - Additional Computers - Wise Library 3rd Floor Designated as “Deep Quiet Area” - Instant Message Chat Reference Service
Planned Improvements • Remodel 2nd Floor into Study Area • Open New Off-Site Depository • Bound periodicals will be moved • Create more user space • Study Tables & Lounge Furniture • Adding Moveable Furniture, Whiteboards, & Computers
LibQual Qualitative Data 2003, 2005, 2007
Qualitative Methods • Coded and categorized comments in Excel, separating them into themes • Grouped similar comments by themes and found most common • Compared comments over the years • Compiled 2003, 2005, and 2007 comments to get statistics
Journals “The online journals are the most important for my work. More online journal access would be the most beneficial for me.” - a faculty member 28% of complaints pertained to lack of print journals and/or electronic journals • Recommendation: • In addition to the current subscriptions and holdings, allow each • discipline offered at the university to choose one journal • that would be of the most help to their respective divisions.
Noise and Cell Phone Use “It would be nice if people inside of the library were not permitted to use cellular phones. It is highly distracting while you are studying.” - an undergraduate student 8% of complaints pertained to noise and cell phone use in the library • Recommendations: • Constant reminders about noise, pop-up window when logging • on to computer to turn phones on silent. • Designated areas of cell phone use and silent study areas. • Enforce current cell phone policy (stairwell only)
“The only major drawback that I can see in the WVU Library system is the lack of computers in the Downtown Library. It is virtually impossible to find an open computer during a typical school day.” - an undergraduate student Computers “I am so impressed with the organization of the Wise Library! The only problem I ever have there is finding a computer.” - an undergraduate student 7% of complaints pertained to lack of computer availability • Recommendations: • Quick Print Areas • 15 minute computer limit areas • Laptop awareness
LibQual Quantitative Data 2003, 2005, 2007
Quantitative Methods • Used the means from LibQual survey results to find changes in gaps over time • Used desired and perceived levels of service to find gaps in each of 4 areas • Analyzed gaps to make recommendations
Basic Information Employee Service Quality The effect that employee service has on the users’ experience Library as Place The effect that the library environment has on the users’ experience Information Control The effect that the libraries materials and availability of those materials has on the users’ experience
2003 Superiority Gap of Categories Largest Gaps Employees who instill confidence in users Easy-to-use access tools that allow me to find things on my own Employees who have the knowledge to answer user questions Top 3 Desired Modern equipment that lets me easily access information needed Making electronic resources accessible from my home or office Quiet space for individual activities
2003 Strategy grid High Importance/Low Performance High Importance/High Performance • 1. Employee Service Quality • 2. Access to Information • 3. Library as Place • 4. Personal Control
2005 Superiority Gap of Categories Top 3 Desired Making electronic resources accessible from my home or office Print and/or electronic journal collections I require for my work Modern equipment that lets me easily access needed information Largest Gaps Print and/or electronic journal collections I require for my work Making electronic resources accessible from my home or office The electronic information resources I need
2005 Strategy grid High Importance/Low Performance High Importance/High Performance 1. Employee Service Quality 2. Information Control 3. Library as Place
2007 Superiority Gap ofCategories Top 3 Desired Making electronic resources accessible from my home or office Print and/or electronic journal collections I require for my work The electronic resources I need Largest Gaps Print and/or electronic journal collections I require for my work Making electronic resources accessible from my home or office A library Web site enabling me to locate information on my own
2007 Strategy grid High Importance/Low Performance High Importance/High Performance 1. Employee Service Quality 2. Information Control 3. Library as Place
Positive Trends • On average, all user groups saw an increase in the perceived level of service. • Graduates saw an improvement in perceived level of service. In the category “Information control,” which is the most important for graduates, this group showed a strong increase in perceived level of service from 2005 to 2007. • Faculty also showed a vast increase in their perceived level of service.
Areas of Concern • Significantly fewer users filled out the 2007 survey compared with 2005 (708 vs. 425) • Same day as Virginia Tech tragedy • Undergraduates saw a decrease in the perceived level of service. • “Library as a Place” category is highly important to undergraduates and had a significant decrease in perceived level of service from 2005 to 2007 • Another cause for concern stems from the “Information Control” category for faculty • The level of service for information control is simply approaching their minimum accepted level.
Recommendations • Create additional journal holdings for each discipline. • Designate a 15-minute computer area on main floor. • Constant reminders about noise levels. i.e. Computer pop-up windows and signs • Integrate University 101 class with a library introduction program to create awareness of all the resources the library has to offer.