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SLENDER. Tape Recording by Joshua White. Tape Recording No. 2034.
SLENDER Tape Recording by Joshua White
*krrrk* *beep* In June 8th, 2009, a team named Something Awful produced some pictures for a “paranormal pictures” photoshop contest. These pictures were black and white and, if you looked close, featured a tall man. A number of photos were taken like this(previous photo was the first modern sighting). Something Awful even showed a photographer’s account of the man. “ We didn’t want to go, we didn’t want to kill them… but it’s persistent silence and outstreched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.” 1983, photographer presumed dead.
The man was nicknamed “Slenderman” for his tall thin-like body. Other names include “The Operator”, “Der GroBmann”,(pronounced as grossman) “Mr.Slim”, “The Administrator”, “Daddy LongLegs”, “Mr. Thin”, “The Tall Man”, “The Thin Man” and “Slendy”. He wears a black suit, tie and he has a blank face. No eyes, no nose, no ears and no mouth. According to the legend, he is able to shorten or lengthen his arms at will and has tentacles attached to his back. Depending on the myth, he is able to cause memory loss, insomnia, paranoia, coughing fits,(known as “slendersickness”) photograph/video distortions and can teleport at will.
The creation of “Slender Man” man have been inspired by the ongoing series of amateur adventure games titled “Chzo Mythos”, published by Ben “Yahtzee” Croshawin 2003. In the games, one of the main villians in named “Cabadath” and is also known as the “Tall Man”. Making his first game appearance in Trilby’s Notes, the character is portrayed as a tall, thin man in a long, black, high-collared coat with tails that reach the floor and having a blank face. Throughout the game, the tall man can be seen stalking, and trying to kill the character.
Der GroBmann is German for “The Great Man”, and is often translated as “The Tall Man” for most creepypastas. It is rumored to be a German folktale involving a tall boogeyman figure existing since the 16th century, and has been where likely been the origin and first sightings of Mr. Slim himself, suggesting that Germany is where he started, and that he is over 100 years old. To be accurate, it is rumored that the real forest Schwarzwald (The Black Forest.) is where he first appeared. The following picture is a 16th century woodcut called Der Ritter (The Knight) which originally was a picture of a skeleton fighting a knight, but something happened.
Very eerie. But this man was able to put himself into more than history. In October 2011, the indie game developer group Green Meteor Team submitted a 3D puzzle game featuring this creature to a horror game competition hosted by the gaming site 64Digits. And on July 2nd 2012, Redditorgetsukann submitted a post to the /r/IndieGamingsubreddit linking to Windows and Mac downloads of Slender by Parsec Productions, a 3D indie horror game in which the player must avoid looking directly at Slenderman to keep from going insane.
Similar Characters • Enderman. • The well-known Minecraft NPC’s origin came from Slendy himself. On July 26th 2011, Notch posted on his Google+ account a screenshot of his game featuring new monsters that would appear in an upcoming update. In a Reddit post on the same day, Notch stated the mob’s name would be Enderman as a reference after someone, user drodznop, coined the name “Slenderman”.
The Silence. • The Silence is a fictional “religious order of movement” led by an alien race of the same name in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who. With a design inspired by Munch’s famous painting, The Scream, the creatures are shown as alien tall men wearing a black suit, white shirt, necktie and having a strange, twisted featureless face. They also appear to have mind-control powers that enable themselves to erase memory of encounters with humans and everything about them.
So this is all I managed to *zzt* find about this creature.*haa**haa* Thank you for *sssssss* listening to my recording,*crunch* *crack* and I hope that you*fffff* all enjoyed it,*BOOM* and have a nice day, IHAVETOGORIGHTNO-*KRRRRRKSSSSSSSSAAAAAAAokokokokokSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSawcrapZZZZZZZZZZTTTTTTrunrunrunrunKAAAAAAAAAomygoshomygoshomygoshAAAAAAAAHHHHHgoodbye,worldBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP • Tape recording has ended. Replay Y/N?