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Trafford Language Outreach Service Trafford Language Centre Supporting Children with Specific Language Difficulties. The Team. Language Outreach Team Specialist Speech and Language Therapists Debbie Swift Lucy McGill Barton Clough Language Centre Specialist Teachers
Trafford Language Outreach ServiceTrafford Language CentreSupporting Children with Specific Language Difficulties
The Team Language Outreach Team Specialist Speech and Language Therapists • Debbie Swift • Lucy McGill Barton Clough Language Centre Specialist Teachers Specialist Speech and Language Therapist Specialist Teaching Assistants
Who is supported by the Language Outreach Service? Any child who has • Significant language difficulties affecting understanding and/or use of language identified by school and Community SLT. • Strengths in areas of thinking and development which do not require language. • Reached School Action Plus (or further along the Code of Practice) in mainstream primary schools in Trafford. • Received a programme of intervention from a Community SLT. Pupils who do not make progress with the Language Outreach Service may be considered for placement at the Language Centre.
Who attends the Language Centre? Any child who has • A diagnosis of specific language impairment by the Speech and Language Therapist (SLT) and the Educational Psychologist. • A range of strengths in areas of thinking and development that do not require language. Language is the greatest area of difficulty. • Made good progress in areas of the curriculum which are less dependant on language. Language Centre pupils will normally (but not necessarily) have Statements of SEN.
Where is Language Outreach Support available? • The service is available to pupils in Primary Schools across the whole of Trafford. • The Specialist Speech and Language Therapist (SLT) will assess and provide programmes of work/advice in the pupil’s primary school. • Lucy McGill is responsible for schools in the north of Trafford and Debbie Swift is responsible for schools in the south of Trafford. • Lucy and Debbie can be contacted at Timperley Health Centre on 9808041.
Where is the Language Centre? • Trafford Language Centre is based at Barton Clough Primary School. There are 20 full time places, divided into two classes, each with 10 pupils. • Pupils will have the opportunity to take part in integration with mainstream classes in school (with appropriate support). • Pupils may return to their local mainstream primary after a period of intervention.
Accessing the Language Outreach Service Step 1 Case Discussion with Community SLT. This can be done at any time in the academic year. Points to consider • Has the pupil got significant language difficulties that prevent him/her using language to learn? • Has he/she got noticeable strengths in some areas? • Has the teacher and therapist worked together to support language development? • Have you used the SEN Criteria for Speech and Language Difficulties to help decision making? Step 2 Teacher/SENCO and SLT complete the request forms available from the SENCO and at www.traffordlearning.org (an example can be seen on the following slide) Step 3 Send to Carol Skillan, Administrator, School Improvement Service 3rd Floor, Arndale House, Chester Road, Stretford, Manchester, M32 9BH Tel: 0161 911 8686 carol.skillan@trafford.gov.uk
Trafford Language Centre Request for Consideration for Language Outreach Support from a Specialist Speech and Language Therapist at SAP To be completed by the SENCO and Community Speech and Language Therapist (SLT) Name of Pupil: DOB: School: Address: SENCO (please print): Community SLT (please print): Signed: Date: Signed: Date: PLEASE NOTE THAT SUPPORT FROM SPECIALIST SLT FROM THE LANGUAGE OUTREACH TEAM DOES NOT INCLUDE TEACHING ASSISTANT TIME. SCHOOLS WILL NEED TO IDENTIFY SOMEONE IN SCHOOL TO WORK WITH THE SPECIALIST SLT Please summarise the evidence you have included in support of ______________’s severe and complex communication needs. (e.g. SLT report, NC Levels, School Assessment) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please summarise the evidence you have included in support of ______________’s average/above average cognitive/non-verbal ability. (e.g. SLT non-verbal checklist, NC Levels, EP report (if applicable), Early Years Checklist, Aston Index, Teacher report detailing strengths in areas of development and thinking that do not require language) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NB The Language Outreach Team works with children with a discrepancy between verbal and non verbal skills Please summarise the evidence of joint working with the Community SLT you have included. (e.g. SLT plans with outcomes, IEPs with outcomes) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please summarise what you have done at School Action to support ____________’s communication needs (e.g. Class Teacher/SENCO report, evidence of participation in programmes within school) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Any further comments? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Essential Summary of evidence (i.e. request form) Teacher progress report SLT reports Therapy plans/IEPs with outcomes Notes from EP Consultation/liaison Completed SEN criteria for Speech and Language Difficulties Desirable EP Report Paediatrician’s report NC levels Foundation stage profile Tracking of development of non-verbal skills Please remember to include….
Please remember… Work together with the Speech and Language Therapist • The pupil must have up to date language assessments and have identified language needs that are severe and complex. • The school and the Speech and Language Therapist must have worked together to support the pupils language needs at School Action, and there must be evidence of this (e.g. IEPs, language plans – with reviews). • There must be evidence that the pupil is making progress with areas of the curriculum that do not require language. • Refer to the SEN Criteria for Speech and Language Difficulties (Entry Criteria for Early Years / School Action Plus) to see if the pupil’s needs would be appropriate for this support. They can be found at www.traffordlearning.org
When the request form is received… • The request will be considered at the half termly Language Outreach Meeting. We aim to inform schools of the decision by the team within 5 working days. • The decision will be one of the following: • Support from the Language Outreach Service at enhanced School Action Plus. • Recommendation for further School Action intervention from school and Community SLT. • Recommendation that the pupil should be considered for a place at the Language Centre. • When making a decision, we will look at all the information you submit, including the completed SEN criteria checklist.
Language Outreach Support • Detailed assessment to find out more about the pupil’s needs. • Specialist advice and information on how the school can help reduce the effect the language needs are having on the pupil’s ability to access the curriculum. • A programme of work and/or specific targets may also be devised following discussion with school staff.
Language Outreach Support cont… • If a programme of work is recommended, the school will need to identify additional time from a TA for the language programmes. • The SLT will demonstrate activities for the language programme to the Teaching Assistant. • The TA and SLT will need a quiet place to work with the pupil during visits to demonstrate activities. • Programmes will be reviewed – with school staff - and updated as appropriate. • The SLT will attend review/IEP/Annual Review meetings in school.
After the intervention… • Language Outreach support would initially be for a period of 1 year. A review will then inform the next stage. • Further intervention from language Outreach Service may be required • Pupil returns to School Action with respect to language needs. The pupil may be transferred back to the Community SLT, or discharged from the Community SLT in Trafford. • This decision would be made jointly with the School and SLT.
How to Access the Language Centre • A decision to refer for the Language Centre placement for a Statemented pupil will be made by the LA/Admissions panel. Schools will put forward pupils for Formal Assessment in the usual way. • Following referral to the Outreach Services/intervention from Outreach Services, a decision may be made to request that the Language Panel consider the pupil for a place at the Language Centre.
Support in the Language Centre • Each class is taught by a teacher and specialist support assistant with specific training in speech and language difficulties. • Pupils receive intensive speech and language therapy (3 – 4 sessions per week) according to need. This may be in the classroom, outside the classroom, 1:1 or in a group.
Language for Learning Trafford Language Outreach ServiceTrafford Language CentreSupporting Children with Specific Language Difficulties Further details from Debbie Swift and Lucy McGill 980 8041 debbie.swift@trafford.nhs.uk lucy.mcgill@trafford.nhs.uk