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What is Numerical Linear Algebra?. Ax = bThe same algebra learned in high school.. Common terms used in NLA. Scalars
1. Numerical Linear Algebra Brian Hickey
Jason Shields
2. What is Numerical Linear Algebra? Ax = b
The same algebra learned in high school.
3. Common terms used in NLA Scalars values described by magnitude alone.
Vectors values described by both magnitude and direction
4. Common terms used in NLA (cont.) Matrix n x m 2-dimensional array of values
5. Types of Matrices Dense Matrices most values are filled
6. Types of Matrices (cont.) Band matrices nonzero only for certain diagonals
Sparse matrices many zero entries
a practical requirement for a family of matrices to be `usefully' sparse is that they have only O(n) nonzero entries - CSEP
7. Common terms used in NLA (cont.) Eigenvalues a scalar c such that, given an n x n matrix A and a vector x, Ax = cx, the vector x is known as the Eigenvector
Least Squares Solution a vector x in
Ax = b that minimizes the length of the vector Ax b. A is an m x n matrix and b an m x 1 vector.
8. Numerical Linear Algebra History
9. History of NLA Ancient Beginnings in Babylonian times (1900 B.C.)
Advanced base 60 mathematical system
Used tables to calculate simple ax = b formulas
10. Hermann Grassman
1809 - 1877
11. H. Grassman (cont.) Father of Linear Algebra
Wrote Die lineale Ausdehnungslehre, ein neuer Zweig der Mathematik
Introduced exterior algebra
Symbols representing points, lines, etc. can be manipulated using certain rules.
12. H. Grassman (cont.) Never formally studied mathematics
Taught at gymnasiums (German equivalent of high school) in Stettin and Berlin
Also wrote papers on: color vision, botany, tide theory, and acoustics
Wrote a Sanskrit dictionary that is still widely used
13. Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss
1777 - 1855
14. JCF Gauss (cont.) Best known for Gaussian Elimination
Used to simplify Ax = b if A is a dense matrix
Math prodigy
Claimed to know the existence of non-Euclidean geometry at 15
Contributed to astronomy
15. Arthur Caley
1821 - 1895
16. Arthur Caley (cont.) Theory of Algebraic Invariances
Work with matrices
Developed foundation for quantum mechanics
Divided geometry into types
Euclidean, non-Euclidean, n-dimensional
17. Cholesky Decomposition Used to simplify matrices that are symmetric and positive definite
Used in parallel computing
18. Computational Science Matrices Pattern of non-zero elements within the matrix important for sparse matrix solve
Reorder the matrix to optimize solve time
Real-world problems usually exhibit a systematic pattern that can be exploited
Sparse storage overhead vs. dense storage and work
Reduce storage and work by manipulating zero elements
19. Sparse Matrices: Fill New non-zero elements introduced by column modification
Preserving sparsity requires that we limit fill
Finding optimal row, column ordering to minimize fill is NP-complete combinatorial problem
22. Iterative Methods Use successive approximation to obtain more accurate solutions to a linear system at each step
Two basic types, stationary and non-stationary
Preconditioner transformation matrix used to improve convergence of the iteration method
23. Stationary Iterative Methods Perform the same operations on the current iteration vectors at each step
Stationary simpler, easier to understand and implement, but usually not as effective
