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Baltic Way: 20 Years on - Political Development in the Baltic States

This chapter aims to compare the political development in the Baltic states, examining aspects like democratic development, political landscape, culture, civil society, social capital, and e-governance. It explores various factors influencing the quality of democracy without a pre-determined narrative. The chapter covers topics such as general democratic development, political culture, civil society, e-governance, and conclusions on stabilization of party systems and corruption issues.

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Baltic Way: 20 Years on - Political Development in the Baltic States

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “Baltic Way”: 20 years on Chapter 5Political Development Vello Pettai, Aine Ramonaite, Daunis Auers

  2. Objective • to compare in broad terms the path of political development in the Baltic states • five sub-chapters • general democratic development, political landscape, political culture, civil society + social capital, e-governance • no pre-determined narrative • ‘democratic consolidation’ too simple • ‘quality of democracy’ more complicated

  3. 1. General democratic dvlpmnt • constitutional stability and change • the demos: citizenship and non-citizens • adoption of constitutions, constitutional regimes, any amendments & crises (e.g. Paksas) • overview of judicial review mechanisms and their influence • government stability and effectiveness • government turnout, duration • legislative output and performance • presidency • overview of major democracy indices • Freedom House, Nations in Transit, Bertelsman, etc.

  4. 2. Political landscape • electoral trends • shifts between left/right, post-communist/nationalist, other cleavages • effective number of electoral and parliamentary parties • parties and party development • evolution of the party landscape: new parties, disappearance of old ones • broad ‘left-right’ cleavage trends, social support bases • party structures • party organization, candidate trends • party financing

  5. 3. Political culture • participation and representation • electoral participation, voting patterns • referenda and referendum initiatives • attitudinal indicators • regime support, political values, post-materialism • corruption • general indicators (Transparency Intl, other surveys) • political developments (important scandals, intl. conventions, Latvian KNAB and other oversight authorities)

  6. 4. Civil society & social capital • structural patterns • nrs of NGOs, other organizations, etc. • participatory trends • measures of social capital and levels of participatory activity • protest activity • consultative structures • formalized structures, e.g. Estonian Civil Society Development Concept, electronic portals, etc.

  7. 5. E-governance • E-government • general outlines of e-administration • E-participation and e-representation • e-voting and e-consultation platforms, etc, including usage figures • E-democracy and the public sphere • the impact of electronic media on public debate and politics: blogs, policy portals (politika.lv, etc)

  8. Conclusions: very tentative • party system stabilization • corruption issues • values & political support • quality of the public sphere

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