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‘All the World’s a Stage’. Theme Focus - Shakespeare ‘All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players.’
‘All the World’s a Stage’ Theme Focus - Shakespeare ‘All the world's a stage,And all the men and women merely players.’ This quest is closely linked to the year 5/6 production of ‘The Tempest.’ All children will play a role in this important end of year event, from behind the scenes to a major part. There will be opportunities for set design, mini film production as well as marketing material. Studying Shakespeare in such a relaxed atmosphere, sets the children up for future literacy learning in secondary school. Art and Design Props, set and costume design for our performance of ‘The Tempest’ by William Shakespeare. Also, ticket design and posters to promote the production. Summer Term 2, 2013 Year 5 and 6 Historians Our learning journey will encompass the twin towns of Wells and Glastonbury – Bad Durkheim and Patmos. We will compare and contrast the social and economic structure of each place. Literacy This term, year 5/6 will be writing a persuasive leaflet for ‘The Tempest’ as well as studying play scripts. We will also be looking at the cultural similarities and differences between Wells, Glastonbury and their twin towns. Scientists For year 6, we will be learning about changes to our bodies and how to deal with them. Also, relationships as well as how babies are made. Year 5 will be thinking about conflict resolution in order to be trained as mediators. Link to reproduction in green plants. Important dates: Red Cross session - Tuesday 4th June Y6 Science day @ Blue School – Wednesday 5th or Friday 7th June Olympic Maths assembly – Thursday 6th June Sports’ Day – Tuesday 11th June (PM) Leavers’ photo – Wednesday 12th June Inset Day – Friday 28th June Moving Up Day – Wednesday 3rd July Y6 cinema trip – Friday 5th July (tbc) Parents’ evening – Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th July Bastille Day / Y5 café – Thursday 11th July ‘The Tempest’ – Tuesday 16th (2pm), Wednesday 17th (6:30pm) and Thursday 18th July (6:30pm) Leavers’ church service – Friday 19th July Disco – Friday 19th July Last day of term – Tuesday 23rd July Maths Year 6 will be undertaking the transition unit for secondary school including algebra. Year 5 will be concentrating on reasoning and explanation as well as mental addition and subtraction. They will also be handling data, using probability and finding the mode. All of these constantly have a problem solving aspect. It is VITAL that your children learn their times tables to improve the speed and accuracy of their calculations. Please help them to do so. Musicians We will learn the songs for ‘The Tempest’ including any percussion accompanyment as needed. Personal Development We’ll be readying ourselves for life in year 6 or the Blue School. To enable progress, it is important that we create and foster independent learning. We are asking for your support and assistance at home!