X^k = Bx^(k-1) + c
where neither B nor c rely on the iteration count k
24. The Jacobi Method Examine each of the N equations in the system Ax = b in isolation.
The updates to the elements can be done simultaneously, sometimes called method of simultaneous displacements
Defined by equation:
25. The Gauss-Seidel Method Similar to Jacobi Method, except the equations are examined one at a time sequentially
Previously computed results are used
Also called method of successive displacements due to the iterates dependence on the ordering of equations
26. The Gauss-Seidel Method (Cont) Computations are serial, each new iterate depends on all previously computed components
The iterates depend upon the order in which equations are examined
Defined by the equation:
27. SOR Method Successive Overrelaxation Method
Applies extrapolation to Gauss-Seidel Method, uses weighted average w
Choosing w to accelerate rate of convergence, this method is defined by the equation:
28. Non-Stationary Iterative Methods Uses iteration-dependent coefficients
Computation involves variable information that changes at each iteration
Typically computed by taking inner products of residuals or other vectors arising from iterative method
Harder to implement, or follow, than stationary counterparts
29. Conjugate Gradient Method Effective on symmetric positive definite systems
Generates vector sequences of iterates, residuals corresponding to the iterates, and search directions used for updating the vector iterates and residuals
Produces large sequences, but only needs to store a small number of vectors
30. Conjugate Gradient Method (Cont) Two inner products performed to compute update scalars that make the sequences satisfy certain orthogonality conditions
These conditions minimize the distance to the solution in some norm (for SPD LS)
31. Conjugate Gradient Method (Cont) The iterates are updated in each iteration by a multiple of the search direction vector
The residuals are updated also:
32. Conjugate Gradient Method (Cont) The search direction is updated:
33. MINRES Method Applied to symmetric indefinite systems
Does not suffer breakdown upon encountering a zero pivot (like the Conjugate Gradient Method does)
This method minimizes the residual in the 2-norm
34. Chebyshev Iteration Method Non-Stationery iteration method for solving non-symmetric problems
Does not involve computing inner products
Requires enough knowledge about the spectrum of the coefficient matrix A to identify an ellipse that envelopes the spectrum and excludes the origin
35. Time-Consuming Computational Kernels of Iterative Schemes Inner Products
Vector Updates
Matrix Vector Products
Preconditioning (solve for w in Kw = r)
Preconditioners are transformation matrices that improve spectral properties, and hence convergence rates
36. IML++ Iterative Methods Library
C++ template library of modern iterative methods
Solves symmetric and non-symmetric systems of linear equations
37. Parallelizing the Kernels Each processor computes inner product of two segments of each vector
Each processor updates its vector segment
Split matrix into vector segment strips for matrix-vector products (shared memory), or into connected nearby node blocks (distributed memory)
38. Parallelism in Preconditioning Preconditioning most difficult
Reordering the computations
Reordering the unknowns
Forced parallelism
Other preconditioners: simple diagonal scaling, polynomial preconditioning, and truncated Neumann series
39. How is NLA used in Computational Sciences? Why computers brought upon an interest in NLA
Parallel computers and there use of matrices
40. The resurgence of NLA from computers Before computers, NLA did not get a whole lot of attention
The raw computing power of computers made NLA a much more practical tool
41. The use of NLA in parallel computing Because of the nature of parallel computing, it is very beneficial to use matrices in NLA
Matrices are easily split up and distributed throughout a network of processors
42. Several Numerical Software Libraries for using NLA in Parallel Computing BLAS
TNT (?)
43. BLAS Library of basic Linear Algebra Subroutines
Such as
matrix * vector
matrix * scalar
44. LINPACK System Library of widely used Linear Algebra Routines
Such as Gaussian Elimination and Cholesky Decomp.
Initially written in Fortran 66.
Now written in Fortran 77
Written before the advent of vector and parallel computers
45. LAPACK Linear Algebra Package
Similar to LINPACK
Written with parallel architectures such as Cray in mind.
Written in several languages including
Fortran 77
with calls to BLAS
46. ATLAS Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software
Both a research project and a software package
Purpose is to provide portably optimal linear algebra software
Optimizes BLAS and a small subset of LAPACK for optimal performance for each individual machine
ATLAS homepage: http://math-atlas.sourceforge.net/
Continuation of the LAPACK project
a subset of LAPACK routines redesigned for distributed memory MIMD parallel computers
currently written in a Single-Program-Multiple-Data style using explicit message passing for interprocessor communication
Taken from ScalaPACK homepage: http://www.netlib.org/scalapack/scalapack_home.html
48. TNT Template Numerical Toolkit
According to several websites, this is replacing SCALAPACK as the standard software library for NLA in parallel computing
Not necessarily reliable
TNT homepage: http://math.nist.gov/tnt/overview.html
49. TNT (cont.) TNT Data Structures
C-style arrays
Fortran-style arrays
Sparse Matrices
TNT Utilities
array I/O
math routines (hypot(), sign(), etc.)
Stopwatch class for timing measurements
Libraries that utilize TNT
JAMA: a linear algebra library with QR, SVD, Choleksy and Eigenvector solvers.
old (pre 1.0) TNT routines for LU, QR, and Eigenvalue problems
50. Sources and Links http://csep1.phy.ornl.gov/la/node14.html
51. Sources and Links http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/