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Polynomials Review: Classifying, Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying

Learn about monomials, binomials, trinomials, degree calculation, and order of polynomials, with examples and evaluations provided.

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Polynomials Review: Classifying, Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying

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Presentation Transcript

  1. POLYNOMIALS REVIEW Classifying Polynomials Adding & Subtracting Polynomials Multiplying Polynomials

  2. Remember: Monomials are separated by _____ or _____ signs.

  3. But, what is a monomial? A number or variable or product of numbers and variables. x 6 5x2 ½xy - y2z3

  4. many “Poly” means _________________? Polynomials can be classified according to the number of terms they have. • ONE TERM – • TWO TERMS – • THREE TERMS - Monomial Binomial Trinomial

  5. Classify the following: Trinomial 4abc 3x2 – 8xy Monomial 5x2 Binomial Monomial 3x2 – 8xy a2 + 2ab + b2 Binomial Trinomial

  6. DEGREE……………… The degree of a monomial is determined by adding the exponents of its variables. So, to find the degree of a POLYnomial, find the degree of each separate MONOmial. The Monomial with the HIGHEST sum determines the degree of the problem.

  7. Determine the degree of each polynomial. Degree = 14 Degree = 2 Degree = 8

  8. Ascending & Descending Order • Ascending – means to count up! So, order the VARIABLES exponents from least to greatest. • Descending – means to count down! So, order the VARIABLES exponents from greatest to least.

  9. Place in descending order ( of “y” ) Place in ascending order

  10. Evaluate when x = 2 and y = 4

  11. Adding & SubtractingPolynomials

  12. from Subtract

  13. Multiplying Polynomials

  14. Tie Breaker (3x + 2) (2x + 3) 6x2 + 13x + 6

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