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Grab The Latest Employment News On Airline Allied Services Ltd

AASL Commander Recruitment 2019 notification is out. Check Commander and Trainee vacancies, selection, application fee, agelimit apply before 13th Nov 2019

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Grab The Latest Employment News On Airline Allied Services Ltd

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  1. Grab The Latest Employment News On Airline Allied Services Ltd Are you looking for all job notifications in one place? Then Jobads is the perfect platform to get all job notifications. Here we will provide all types of job notification like central government jobs, state government jobs, private jobs, software jobs, and many other jobs. We will be providing the most unique results about the Job notifications and syllabus papers. We provide all types of government job notifications like UPSC, SSC, Bank jobs, Railway Recruitment board, Public service commission, CBI, Police department jobs, and many other government Jobs. We will provide not only government job notifications but also private Job notifications, Walk-ins Drive, and campus drives. If you need Job Notifications Just check the JobAds​​portal for the latest and updated job Notifications. Good News for all the job seekers who are waiting for the Commander jobs, Airline Allied Sevices Ltd is releasing the Job notification to fill commander and trainee pilot posts. Airline Allied services limited is under the government of India and established by 1983. Airline Allied Services company provides support services to Indian Airlines such as air transport services & aeroplane purchase, lease and sale transactions. AACL also provides air transport services under the name "Alliance Air". Airline Allied Services is headquartered in New Delhi. They can release the ​Employment News on the Job seekers who are waiting for the government Jobs. Interested candidates who are willing to apply for the Govt Jobs are must be complete their 12th or degree in a recognized university or institute then only they are eligible to apply for the posts. The candidates who are applying for the posts must have subjects such as Physics and Maths. Airline Allied services limited has released a total of 67 vacancies on commander and senior trainee posts. You check all the eligibility details, education details and age limit that we mentioned below. How To Apply: ● Interested candidates can send their application form in a prescribed format to Alliance Bhawan Personnel Department Domestic Terminal-1 l.G.I. Airport, New Delhi-110037 on before the last date on the time is over they will not accept the application form. ● The applicants attach all the documents and passport size photos along with the application form. ● The candidates who are applying for the Job as they have passed in some technical qualifications.

  2. Technical Qualifications: ● The Candidates should have the Current Class-I Medical Fitness Certificate issued by DGCA, India and Current valid ATPL/CPL issued by DGCA, India. ● Current RTR(A) or RTR (C) issued by WPC, Ministry of Communication, India. ● IR Endorsement for CPL ● The candidates should have a current Indian passport. If it is not there submit the proof with the application form. The aspirants who are applying for the post of ​Airline Allied services limited than the selection process is based on the Interview process and simulator check. The job aspirants can check all the required details regarding the job can check the ​Airline Allied Services Limited Recruitment​​and check all the details regarding the post.

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